Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage in Mine Tailings

Strategic Area

Mining – Technology and Innovation
GHG & Air Emissions




British Columbia Geological Survey
Northwest Territories Energy Division
De Beers Group
Giga Metals Corp
FPX Nickel Corp


Clean Growth Program



CGP Contribution

$ 2,000,000

Project Total

$ 3,452,700



Find out more

Carbon Research at The University of British Columbia

Lead Proponent

University of British Columbia

Project Objectives

This project will advance new technologies for mineralizing CO2 captured from air and flue gas within the mineral waste stream of mine operations to sequester CO2 as a stable and benign carbonate and achieve a net reduction in the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of mine operations.

The project also will test CO2 delivery and tailings management practices that have proved successful in benchtop-scale experiments at a larger scale at field demonstrations at two Canadian mine sites. The field trials will be the first on-site testing of accelerated CCUS pilots in hard-rock mine tailings globally.

Expected Results

This technology will increase the understanding of carbon mineralization (especially in mine tailings), and carbon mineralization will give the Canadian minerals sector a competitive edge in reducing GHG emissions with it’s potential for high capture efficiency.

There is a strong potential for implementation at other sites in Canada's North, going forward. This technology may also be applicable in diamond and nickel mines.

Anticipated Environmental Benefits: This project will build towards mine operations with zero or net-negative GHG emissions.