Canada Energy Outlook Pathways Explorer

Strategic Area

Energy Modelling




Esmia Consultants
Kashika Studio


Energy Innovation Program



EIP Contribution

$ 372,573

Project Total

$ 583,150


Montreal, QC

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Trottier Energy Institue

Polytechnique Montréal

Lead Proponent

Trottier Energy Institue of Polytechnique Montreal

Project Background

The objective of this project is to create a net-zero energy system modelling platform using the North American TIMES Energy Model (NATEM) and an online data visualisation tool enabling energy professionals and the general public to explore the results in an interactive fashion.


The project will address a key need in the analysis necessary for Canada to further understand different net-zero pathways, providing detailed and accessible web-based access to results of the NATEM model related to cost-optimized net-zero pathways.

Benefits to Canada

A publicly accessible and interactive web platform for analyzing a wide range of potential scenarios showcasing different technological mixes and roles.

Project Outcomes

Creating a web platform to view modelling results. The launch of the platform can be viewed here.