Strategic Area
Methane and VOC Emissions
- National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Energy Research Institute
- China Academy of Environment Planning
- China Ministry of Environmental Protection
Energy Innovation Program
EIP Contribution
$ 2,000,000
Project Total
$ 4,145,097
Canada and China
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Lead Proponent
Clearstone Engineering Ltd.
Project Background
This project’s goal was to demonstrate technologies and practices for the detection, quantification and reduction of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and Methane emissions in the upstream oil and gas sector.
The project consisted of 3 main tasks:
Measurement programs to verify and establish the performance of clean technologies. These were a series of projects spanning the duration of the initiative, demonstrating Canadian and Chinese clean technologies applicable to the oil and natural gas industry.
Measurement, reporting and verification initiatives. This involved the development of emissions factors in support of China’s GHG, VOC, and air quality management plan, along with development of emissions estimation and reporting tools.
Training and knowledge dissemination. The project delivered on training programs, workshops and tours.

Chinese stakeholders have been exposed to Canadian expertise and products for measuring and reducing emissions of VOC, CH4, and PM2.5 emissions in the upstream and downstream oil and natural gas sectors.
The performance of Hexa-CoverTM tiles produced by Greatario has been demonstrated at the Yanshan Petroleum Refinery and Petrochemical complex.
New monitoring technologies have been developed that are beneficial to Canada and China, namely, a unique analyzer for near-real-time monitoring and speciation of VOC compounds in air in concentrations ranging from low ppb to ppm levels, and a mobile emissions monitoring system for detection, geolocation, quantification, and fingerprinting of VOC emissions from point, line, area, and volume sources.

Benefits to Canada
The project provided an opportunity to showcase Canadian solutions, focused on expertise and capacity, to help China achieve its environmental performance targets.
It also exposed China to Canadian technologies as well as GHG emissions measurement and reporting methods allowing for significant opportunity for deployment of Canadian expertise in China.
Next Steps
Results from piloting of the mobile monitoring system and the state-of-the-art VOC analyzer developed by ABB Canada are being shared with the stakeholders in China.
Opportunities for further collaboration are being explored.