Borden 'Mine of the Future' Energy Innovations

Strategic Area

Mining - Technology and Innovation
GHG & Air Emissions




Ontario Centres of Excellence
MacLean Engineering
Independent Electricity Systems Operator
Gopher and Marmot
Ontario Electricity Systems Operator


Clean Growth Program



CGP Contribution

$ 5,000,000

Project Total

$ 26,766,598.72


Chapleau, ON

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Newmont Borden Mine

Lead Proponent

Newmont Borden Gold Mine

Project Background

This project demonstrated the technical and economic feasibility of three energy innovations in the underground mining sector including: a near-full fleet of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), a fully automated Ventilation On Demand (VOD) system and an underground mine without a surface compressor plant.


The most significant benefit is the elimination of 1.6 million liters of diesel fuel per year. This, in combination with reduced energy consumption for ventilation and heating, resulted in a 40% reduction in GHG emissions over baseline operations. The output of this project helped inform the development of new regulations related to ventilation requirements in underground mines. This project also generated economic opportunities for local communities (jobs) and Goldcorp has signed a collaboration agreement with 3 local First Nations - Chapleau Ojibwe FN, Chapleau Cree FN, and Brunswick House FN.

The project is the first underground mine in Canada to replace most diesel mobile equipment, with Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs).

Anticipated Environmental Benefit(s):

GHG Reductions of 3,285 tCO2e annually; Elimination/significant reduction of diesel particulate matter and other air pollutants (NOx and SOx).

Benefits to Canada

  • Annual GHG emissions reduction of 3,618 tCO2, elimination of diesel particulate matter, air pollutants (NOx & SOx), and reduced noise and vibration.
  • Demonstrated the significant efficiency gain of 5.1 - 8.4x of deploying BEVs vs diesel equivalent-
  • Dozens of mining operators in Canada and internationally have visited and learned from the project. Several new mines will be employing BEVs.
  • As a "race to be second" industry, this project demonstrated the art of possible and will accelerate the industry's BEV adoption.
  • Support for the development of new Health and Safety standards/policies.

Next Steps

Newmont will continue, when relevant and appropriate, to test and pilot new BEVs entering the market, from BEV trucks to auxiliary equipment to personnel carriers. Newmont will also continue to monitor the results of this project and share results as appropriate.