Autonomous Discovery Accelerator for Materials Innovation

Lead Proponent: University of British Columbia
Location: Vancouver, BC
EIP Contribution: $ 8,000,000
Project Total: $ 11,810,465
Strategic Area: Advanced Materials Innovation

Project Objectives:

This project will create an open source modular robotic discovery platform capable of making new materials, testing their properties and, using machine learning, accelerate the development of new materials for energy applications.

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Ada is a state-of-the-art, artificially intelligent robotic platform for clean energy materials discovery and development. Researchers at the University of British Columbia and the University of Toronto are utilizing advanced robotics and machine learning algorithms to equip this platform with capabilities to design, perform, and learn from its own experiments. Ada's first proof-of-concept application is to develop and optimize high-performance, low-cost materials for use in advanced solar cells.

Expected Results:

This project will be a Canadian-based international collaboration, supporting Canada’s commitments to Mission Innovation, and its co-leadership with Mexico under Innovation Challenge # 6, Advanced Materials, to deliver a first-of-its-kind robotic toolkit, customized to utilize cutting edge artificial intelligence and machine learning to accelerate the research and discovery process.  It is expected that this project will create a flexible, open-source robotic platform, which can be rapidly duplicated and adapted generally to material and chemical research. 

This project will engage Canadian business in the robotic fabrication – ensuring the technology development will foster the growth of jobs for Canadian Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP). Going forward, this platform will allow other stakeholders (private industry and academic collaborators) to adopt the standardized architecture, as well as promote Canada as a global leader in this rapidly growing technology.

Project Partners:

North Robotics

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