Atlantic Canadian Retrofit Roadmap

Strategic Area

Energy Efficient Buildings and Communities




Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq
Nova Scotia Community College


Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program



GNPP Contribution

$ 1,000,000

Project Total

$ 1,089,157



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The ReCover Initiative

Lead Proponent

The ReCover Initiative

Project Objectives

The objective of this project is to develop a practical and systematic approach to deep energy retrofits that reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for prevalent residential building archetypes in Atlantic Canada.

Expected Results

This project aims to:

  1. Empower industry professionals to perform deep energy retrofits, generating new economic opportunities within the Atlantic Region building industry.
  2. Contribute towards increasing energy efficiency and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions in the building industry.
  3. Accelerate market support for aggregated deep energy retrofits in Atlantic Canada.
  4. Form a deep energy retrofit community within the Region to increase knowledge and collaboration.
  5. Support skill and capacity building within the Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq communities through their oversight and delivery of a deep retrofit feasibility study of 220 homes within their communities.