Advancing the Implementation of Vision 2030

Strategic Area

Renewable Energy
Indigenous Off-Diesel Initiative




Impact Canada



Impact Canada Contribution

$ 1,600,000

Project Total

$ 1,600,000


Nuxalk Nation, British Columbia

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Indigenous Off-Diesel Initiative

Lead Proponent

Nuxalk Nation, British Columbia

Project Objectives

This project will advance three run-of-river hydro projects that will support the Nation’s ultimate goal of creating their own renewable energy power system. This project will also include smaller complementary projects including: net metering solar projects, demand side management initiatives, an investigation to behind the meter sustainable and innovative economic development projects, and a technical feasibility review of key energy storage and smart grid technologies to maximize grid resilience and diesel displacement.

Expected Results

It is anticipated that the project will displace approximately 1,282,000 liters of diesel per year. By 2030 Nuxalk intends to displace all diesel generated power by supplying at least 10,000 MWh of clean power to the community. Additionally, moving away from diesel generated electricity the project could provide numerous economic and community benefits to Nuxalk Nation.