Advanced CNC Reinforced PHA Bioplastics

Strategic Area

Forestry - Technology and Innovation
Advanced Materials and Bioproducts




Alberta Innovates
Alberta Pacific Forest Industries
Alberta Injection Molding
Innotech Alberta


Clean Growth Program



CGP Contribution

$ 1,700,000

Science & Technology Assistance for Cleantech (STAC) Contribution

National Research Council
$ 350,000

Project Total

$ 3,336,079



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TerraVerdae Bioworks Inc.

Lead Proponent

TerraVerdae Bioworks Inc.

Project Objectives

The objective of this Project is to develop a new generation of biodegradable films and plastic products that target forestry & agriculture applications. These new bioplastic and biocomposite formulations of PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoate) and CNC (cellulose nanocrystals) will be used to develop functional prototypes that are commercially viable.

There is a significant opportunity for sustainable alternatives to displace traditional petroleum derived plastic films, used in forestry plantings, nursery seedlings, organic farming and high value fruits & vegetable farming markets.

We aim to develop formulations with targeted mechanical, chemical, biological and biodegradability properties to meet emerging demand from the agriculture and forestry sectors.

Expected Results

This project will demonstrate the technical feasibility for the use of PHA biodegradable plastic products for use in agricultural and forestry applications.

Biodegradable plastics have the potential to replace persistent plastics in the environment. Traditional petroleum based agricultural plastics pose a number of environmental problems including fragmentation into microplastics, entering and persistence in biological systems and the food chain, and the need to be disposed. Biodegradable plastics could replace petroleum-based agricultural films used to control weeds, reduce water usage and increase/moderate soil temperature.

Agricultural films are an $8 Billion USD market. Bioplastics use is growing and Canada has the opportunity to be a technology development leader in this space.

Anticipated Environmental Benefits: Potential for improved air quality and reduced GHGs, reduced water use, reduced soil impacts, and reduced plastic wastes.