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2019-2020 RCC Work Plan: Precursor Chemical Harmonization & Collaborative Science & Technology

Canadian Department: Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Explosives Safety & Security Branch (ESSB)

U.S. Department/Agency: U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Infrastructure Security Division (ISD) 

Regulatory Cooperation Statement: ESSB and CISA will work together to promote harmonization of Precursor Chemical Regulations where achievable, and collectively limit impact on commerce.  

Work Plan:

Work Plan
Initiative Desired outcome(s) Activities Reporting

Joint Research

NRCan and CISA will continue collaborative scientific research on Explosive Precursor Chemicals.

It is expected that collaborative scientific results will support regulatory decision making, allowing the U.S. and Canada to base regulation on a common scientific foundation.

This will increase efficiencies for regulators whilst enhancing public safety and limiting interference with commerce.

Continue NRCan’s Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory (CERL) and CISA joint Precursor Chemical Characterization research amongst other projects (ongoing through 2023) -
ESSB, CERL, and CISA will attend a working meeting in Ottawa (2020) -
Publish final report (2023) -

Heighten Outreach to E-Commerce

NRCan and CISA will engage E-Commerce vendors and marketplaces that sell or facilitate the sale of Explosive Precursor Chemicals.  We will explore opportunities to align controls and mechanisms that require the identification and reporting of suspicious purchases and suspicious attempted purchases. 

Increased efficiency for business, as e-commerce companies are made aware of and connected with existing and proposed precursor chemical regulatory programs in Canada and the U.S.

Increased efficiency for regulators in engaging with multinational companies. Collaborative engagement will result in better business practices and limit interference with commerce.

Leverage existing outreach efforts, sharing respective contacts (November 2019) -
Discuss joint initiatives and expectations from the E-Commerce community (ongoing) -
Collectively reach out to additional online/web-based retailers and marketplaces (December 2019) -
Establish and deliver joint U.S-Canadian meetings with these on-line retailors (December 2020) -

Collaborative Multinational Stakeholder Engagement

NRCan and U.S DHS/CISA will collaboratively engage Stakeholders.

Increased efficiency for businesses

Elimination of unfair advantages  

Increased information sharing between Canada and the U.S.

Increased efficiency for regulators

Increased efficiency of regulation. As numerous chemicals are traded on both sides of border, it is important to provide regulatory framework and updates to the industry and commerce stakeholders. 

Conduct joint stakeholder activities and outreach (ongoing) -
Identify key industry events and facilitate introductions and invitations (February 2020) -
Facilitate information sharing on respective regulatory regimes with key stakeholder groups (July 2020) -

Increased Bilateral Exchange

NRCan and U.S DHS/CISA will collaboratively engage in a productive bilateral exchange program to increase efficiency.

Establishment of a collaborative goal of enhancing security while minimizing distortions/disruption to the marketplace.

Coordinated research efforts for a common goal, regulatory opportunities, increased efficiency, and the avoidance of duplication.

Increased information sharing between Canada and the U.S.

Increased efficiency for regulators via development of a closer working relationship. NRCan and U.S. DHS/CISA will collaboratively review their regulatory analysis of both key processes and cooperate where practical and achievable.

Enhance expertise and information exchange for respective government scientific subject matter experts via exchange opportunities (2020) -
Regulator-to-Regulator meetings and associated working groups, both domestically and internationally (multiple 2020) -
Work collectively to assist each other with harmonized regulatory development  decisions (ongoing) -
Map regulatory landscape in respective countries (July 2020) -

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