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Contact us about explosives, fireworks, ammunition or restricted components

For contact information, general inquiries or urgent requests related to explosives, fireworks, ammunition or restricted components.

General inquiries

Phone: 1-855-912-0012 (general information line)

Regular business hours are from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (ET).

For information on the status of your permit or licence request, log into your account in the electronic Licensing Management System.

Urgent requests

Phone: 613-947-9111 (Security Operations Control Centre)

Call this number during or outside of regular business hours for time-sensitive or emergency situations.

Get support for an urgent incident such as:

  • a theft, an attempted theft or the loss of an explosive
  • a fire, a spill or an accidental explosion
  • an injury or a death
  • any accidental property damage

Request a special permission to:

  • tow a vehicle transporting explosives
  • use a flatbed vehicle to transport explosives
  • pump explosives while in transport
  • transport damaged or deteriorated explosives

Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.

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