Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate Program: Equipment fund

Under the Fighting and Managing Wildfire in a Changing Climate program (FMWCC), the Equipment Fund provides $256 million, over five years starting 2022-23, to support efforts to strengthen capacities and capabilities in wildland fire management across Canada by procuring specialized firefighting equipment.

Status – CLOSED

The Call for Applications is closed.


Recipients and cost sharing

Eligible recipients Cost sharing
Provincial governments Up to 50% of the total cost of the project
Territorial governments Up to 75% of the total cost of the project

Eligible expenditures

Funds may be used for expenses related to attaining the objectives of the program and necessary for the implementation and conduct of approved projects which include:

  • Salaries, benefits and stipends
  • Professional and contracting services, including printing and translation services
  • Training, including facility rental and costs to develop training
  • Capital expenditures such as the purchase, installation, testing and commissioning of qualifying equipment for managing wildfire risk (examples include vehicles, aircraft, drones, mobile camps, structure protection units, heavy equipment and specialty equipment, etc.)
  • Materials and equipment for managing wildfire risk (communications equipment, personal protective equipment and other non-capital equipment)
  • Informatics and information technology and systems, including software and hardware
  • Refitting, repairs and refurbishment of equipment
  • Honoraria for Elders and Indigenous ceremonial costs
  • GST, PST or HST, net of any tax rebate to which the recipient is entitled

Ineligible expenditures

  • Capital costs for the construction of buildings or the purchase of land or buildings are not eligible.

Assessment – merit criteria

Evaluations of requests for funding will include:

  • The degree to which the project aligns with the program objectives
  • Achievable timelines and milestones
  • Budget with reasonable cost estimates to achieve project objectives and deliverables

Contact us

If you have any questions, comments or would like to receive program updates and/or application announcements, email the FMWCC program team.

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