Canadians are deeply committed to sustainably managing their forests for the multiple important values they provide. Canada’s rich forest ecosystems offer significant environmental, social and cultural benefits, as well as opportunities for responsible economic development. Sustainable forest management (SFM) ensures that these benefits are maintained for both present and future generations. SFM also aims to recognize the importance of Indigenous leadership and participation in forest management.
Canada has been managing its forests according to the principles of sustainable forest management for many years. The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report has been a trusted and authoritative source of comprehensive information on the social, economic and environmental state of Canada’s forests and forest sector for 33 years.
Information published within the report is comparable to that reported by other countries participating in the Montréal Process. Canada also uses some of this information to report on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nation Global Forest Goals. The State of Canada’s Forest: Annual Report will continue to be an accurate, comprehensive and authoritative source for information on Canada’s forests and forest sector.

Download the report
(PDF, 17.8 MB)
Sustainability indicators in Canada’s forests and forest sector
Science-based measures called sustainability indicators are helpful tools for understanding the overall condition or state of Canada’s forests. Indicators provide a way to consistently define, assess, monitor and report progress toward sustainable forest management. Reporting on sustainability indicators over time helps to ensure and promote the long-term sustainable management of our forests.
To ensure the long-term sustainability of Canada’s forests and forest sector, comprehensive data and transparent reporting is critical. The following sustainability indicators provide data and analyses about the past, current, and future trends in Canada’s forests and forest sector.
These stories provide a snapshot of some of the current challenges and opportunities facing Canada’s forests and forest sector and provide insight into where the future may lead.

Forest contributions to Canada’s drinking water (PDF, 4.09MB)

Growing trees and capturing carbon: How sustainable forest management helps to mitigate climate change (PDF, 308kb)

Community forests manage for multiple values at multiple scales in increasingly uncertain landscapes

Human linkages throughout the forest sector supply chain
(PDF, 5.24MB)
Related information
- Message from Canada’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources
- Download a PDF from last year’s reports
Contact us
Email us at cfs-stateoftheforests-etatdesforets-scf@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca