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Carbon Management

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What is Carbon Management?

The term ‘Carbon Management’ encompasses activities that capture, utilize or store CO2, or that help connect those activities, including:

  • Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) emissions mitigation technologies; and
  • Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) approaches like Direct Air Capture to Carbon Storage (DACCS), Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS), and enhanced mineralization

Growing a competitive Carbon Management industry in Canada offers opportunities to decarbonize key sectors and develop new ones in support of a prosperous, net zero economy of the future.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and International Energy Agency (IEA), Carbon Management is crucial in the fight against climate change and in reaching net-zero emissions. It can:

  • Capture CO2 emissions from industrial processes and combustion of biomass or fossil fuels;
  • Be used to produce low-carbon products and fuels (e.g., hydrogen, fertilizer, cement, iron and steel);
  • Be used to support tech-based CDR, nature-based approaches, or combined (i.e., hybrid) approaches.

Carbon Management technologies and approaches are diverse and vary in maturity; some applications have been deployed at commercial scales for decades, while others require more research and development. Accelerating innovation and adoption is essential if Carbon Management is to contribute at the magnitude needed to achieve Canada’s climate targets.

Funding Carbon Management Technology

In addition to ongoing funding through the Energy Innovation Program, Budget 2021 committed $319 million over seven years, into research, development, and demonstrations to advance the commercial viability of CCUS technologies. These funds will bring together businesses, academia, non-profits, industry, and governments on the path to net-zero emissions by 2050.

The Energy Innovation Program offers funding to RD&D projects in the Carbon Management space.

Explore CanmetENERGY Ottawa

Carbon Management research projects.

Current investments in CCUS

Projects supported out of the Office of Energy Research and Development can be found on our Current Investments page by selecting “Carbon capture, use and storage” under the technology area drop down filter.

Past projects and
publications on CCUS

Find out more about past CCUS projects and publications.

Building a Carbon Management Strategy for Canada

Carbon Management plays a critical role in Canada’s economic and environmental future as we strive to meet our 2030 climate target and net-zero by 2050 objective. That is why, through engagement with technical experts, stakeholders and other interested Canadians, we are developing a Carbon Management Strategy that will ensure Canada is well positioned to enable meaningful climate action, ensure a just transition that provides sustainable jobs to people and communities, and support a more circular economy.

Read more about the Carbon Management Strategy for Canada

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