Development and Testing of a Tri-Generation Pyrolysis (TGP) for Low-cost, Clean Hydrogen Production

Ekona’s try-generation pyrolysis (TGP) solution produces clean industrial-scale hydrogen and baseload electrical power

Ekona’s try-generation pyrolysis (TGP) solution produces clean industrial-scale hydrogen and baseload electrical power

Sector - Focus area

Manufacturing - Cross cutting manufacturing




Canadian Gas Association (CGA) Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF)
ECO Canada
Electronic Recycling Association
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) - Youth Grant
Innovative Clean Energy Fund - BC
National Research Council
Natural Gas Innovation Fund


Energy Innovation Program



EIP Contribution

$ 2,750,000

Project Total

$ 12,814,792


Vancouver, British Columbia

Find out more

Lead Proponent

Ekona Power Inc.

Project Background

Ekona is developing and testing a novel methane pyrolysis solution for rapid-to-deploy and economical clean hydrogen production. Ekona’s pulsed methane pyrolysis (PMP) solution converts feedstock methane into low-cost, clean hydrogen and solid carbon. During this project, Ekona scaled up and validated the design of its PMP reactor, resulting in the 200 kg-H2/day xCaliber™ reactor, which Ekona has integrated and commissioned with the key balance of plant equipment at the company’s test facility for evaluation prior to subsequent pilot deployment. In addition, Ekona has designed and tested a small prototype direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC) unit cell (49cm2) for converting by-product carbon into electrical power.

Key learnings include electrode material selection, cell architecture, and carbon fuel delivery mechanisms. Ekona executed the $12.8M project from April 2020 to March 2023, receiving $2.75M of funding support from BESC.


  • Designed, built, and tested a proof-of-concept methane pyrolysis reactor to validate modeling and inform reactor scale-up.
  • Designed, fabricated, and assembled Ekona’s 200 kg-H2/day xCaliber™ prototype reactor into a test rig. Completed combustion testing to validate reactor operation and controls prior to system integration.
  • Completed the process design of an integrated 200kg-H2/day brassboard test system. Key elements of the test system include the patented xCaliber™ reactor, feedstock gas delivery, carbon separation, hydrogen purification, controls, and data acquisition for evaluating process conditions. Assembled and commissioned the brassboard system for subsequent performance testing.
  • Developed carbon handling requirements for the safe disposal of produced carbon to support subsequent field demonstrations.
  • Conducted an updated techno-economic model and GHG analysis for Canadian deployment. Ekona estimates that at full commercial scale, the PMP solution can generate clean hydrogen at a cost of about $1.4 USD/kg-H2. In addition, Ekona’s life cycle analysis (LCA) estimates the total GHG emissions of the PMP solution (2030) to be 2.9 kg-CO2e/kg-H2.
  • Designed, built, and tested a DCFC button cell (9cm2), achieving 1V of open circuit voltage (OCV) and 31 mW/cm2. Also designed and tested a larger DCFC unit cell (49cm2) to inform subsequent stack design.

Benefits to Canada

This project has delivered a novel methane pyrolysis reactor that can produce clean and low-cost hydrogen for Canadian industry. Ekona’s pulsed methane pyrolysis (PMP) solution can produce large-scale hydrogen at costs roughly on par with conventional grey hydrogen, while substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Ekona’s PMP solution also provides an alternative to carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), that can be applied in cases where CO2 storage or utilization is not an option. The carbon produced during their process is a valuable product with potential applications in fuel cells, soil remediation, and asphalt. This made-in-Canada solution will place Canada at the strategic forefront of clean technology innovation by increasing capital investment, growing exports, creating jobs, and significantly contributing to Canada’s GHG emission reduction targets. More specific outcomes of the project include Intellectual Property development (7 new patents granted), job growth (Ekona has 42 FTEs at project completion), academic collaborations (with six Canadian universities), and increased capital investment (Ekona completed its Series A financing round in 2022).

Next steps

Selection to participate in NRCan’s BESC program in 2020 was an important step for Ekona. Funding from NRCan and others has helped Ekona to develop its xCaliber™ reactor, build an integrated brassboard system at its Burnaby facility, and validate the design through combustion and pyrolysis testing. The 200 kg-H2/day brassboard system developed in this project is an important test asset for Ekona. Ongoing testing of this system will focus on improving hydrogen and carbon yields by optimizing combustion and pyrolysis conditions. Design improvements for the reactor will also be tested at Ekona’s Burnaby test facility using this asset. Brassboard test results will inform the further scale-up and design of Ekona’s PMP solution for subsequent pilot operations. Ekona has completed the FEED study for a 1 TPD pilot installation and is currently finalizing the detailed design for the plant, which Ekona expects to install and commission in 2024.

More recently, Ekona was awarded $1M through NRCan’s Clean Fuels and Industrial Fuel Switching (CFIFS) call to enhance their existing 200 kg H2/day PMP brassboard system to optimize processes, integrate multiple reactors, and achieve higher yields through elevated pyrolysis temperatures. These improvements aim to enable future technology scale-up and extended operational testing while maximizing hydrogen and carbon yields.

Technology in Action

With funding from NRCan’s Breakthrough Energy Solutions Canada (BESC), Ekona Power Inc. has scaled up its proprietary methane pyrolysis platform to a production capacity of 200kg of low-carbon-intensity hydrogen per day. Ekona’s development and test facility is located in Burnaby, British Columbia.

In Their Words

Chris Reid, CEO

“Canada must invest in capital-intensive clean energy technologies and projects to meet its 2050 GHG emission reduction targets. Ekona’s platform uses established energy infrastructure and leverages existing commercial technologies to create a viable and economic decarbonization pathway for the energy sector and heavy industries. Funding support from NRCan’s BESC program has been a critical pillar for Ekona to advance its combustion-based methane pyrolysis technology, raise equity and further develop our solution to meet growing global demand for clean hydrogen that can achieve GHG emission reductions at the scale and timing necessary to combat climate change.”

Chris Reid, CEO.