Canadian Certified Reference Materials Project

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) helps improve the reliability of measurements at mineral analysis labs in Canada and around the world by certifying reference materials.  

Certified reference materials—Canadian ores, rocks, concentrates, tailings, soils, alloys, anodes and radioactive materials—are used as standards to validate analytical measurement methods or to calibrate analytical instruments used in analytical chemistry. These standards support decision-making around mineral resource production, commodity valuation and compliance with environmental regulations.

NRCan’s analysis and certification is conducted through its Canadian Certified Reference Materials Project (CCRMP). NRCan also provides more than 75 reference materials for purchase on its website.

Proficiency Testing Program
Find out about the CCRMP Proficiency Testing Program for Mineral Analysis Laboratories (PTP-MAL), designed to help labs assess their performance in a variety of analytical methods.

Commitment to quality
Learn about CCRMP’s commitment to producing certified reference materials that meet or exceed the requirements of ISO Guides and satisfy its client’s needs.

Price/certificates list
See a table that shows codes, descriptions, units of measurement and prices, with links to relevant certificates of analysis in PDF format.

How to order
View instructions on how to purchase reference materials, including payment methods and guidelines for the shipment of radioactive materials.

Browse through the most frequently asked questions about certified reference materials.

Discontinued certified reference materials
See a table showing discontinued certified reference materials, including codes, descriptions and links to certificates of analysis in PDF format.

Find out more