Nickel facts

Nickel is a versatile metal valued for its strength, corrosion resistance, and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. Primarily used in stainless steel production, it supports a wide range of industries and everyday products. More recently, nickel’s role has expanded into advanced technologies, particularly in batteries for electric vehicles (EVs), as the market for EVs and renewable energy accelerates. Its growing importance in sustainable technologies has made nickel a cornerstone of the green transition, positioning it at the forefront of innovation and the shift toward a low-carbon economy.

Key facts

  • In 2023, Canada produced 158,668 tonnes of nickel, ranking sixth in global nickel mine production.
  • Canada’s nickel and nickel-based product exports were valued at $5.8 billion in 2023.
  • A key emerging use of nickel is in the production of lithium-ion batteries for electric and hybrid vehicles, which accounted for 13% of global nickel consumption in 2023.

Learn more about nickel


Stainless steel is the largest end use for nickel, accounting for nearly two thirds of total consumption. Nickel is also used as an alloying agent in the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metal products.

It is also used in electroplating, where a thin layer of nickel is applied to a metal object for decorative purposes and to enhance resistance to corrosion and wear.

While nickel has long been used in nickel-cadmium batteries, its growing role in lithium-ion battery production for EVs is an important shift in its applications.

Nickel, global uses, 2023

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This chart illustrates the major industrial uses of nickel as of 2023. The largest share went to stainless steel production (64%), followed by batteries (16%), non-ferrous alloys (8%), electroplating (6%), and miscellaneous uses, including foundry and alloy steel (7%).


In 2023, Canada produced 158,668 tonnes of nickel in concentrate, an 11% increase from the previous year. Ontario led the country in nickel production, contributing 39% of the total, while Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec each accounted for 27%. Manitoba supplied the remaining 7%.

Nickel refining in Canada takes place at three key refineries located in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta; Sudbury, Ontario; and Long Harbour, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Ontario-based Electra Battery Materials is developing a cobalt and nickel sulfate production facility along with a lithium-ion battery recycling plant north of Toronto.

Consult a map of producing Canadian mines

Canadian mine production of nickel, 2014–2023 (p)

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This bar graph illustrates Canada’s annual nickel mine production from 2014 to 2023. In 2014, Canada mined 218,233 tonnes of nickel. Production fluctuated around 200,000 tonnes in subsequent years, peaking at 230,210 tonnes in 2016. Output then declined, falling to 177,867 tonnes in 2018 and 176,021 tonnes in 2019. The downward trend continued with production dropping to 168,214 tonnes in 2020, 159,145 tonnes in 2021, and 143,266 tonnes in 2022. However, production rebounded in 2023, reaching 158,668 tonnes.

Canadian mine production of nickel, by province, 2023 (p)
Ranking Province Thousand tonnes Percentage of total
1 Ontario 62.5 39.4%
2 Newfoundland and Labrador 42.9 27.1%
3 Quebec 42.4 26.7%
4 Manitoba 10.8 6.8%
Total   158.7 100.0%

International context

Global nickel mine production in 2023 was estimated at 3.6 million tonnes, an 8% increase from 2022. Indonesia was the largest producer, accounting for 1.8 million tonnes or 51% of global output. Canada ranked sixth, contributing 5% of the global total.

World mine production of nickel, by country, 2023 (p)
Ranking Country Thousand tonnes Percentage of total
1 Indonesia 1,800 50.8%
2 Philippines 440 11.3%
3 New Caledonia 230 6.5%
4 Russia 200 5.6%
5 Australia 160 4.5%
6 Canada 159 4.5%
7 China 110 3.1%
8 Brazil 89 2.5%
9 United States 17 0.5%
- Other countries 380 10.7%
Total (rounded)   3,545 100.0%

World mine production of nickel, 2014–2023 (p)

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This bar graph depicts global nickel mine production from 2014 to 2023. Production declined from 2.4 million tonnes in 2014 to 2 million tonnes in 2016, before recovering to 2.6 million tonnes by 2019. After a slight drop to 2.5 million tonnes in 2020, output increased steadily, reaching 2.8 million tonnes in 2021, 3.3 million tonnes in 2022, and 3.6 million tonnes in 2023.

World reserves

In 2023, global nickel reserves were estimated at over 130 million tonnes. The largest reserves are in Indonesia (42%), Australia (18%), and Brazil (12%). Canada holds an estimated 2.2 million tonnes, representing 2% of global reserves, and ranks eighth globally.

Global nickel resources in 2023 were estimated at more than 350 million tonnes, with 54% found in laterite deposits and 35% in magmatic sulfide deposits. Nickel has also been found in seafloor crusts and nodules.

World reserves of nickel, by country, 2023 (p)

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This bar graph illustrates the estimated world nickel reserves by country in millions of tonnes for 2023. Indonesia has the largest reserves at 55.0 million tonnes, followed by Australia with 24.0 million tonnes, Brazil with 16.0 million tonnes, and Russia with 8.3 million tonnes. New Caledonia (France) has 7.1 million tonnes, the Philippines has 4.8 million tonnes, and China has 4.2 million tonnes. Canada’s reserves are estimated at 2.2 million tonnes, while the United States has 0.3 million tonnes. Other countries collectively account for 9.1 million tonnes.


Canada’s total trade in nickel and nickel-based products in 2023 was valued at $6.7 billion. Exports of nickel and nickel-based products were valued at $5.8 billion, and imports were valued at $853.0 million.

Canada exported 99,618 tonnes of unwrought nickel valued at $3.2 billion in 2023. The United States imported close to 49% of these exports by volume, while 7% was destined for China. A further 14% went to the Netherlands, 6% went to Japan, and the remainder was shipped to 18 other countries.


The price of nickel has fluctuated significantly over the last decade. The average monthly price per tonne declined to a decade low of US$8,299 in February 2016, and slowly recovered to a peak US$17,657 in September 2019. The price subsequently declined because of the impacts of COVID-19 and then climbed to a decade high of US$25,834 in 2022.

In 2023, the average monthly price fell by 17% compared to the previous year, reaching US$21,521. The leading cause for the price drop in 2023 was an increasing surplus of nickel from Indonesia in the form of intermediate matte and mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide (also called MHP by the industry), which are used to produce battery-grade nickel sulfate, primarily in China, coupled with decreasing demand for stainless steel.

Nickel, monthly average nominal US$ per tonne prices, 2014–2023

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This line graph illustrates the nominal monthly average price in US dollars per tonne of nickel from 2014 to 2023. In 2014, the average price was $16,893 per tonne, declining steadily to $9,595 per tonne by 2016. The average then rose to $13,914 per tonne in 2019, followed by a significant increase to $18,465 per tonne in 2021 and $25,834 per tonne in 2022. However, the average price fell to $21,521 in 2023. Throughout that year, the price started at a year-high of $28,195 per tonne in January and ended with a year-low of $16,461 per tonne in December.

Notes and sources

(p) preliminary

(e) estimated

Totals may be different because of rounding.

All dollars are Canadian unless otherwise indicated.


  • Nickel, global uses, 2023
    • Wood Mackenzie


  • Canadian mine production of nickel, 2014–2023 (p)
    • Natural Resources Canada, Statistics Canada
  • Canadian mine production of nickel, by province, 2023 (p)
    • Natural Resources Canada, Statistics Canada

International context

  • World mine production of nickel, by country, 2023 (p)
    • U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2024
  • World mine production of nickel, 2014–2023 (p)
    • U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2024
  • World reserves of nickel, by country, 2023 (p)
    • U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2024


  • Natural Resources Canada; Statistics Canada
    • Mineral trade includes ores, concentrates, and semi- and final-fabricated mineral products.
    • Unwrought nickel corresponds to HS code 750210.


  • Nickel, monthly average nominal US$ per tonne prices, 2014–2023
    • World Bank Commodity Price Data (The Pink Sheet)