Restricted Components

If you sell any of the restricted components listed on this page or if you use a restricted component to manufacture a product for sale, you must comply with Part 20 of the Explosives Regulations, 2013. Refer to the list of restricted components and find more information about the requirements for component and product sellers below, including how to enrol with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).

Updates to the Regulations

Calcium ammonium nitrate, hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine), aluminum powder and acetone were added to the list of restricted components on June 22, 2022. Sellers of these components must comply with the regulatory requirements as of June 3, 2023. For more details, consult the guidance documents, self-guided training and other resources further down this page.

On this page

What are restricted components?

Restricted components are explosives precursor chemicals that are regulated in Canada. These are chemicals that have many legitimate uses. For example, they can be used as fertilizers, cleaning products, stump removers, paint thinners, camping fuel tablets and nail polish remover. However, they could be misused to illegally manufacture homemade explosives.

Natural Resources Canada plays an active role in promoting chemical security by regulating the sale and secure storage of restricted components and providing guidance and resources to help sellers understand their responsibilities in keeping Canada safe.

List of restricted components

In the following list, restricted components are sorted into three tiers based on the regulatory requirements associated with them. A summary of the requirements for each tier is provided further down this page.

Tier Restricted Component Concentration is at least
Tier 1 Ammonium nitrate in solid form 28% nitrogen
Calcium ammonium nitrate See note below
Tier 2 Hydrogen peroxide 30%
Nitromethane 90%
Potassium chlorate 90%
Potassium perchlorate 90%
Sodium chlorate 90%
Nitric acid 75%
Potassium nitrate 90%
Sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate mixture 90%
Sodium nitrate in solid form 90%
Hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine) 90%
Aluminum powder in dry form with a particle size of less than 200 μm 70%
Tier 3 Acetone 90%
Ammonium nitrate in solid form that is contained in a cold pack 28% nitrogen
Calcium ammonium nitrate that is contained in a cold pack See note below

Note: Refer to the Explosives Regulations, 2013 for the definition of calcium ammonium nitrate.

List of other explosives precursor chemicals of concern

There are a number of other explosives precursor chemicals that are widely available and that are deemed “of concern”. These chemicals are not restricted components regulated under the Explosives Regulations, 2013. However, sellers are encouraged to be extra vigilant as part of their day-to-day activities and sell these chemicals responsibly.

Chemical Examples of Normal Use
Urea De-icer, resin intermediate, fertilizer
Sulphuric acid Battery acid, drain cleaners
Hydrogen peroxide
(concentration less than 30%)
Hair bleach, cleaning products
Nitric acid (concentration less than 75%) Metal treatment, fertilizer production, wood finishing
Hydrochloric acid (Muriatic acid) Cleaning products
Calcium ammonium nitrate double salt Fertilizer
Calcium nitrate (trihydrate) Fertilizer
Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate Fertilizer
Magnesium powder Fire starter
Potassium permanganate Disinfectant, water treatment

Requirements for component and product sellers

Who is regulated?

There are two types of sellers of restricted components: component sellers and product sellers. Both must follow a number of security requirements, including access control, inventory control, sales and reporting of incidents and suspicious transactions involving restricted components. End users are not regulated.

A component seller is a person who sells a restricted component (for example, a person who sells hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of at least 30%).

A product seller is a person who manufactures a product (other than an explosive) for sale using a restricted component. For example, a person who manufactures a fertilizer blend for sale using potassium nitrate (at a concentration of at least 90%) is a product seller. However, the seller who sells the fertilizer blend is exempt from the Regulations if the potassium nitrate concentration is below 90%.

Note: Product sellers using aluminum powder, hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine) or acetone to manufacture a product (other than an explosive) are exempt from the Regulations.

What are the requirements?

Component and product sellers are required to follow the regulations found in Part 20 of the Explosives Regulations, 2013. Use the table below to see a quick summary of the regulatory requirements for sellers of each tier:


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Enrol with NRCan




Control access to the components




Implement security and key control plans




Control inventory




Prepare an annual inventory




Verify customers’ identification and record sales




Refuse a suspicious transaction




Report incidents




For further guidance:

How do I enrol with NRCan?

Component and product sellers of Tier 1 and Tier 2 chemicals must enrol with NRCan with the exception of product sellers of hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine) and aluminum powder.

Component and product sellers of Tier 3 chemicals do not have to enrol.

To enrol, you must first register using the Electronic Licence Management System (eLMS). Once you have registered, you can manage your account and apply, renew, amend, download or close an enrolment.

Our user guide provides additional information for navigating through the eLMS and managing your account efficiently.

How do I report an incident?

Any theft, attempted theft, tampering or refusal to sell a restricted component must be reported. To report an incident involving a restricted component, complete all of the following steps:

  1. Call your local police or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) National Security Information Network at 1-800-420-5805
  2. Contact NRCan by phone (1-855-912-0012) or email (
  3. Complete, sign and return the Incident Report Form F07-01 (PDF, 76 kB) to NRCan at

What precautions can I take at the point of sale?

When selling any explosives precursor chemical, we encourage you to follow the 5Rs at the point of sale:

  • Remember chemicals of concern that are sold from your establishment
  • Recognize suspicious behaviours or activities of individuals trying to purchase these chemicals. Ask questions to see if your customers know their business and have a legitimate need for the chemicals
  • Refuse a sale if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the chemical will be used for criminal purposes
  • Record all important details of the incident such as the date, time, product involved and physical description of the individual
  • Report the suspicious incident to your local police or the RCMP National Security Information Network (1-800-420-5805) and NRCan (1-855-912-0012 or

We count on you to discuss this information with your employees and ensure they are provided with the tools they need to identify a suspicious behaviour, refuse a sale and report an incident to the authorities. Raising awareness is a collective effort and Canada is counting on your eyes, your instincts and your cooperation. Your effort makes a difference!

For more resources on recognizing and reporting suspicious transactions involving explosives precursor chemicals, see our guidelines below.

The following regulatory reminders highlight specific requirements for storage, sale, access and inventory of restricted components.

Additional regulatory reminder for distributors

Resources for component and product sellers

To help you understand and comply with the Explosives Regulations, 2013, we offer a variety of resources, from guidance documents to self-guided training. Some of these documents contain templates that can be used for records of sale, weekly inspections and more. Use these products to inform yourself and your employees of your responsibilities under the Regulations and do your part to practice chemical safety and security.


These guidelines are for restricted component and product sellers. To see which tier applies to you, review the list of restricted components and the table of requirements above.

Self-guided training

This training is intended for sellers of Tier 1 and Tier 2 restricted components. It provides an overview of the regulatory requirements and can be completed at your own pace.

Take me to the self-guided training

Chemical security awareness video

This video is for everyone. It provides tips on how to recognize suspicious behaviours and transactions and highlights the importance of staying vigilant, reporting suspicious activities and refusing sales involving explosives precursor chemicals.

Take me to the video

Contact us

Explosives Precursor Chemicals Compliance and Education Program
Explosives Regulatory Division
Natural Resources Canada
588 Booth Street
Ottawa ON  K1A 0Y7
Tel.: 1-855-912-0012