Impacts and Adaptation Publications
Assessment Reports
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division (CCIAD) leads the development of collaborative, national and sectoral science assessments that present the latest knowledge on climate change impacts and adaptation for Canadians.
These assessments are scientific reports that assess, critically analyze and synthesize the growing knowledge base on the issue. Working with subject matter experts in government, universities and non-government organizations, CCIAD produces science assessments that are current, relevant and accessible sources of information, to help inform planning of policies, program and actions.
Completed Assessment Reports

The Canada’s Changing Climate Report is about how and why Canada’s climate has changed and what changes are projected for the future. Led by Environment and Climate Change Canada, it is the first report to be released as part of Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action. It documents changes across Canada in temperature, precipitation, snow, ice, permafrost, freshwater availability, and in Canada’s three oceans.

Climate Risks & Adaptation Practices for the Canadian Transportation Sector 2016 (co-led by Transport Canada) presents the current state of knowledge about climate risks to the Canadian transportation sector, and identifies existing or potential adaptation practices. The report includes six regional chapters and one urban chapter which reflect the different climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and opportunities across Canada.

Canada's Marine Coasts in a Changing Climate assesses climate change sensitivity, risks and adaptation along Canada's marine coasts. The report includes overviews of regional climate change impacts, risks and opportunities along Canada's three marine coasts, case studies demonstrating action, and discussion of adaptation approaches.
Canada in a Changing Climate: Sector Perspectives on Impacts and Adaptation is an update to the 2008 report, From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate. The report assesses literature published since 2007 on climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability in Canada. It includes chapters on natural resources, food production, industry, biodiversity and protected areas, human health, and water and transportation infrastructure.
From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate (2008) assesses risks and opportunities presented by climate change, and actions being taken to address them, from a regional perspective.
Related Products

Managing climate risks: HIGHLIGHTS FOR BUSINESS LEADERS - This report is for business leaders looking ahead. It explains why acting now to prepare for future climate realities makes good business sense. The report draws from the most up-to-date analysis of climate change impacts, risks and responses across Canadian sectors and highlights approaches and resources to enhance climate resilience.

Together, we have the knowledge to adapt now!
Free climate change resource for educators, community groups, NGOs, etc.
Check out the Government of Canada’s new poster, ADAPTING TO OUR CHANGING CLIMATE IN CANADA. This full-colour, informative poster will help you learn more about our changing climate, the impacts it’s having and how Canadians are adapting. Poster content is drawn from the report, Canada in a Changing Climate: Sector Perspectives on Impacts and Adaptation, a further resource, which can support learning and activities on climate change adaptation.
The 24” X 36” bilingual poster comes folded and is available free-of charge. Request your copy through the online order form or by calling 1-800-387-2000 (Product # M174-13/2016).
Alternatively, you can download the web-accessible version [PDF, 2.0 Mb] or print a high-resolution copy [PDF, 8.5 Mb] if you have a large printer. The original size is 24” X 36”.
Report summarizing research on the RAC Program's impact
Case Studies
The case studies presented here demonstrate how communities, government departments and agencies, non-governmental organizations and industry are acting on adaptation.
All documents were created or supported by CCIAD, NRCan. They were written for planners, policy-makers, resource managers and others who seek practical knowledge for the development of adaptation plans, strategies and actions. Case studies cover a wide array of topics, including agriculture, coastal management, energy, communities, fisheries, forestry, health, infrastructure, mining, transportation, and water resources.
Case studies are made available here in the language of the author.
They are grouped by Canadian region, below.
CCIAD primer to inform municipal decision-makers of approaches that Canadian communities of all sizes are taking to advance adaptation.
Project Reports
Here you will find adaptation project reports developed with the support of CCIAD, NRCan.
These reports are presented in the language of the author.
CCIAD's past research reports on climate change impacts and adaptation are temporarily offline. If you are looking for a specific report, please contact adaptation[at]
Tools and Guides
These Tools and Guides provide a practical, step-wise approach to assess risks and opportunities from a changing climate, and provide guidance for planning and implementing adaptations. They can be used for a variety of purposes from a high-level review of risks and opportunities, to detailed planning or preparation of a business case.
They were developed with the support of, or created by, CCIAD, NRCan.
The tools and guides are presented in the language of the author, and do not constitute an endorsement of content or recommendations.
- Adaptation Planning
- Coastal Management
- Communities
- Ecosystems
- Health
- Risk Assessment
- Water management
Information for Use with Tools and Guides
- Canada in a Changing Climate: Sector Perspectives on Impacts and Adaptation
- Training Products
- Using Climate Information
GeoScience Publications
Sample Publications
- Permafrost (2012 contribution)
- Recent changes in climate and permafrost temperatures at forested and polar desert sites in northern Canada
- Variability and change in the Canadian cryosphere
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