
The Atlantic case studies listed here were created or supported by CCIAD.

Each case study listing provides icons for quick topic reference, location, title, link and summary. A legend is also provided on the right.

Dykelands Infrastructure in Southeastern New Brunswick

Cover page case study, titled, Adapting to Climate Change: Infrastructure at Risk- Tantramar Marshlands

(2012) (HTML, PDFs).

Recent concerns about rising sea levels, storm surges and heavy rains led to flooding, erosion, and damage to dykes. A series of reports on dykelands infrastructure was produced, along with three case studies:

  • Tantramar Marshlands (PDF, 2.88 MB, 4 pages)
  • Port Elgin (PDF, 1.41 MB, 2 pages)
  • Memramcook (PDF, 1.51 MB, 2 pages)
Coastal management Intrastructure

Southeastern New Brunswick

Land Use and Flooding: Lower Saint John River Project

Cover page case study, titled, Adapting to Climate Change: Inland Flooding- Grand Bay-Westfield

(2012) (HTML, PDFs).

This project used digital elevation modeling, and wet areas mapping (WAM) with Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) to visualize potential flood risks. The information gathered will be used in plans to protect infrastructure from localized flooding. A case study (Grand Bay-Westfield; PDF, 2.23 MB, 4 pages) was produced.

Intrastructure Water resources

Grand Bay-Westfield, NB

Grand Falls Erosion Assessment Project

cover page of case study, titled, Grand Falls Erosion Assessment Project

(2012) (HTML, PDFs).

This project involved evaluating current and future erosion rates of river banks which may threaten the stability of residential, commercial and municipal infrastructure. A case study (Grand Falls; PDF, 1.67 MB, 2 pages) was produced.

Intrastructure Water resources

Grand Falls, NB

Richibucto Saltwater Intrusion Project

Cover page case study, titled, Adapting to Climate Change: Inland Flooding- Grand Falls

(2012) (HTML, PDFs).

Sea water is affecting the quality of groundwater used for drinking water supplies in the community. A project was undertaken to define current aquifer and groundwater conditions, and to forecast the effects of sea level rise. A case study (Richibucto; PDF, 1.24 MB, 2 pages) was produced.

Coastal management Water resources
Richibucto, NB

Acadian Peninsula Coastal Erosion and Sea Level Rise Project

Cover page case study, titled, Adapting to Climate Change: Saltwater Intrusion - Richibucto

(2012) (HTML, PDFs).

A series of reports were created to assess future coastal erosion and sea level rise. Additionally, three case studies about how communities plan to better manage flooding and erosion were produced:

  • Bas-Caraquet (PDF, 1MB, 2 pages)
  • Shippagan (PDF, 2.08 MB, 3 pages)
  • Le Goulet (PDF, 1.11 MB, 3 pages)
Coastal management
Acadian Peninsula, NB

Greater Moncton Infrastructure Assessment Project

Cover page case study, titled, Adapting to Climate Change: Infrastructure at Risk - Dieppe

(2012) (HTML, PDFs).

The Greater Moncton Area has experienced infrastructure and wastewater management problems due to heavy rainfall events and flooding. This study evaluated current infrastructure and recommended adaptation measures. This process was highlighted in the following case studies:

  • Dieppe (PDF, 3.29 MB, 3 pages)
  • Moncton (PDF, 4.18 MB, 3 pages)
Coastal management Intrastructure

Greater Moncton Area, NB

7 Steps to Assess Climate Change Vulnerability in Your Community

Cover page case study, titled, Adapting to Climate Change: Slope Movement - Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador

(2012) (HTML, PDFs).

Towards demonstrating the pilot testing of the 7 Steps to Assess Climate Change Vulnerability in Your Community Workbook, a series of case studies was produced on various adaptation topics:

Coastal management Intrastructure Communities

Newfoundland and Labrador

Tantramar Dykelands Infrastructure at Risk - Sackville, New Brunswick

Cover page case study, titled, Climate change planning : Case studies from Canadian communities-  Tantramar Dykelands Infrastructure at Risk

(2012) (PDF, 17 MB, 5 pages).

Describes a collaborative effort to determine which dykeland areas are most vulnerable to erosion or being overtopped by sea-level rise.

Coastal management Intrastructure

Placentia Water Resources Infrastructure

Cover page case study, titled, Vulnerability of Sandy Point STP - Upgrade to Climate Change

(2008) (HTML, PDF, 5.6 MB, 113 pages)

A snapshot of engineering and municipal climate change considerations, including sea level rise, was provided using the PIEVC infrastructure risk assessment protocol.

Communities Intrastructure Water resources

Vulnerability of Shelburne Sewage Treatment

Cover page of case study, titled, Vulnerability of Shelburne Sewage Treatment

(2011) (HTML, PDF, 2.50 MB, 63 pages)

The vulnerability of a small wastewater treatment plant in a rural community to the impacts of climate change was assessed following the PIEVC infrastructure risk assessment protocol.

Communities Intrastructure Water resources