Detroit Diesel

List of Engines

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: 6063-GK32/6063-TK32, 12.7L, Series 60, Tier 1
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel , % wt. Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min

475 HP@ 2100 RPM
169.6 lb/hr

0.05 35 600 1 008.0
0.10 38 600 1 093.1
0.20 44 200 1 251.7
0.25 47 200 1 336.6
0.50 61 100 1 730.2

450 HP @ 2100 RPM
162.5 lb/hr

0.05 28 400 804.2
0.10 31 200 883.6
0.20 36 700 1 039.2
0.25 39 400 1 115.7
0.50 52 900 1 498.0

425 HP @ 2100 RPM
152.5 lb/hr

0.05 27 900 790.0
0.10 30 600 866.5
0.20 35 700 1 010.9
0.25 38 200 1 081.7
0.50 50 900 1 441.3

400 HP @ 2100 RPM
143.5 lb/hr

0.05 27 200 770.2
0.10 29 700 841.0
0.20 34 400 974.1
0.25 36 900 1 044.9
0.50 48 700 1 379.0

375 HP @ 2100 RPM
136.0 lb/hr

0.05 26 300 744.7
0.10 28 500 807.0
0.20 33 000 934.5
0.25 35 300 999.6
0.50 46 500 1 316.7

350 HP @ 2100 RPM
118.2 lb/hr

0.05 24 300 688.1
0.10 26 400 747.6
0.20 30 400 860.8
0.25 32 400 917.5
0.50 42 500 1 203.5

*These ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: 6063-WK32/6063-EK32, 11.1L, Series 60, Tier 1
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min

325 HP @ 2100 RPM
115.7 lb/hr

0.05 22 000 623.0
0.10 24 000 679.6
0.20 28 000 792.9
0.25 29 900 846.7
0.50 39 800 1 127.0

300 HP @ 2100 RPM
109.3 lb/hr

0.05 19 300 546.5
0.10 21 200 600.3
0.20 24 900 705.1
0.25 26 800 758.89
0.50 36 100 1 022.2

285 HP @ 2100 RPM
105.8 lb/hr

0.05 18 900 535.2
0.10 20 700 586.2
0.20 24 300 688.1
0.25 26 100 739.1
0.50 35 100 993.9

*These ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: 6043-GK32/6043-TK32 (without wastegated turbo only), 8.5L, Series 50, Tier 1
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min

315 HP @ 2100 RPM
111.4 lb/hr

0.05 23 500 665.4
0.10 25 400 719.2
0.20 29 100 824.0
0.25 30 900 875.0
0.50 40 100 1 135.5

300 HP @ 2100 RPM
107.6 lb/hr

0.05 18 900 535.2
0.10 20 700 586.2
0.20 24 300 688.1
0.25 26 100 739.1
0.50 35 000 991.1

275 HP @ 2100 RPM
97.9 lb/hr

0.05 18 400 521.0
0.10 20 100 569.2
0.20 23 300 659.8
0.25 25 000 707.9
0.50 33 100 937.3

250 HP @ 2100 RPM
91.0 lb/hr

0.05 17 600 498.4
0.10 19 100 540.9
0.20 22 100 625.8
0.25 23 600 668.3
0.50 31 200 883.5

* The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: 8063-7K32, 9.05L series 92
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1059 300 HP @ 2200 RPM 120.6 lb/hr 0.05 31,700 897.6
0.10 33,400 945.8
0.20 37,100 1 050.6
0.25 39,200 1 110.0
0.50 49,400 1 398.9
1059 275 HP @ 2200 RPM 121.8 lb/hr 0.05 27,400 775.9
0.10 29,100 824.0
0.20 33,000 934.5
0.25 35,100 993.9
0.50 45,400 1 285.6
1059 250 HP @ 2200 RPM 112.6 lb/hr 0.05 25,900 733.4
0.10 27,500 778.7
0.20 31,000 877.8
0.25 32,900 931.6
0.50 42,500 1 203.5

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: DDEC 8V-2000TA, R0837K32
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1103 650 HP @ 2100 RPM fuel 213.5 lb/hr 0.05 37,000 1,047.7
47,500+ 1,345.0+
0.10 41,000 1,161.0
47,500+ 1,345.0+
0.20 48,900 1,384.7
0.25 52,900 1,498.0
0.50 72,800 2,061.5
79,500+ 2,251.5+

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended where, at 0.05, 0.10 and 0.50 % wt. fuel sulphur content, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: N063DH32 (Series 40, 175 bhp rating)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1112 175 HP @ 2200 RPM fuel 65.6 lb/hr 0.05 11,000 311.5
0.10 12,000 339.8
0.20 14,000 396.4
0.25 15,100 427.6
0.50 20,300 574.8
22,400+ 634.3+

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended where, at 0.50 % wt. fuel sulphur content, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: N063DH32 (Series 40, 190 bhp rating)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1113 190 HP @ 2200 RPM fuel 72.7 lb/hr 0.05 10,900 308.7
0.10 12,100 342.6
0.20 14,600 413.4
0.25 15,800 447.4
0.50 22,000 623.0
24,900+ 705.1+

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended where, at 0.50 % wt. fuel sulphur content, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: N063DH32 (Series 40, 210 bhp rating)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1114 210 HP @ 2200 RPM fuel 83.5 lb/hr 0.05 13,400 379.4
0.10 14,900 421.9
0.20 17,700 501.2
0.25 19,100 540.9
0.50 26,300 744.7
  28,600+ 809.9+

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended where, at 0.50 % wt. fuel sulphur content, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: N063DH32 (Series 40, 230 bhp rating)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1115 230 HP @ 2200 RPM fuel 90.10 lb/hr 0.05 17,300 489.9
24,300+ 688.1+
0.10 18,300 518.2
24,300+ 688.1+
0.20 20,300 574.8
24,300+ 688.1+
0.25 21,300 603.1
24,300+ 688.1+
0.50 28,900 818.4
30,900+ 875.0+

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended where, at 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.50% wt. fuel sulphur content, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: D704LTE
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min


82 HP @ 2300 RPM
fuel 28.3 lb/hr
0.05 7,900 223.7
0.10 8,400 237.9
0.20 9,400 266.2
0.25 9,900 280.3
0.50 12,300 348.3
84 HP @ 2600 RPM
fuel 30.2 lb/hr
0.05 10,000 283.2
0.10 10,500 297.3
0.20 11,500 325.7
0.25 12,100 342.6
0.50 14,700 416.3

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: D706LTE
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
122 HP @ 2300 RPM
fuel 44.8 lb/hr


123 HP @ 2600 RPM
fuel 48.2 lb/hr
0.05 18,200 515.4
0.10 18,900 535.2
0.20 20,400 577.7
0.25 21,100 597.5
0.50 25,000 708.0

The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: S40E 7.6LTA (Series 40E, 175 bhp rating)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1127 175 HP @ 2200 RPM
fuel 63.5 lb/hr
0.05 12,900 365.3
16,500+ 467.2+
0.10 13,800 390.8
16,500+ 467.2+
0.20 15,800 447.4
16,500+ 467.2+
0.25 16,900 478.5
0.50 22,300 631.5

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended where, at 0.05, 0.10, and 0.20 % wt. fuel sulphur content, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: S40E 7.6LTA (Series 40E, 190 bhp rating)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1128 190 HP @ 2200 RPM
fuel 67.1 lb/hr
0.05 14,500 410.6
0.10 15,600 441.7
0.20 17,900 506.9
0.25 19,100 540.8
0.50 24,800 702.3

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: S40E 7.6LTA (Series 40E, 210 bhp rating)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1129 210 HP @ 2200 RPM
fuel 76.5 lb/hr
0.05 18,700 529.5
23,100+ 654.1+
0.10 20,000 566.3
23,100+ 654.1+
0.20 22,600 640.0
23,100+ 654.1+
0.25 23,900 676.8
0.50 30,400 860.8

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended where, at 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 % wt. fuel sulphur content, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: S40E 7.6LTA (Series 40E, 230 bhp rating)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-coal mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1130 230 HP @ 2200 RPM
fuel 84.0 lb/hr
0.05 16,800 475.6
23,700+ 671.1+
0.10 18,100 512.5
23,700+ 671.1+
0.20 20,900 591.8
23,700+ 671.1+
0.25 22,200 628.6
23,700+ 671.1+
0.50 29,100 824.0

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended where, at 0.050, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.25% wt. fuel sulphur content, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: S40E 7.6LTA (Series 40E, 250 bhp rating)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-coal mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1131 250 HP @ 2200 RPM
fuel 93.4 lb/hr
0.05 18,300 518.2
22,100+ 625.8+
0.10 19,800 560.7
22,100+ 625.8+
0.20 22,700 642.8
0.25 24,200 685.3
0.50 31,700 897.6
32,100+ 909.0+

*The ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended where, at 0.05, 0.10 and 0.50 % wt. fuel sulphur content, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: Detroit Diesel
Application by: Sandvik Mining and Construction Canada Inc.
Engine Model: 6063HK32, 14l Series 60
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Measured Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. Ventilation Prescription*
CFM m3/min
1171 575 HP @ 2100 RPM 202.7 lb/hr 0.05 22,700 642.8
27,400+ 775.9+
0.10 26,200 741.9
27,400+ 775.9+
0.20 33,100 937.3
0.25 36,600 1,036.4
0.50 54,000 1,529.1
71,300+ 2,019.0+

*These CSA ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended by CANMET-MMSL where some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion

Engine Manufacturer: MTU Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: 9043 MU32 (PDF, 59 kb)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1191 173 HP @ 2200 RPM, 64.4 lb/hr 0.05 7,900 223.7
0.10 9,000 254.9
0.20 11,200 317.1
0.25 24 000 348.3
0.50 12,300 506.9
31 600+ 628.6+
148 HP @ 2200 RPM, 54.9 lb/hr 0.05 9,200 260.5
0.10 10,100 286.0
0.20 11,800 334.1
0.25 12,700 359.6
0.50 17,000 481.4
18,900+ 535.2+
121 HP @ 2200 RPM, 44.8 lb/hr 0.05 8,200 232.2
0.10 8,700 246.4
0.20 9,800 277.5
0.25 10,600 300.2
0.50 14,400 407.8
15,300+ 433.2+
101 HP @ 2200 RPM, 37.6 lb/hr 0.05 8,900 252.0
0.10 9,300 263.3
0.20 10,100 286.0
0.25 10,400 294.5
0.50 13,400 379.4

*These CSA ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended by CANMET-MMSL where, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: MTU Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: 9063 MU32 (PDF, 59 kb)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min


275 HP @ 2200 RPM, 103.3 lb/hr 0.05 19,000 538.0
0.10 20,800 589.0
0.20 24,300 688.1
0.25 26,100 739.1
0.50 35,000 991.1
35,700+ 1,010.9
255 HP @ 2200 RPM, 94.7 lb/hr 0.05 17,500 495.5
0.10 19,200 543.7
0.20 22,400 634.3
0.25 24,000 679.6
0.50 32,200 911.8
32,700+ 926.0
215 HP @ 2200 RPM, 80.1 lb/hr 0.05 14,200 402.1
0.10 15,500 438.9
0.20 18,300 518.2
0.25 19,700 557.8
0.50 26,500 750.4
27,500+ 778.7
201 HP @ 2200 RPM, 78.2 lb/hr 0.05 14,200 402.1
0.10 15,500 438.9
0.20 18,200 515.4
0.25 19,600 555.0
0.50 26,300 744.7
26,900+ 761.7+

*These CSA ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended by CANMET-MMSL where, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.

Engine Manufacturer: MTU Detroit Diesel
Engine Model: 9063 NU32 (PDF, 58 kb)
Governing Standard: CSA M424.2-90 (Non-Gassy Mines)

Certificate Number Engine Rating and Maximum Fuel Rate at Sea Level Sulphur in Fuel - %wt. CSA Ventilation Prescription *
CFM m3/min
1193 322 HP @ 2200 RPM, 113.9 lb/hr 0.05 22,500 637.1
0.10 24,500 693.8
0.20 28,400 804.2
0.25 30,400 860.8
0.50 40,200 1,138.3
295 HP @ 2200 RPM, 104.7 lb/hr 0.05 17,000 481.4
0.10 18,800 532.4
0.20 22,400 634.3
0.25 24,200 685.3
0.50 33,200 940.1
36,100+ 1,022.2

*These CSA ventilation rates are suitable for low sulphur fuel if permitted by the appropriate regulatory authority.
+ These ventilation rates are recommended by CANMET-MMSL where, some of the gases govern ventilation rates rather than the EQI criterion.