Offshore Deployment Program - Emissions Reduction Fund

Emissions Reduction Fund banner

Transitioning to a low-carbon future in offshore oil and gas

The Offshore Deployment Program will further position the offshore oil and gas sector as a leader in Canada’s transition to a low carbon future

Apply for interest-free repayable funding to reduce GHG emissions and contribute to Canada’s clean energy future.

The ERF Offshore Deployment Program:

  • Supports projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Advances projects that improve the environmental performance of oil spill monitoring, detection and response activities
  • Offers repayable financing to support Canada’s offshore oil and gas sector
  • Offers favourable repayment options over five years

Program benefits

The ERF Offshore Deployment Program will help ensure that investments in deployable technologies continue across Canada’s offshore sector despite the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and global oil price instability. This will maintain jobs and opportunities for Canadians while positioning industry to keep up with and lead the global energy transition, making Canada more globally competitive in a post-pandemic environment.

The new fund complements the $320 million in funding the Government of Canada provided as part of an agreement reached with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to support Canadians with offshore energy jobs, in response to the significant economic and financial distress.

Key dates

Timeline graphic that shows the keys dates of the ERF Onshore Program

Text version

2020 Intake Period

Request for proposals opens – November 9, 2020

2021 and 2022

The Offshore Deployment Program will continue to accept and consider new applications until all Program funding has been allocated.


  • Assessment of proposals
  • Selection of Projects and notification of applicants
  • Initiate Contribution Agreements (CA)


March 31, 2023 - All funding allocated

Steps to apply for ERF funding

To apply for ERF-Offshore Deployment Program funding, applicants are required to submit a complete application form and all requested supporting documentation.

Full details on the application process are in the Applicant’s Guide (PDF, 1.39 MB).

Please contact us by email to request a copy of the application form.

The Offshore Deployment Program will continue to accept and consider new applications until all Program funding has been allocated.

Note: the maximum size of email attachments to Natural Resources Canada is 10MB. If the submission exceeds the maximum, the applicant may forward their files in a series of emails with the same subject line. Natural Resources Canada is not responsible for the security of the files during transmission.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the Offshore Deployment Program if they have any questions about the application process or content required to better define their Project Proposal.


Who can apply?

Companies and organizations who operate in, or directly support, upstream oil and gas in the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador offshore area are eligible to apply for the ERF’s $42 million Offshore Deployment Program


Determine your eligibility

Eligible activities include:

  • Projects that result in the reduction or elimination of greenhouse gas and other pollution emissions
  • Projects that result in measurable environmental performance improvements, particularly in relation to monitoring of spills or unintended release, detection, and response

Intake period

  • Program proposals will be accepted on an ongoing basis until all Program funding has been allocated

Request an application form

Applicant guide form

Download a read-only version of the application form
(PDF, 858 KB)

To request an editable version of the application, please email the Offshore Deployment Program.


Download the Applicant’s Guide


Submit your application

Please submit completed applications to

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