Emissions Reduction Fund – Onshore Program

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Supporting Canada’s onshore oil and gas sector in reducing methane emissions

Reducing methane emissions is an important issue. Tackling methane emissions has climate benefits and supports the transition to a net-zero future.

The Government committed to an increased reduction target for oil and gas methane emissions of at least 75% by 2030. The ERF Onshore Program is one of the ways we are working together to transition to a greener future.

About the ERF Onshore Program

The $675M Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) – Onshore Program was designed to help Canadian onshore oil and gas companies invest in green solutions and infrastructure to continue their progress toward reducing methane emissions while facing the COVID-19 pandemic. The final intake closed on March 31, 2022, and funding eligibility closed by March 31, 2023.

Results to date

The ERF Onshore Program funded 24 companies, to implement 91 projects across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, representing $170M in repayable and partially repayable NRCan funding. These projects are expected to cut an anticipated 4 MT of CO2e in their first year after completion.

As a part of program administration, the ERF Onshore Program collects data from completed projects and reports on that on an ongoing basis. In addition to the data in the three tables, below, the program has compiled three separate reports.

  • Additionality Report – evaluates the extent to which ERF supported projects generated emissions reductions beyond regulatory requirements
  • Outputs Report – describes program outcomes
  • Socioeconomic & Diversity Benefits Report – describes the socioeconomic benefits associated with ERF funding

The Outputs Report and the Socioeconomic & Diversity Benefits Report will be updated in future once all project reports are submitted to the department.

The Emissions Reduction Fund funded 91 projects across 4 provinces under the 3 application periods of the ERF Onshore Program.

Intake Number of Projects ERF funding (up to $) Total Project Cost ($)
1 35 $76,049,574 $110,417,712
2 49 $67,630,430 $102,114,812
3 7 $24,924,947 $42,350,715
Total 91 $168,604,951 $254,883,239

Projects by province

Province Number of Projects ERF funding (up to $) Total Project Cost ($)
Alberta 48 $90,522,392 $138,096,830
Manitoba 3 $15,162,750 $24,361,385
British Columbia 3 $577,653 $770,207
Saskatchewan 37 $62,342,156 $91,654,817
Total 91 $168,604,951 $254,883,239

These amounts are subject to change due to formal amendments and project cancellations, so for the most up-to-date information on funded companies, please refer to the Government of Canada’s Open Source Proactive Disclosure web site.

GHG reductions

Projects funded under the ERF are required to report GHG reduction on an annual basis for a period of 5 years after project completion.

Intake Total Number of Projects Anticipated GHG reductions (12 months after project completion)
Intake 1 35 1,975,522
Intake 2 49 1,549,330
Intake 3 7 358,583
Total 91 3,883,435

*Number of projects may vary annual due to waivers and project cancellations.
