Impact Canada is a Government of Canada initiative to help departments accelerate the adoption of outcomes-based approaches to deliver meaningful results to Canadians.
Since 2017, Natural Resources Canada has invested $75M in six clean technology challenges under the Impact Canada initiative. These challenges were designed to address persistent barriers in cleantech development and adoption by setting ambitious but achievable goals to identify and develop breakthrough solutions.
Part of the answer to getting Canada to net zero by 2050 lies in developing and deploying cleantech that doesn’t exist yet. The Impact Canada Cleantech Challenges encouraged a diversity of approaches along with real technological solutions to help address climate and environmental challenges.
The Impact Canada Cleantech Challenges closed in 2022 and all funding has been allocated.
The Impact Canada Cleantech Challenges
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Email us at cleantechimpact-impacttechpropres@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca
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