Canada’s energy sector is harnessing the power of new technologies that enable it to leverage the most of opportunities presented by big data and smart energy systems. The development of energy infrastructure with integrated digital intelligence is transforming the way energy is generated, distributed and stored. NRCan’s digital solutions will help drive clean, sustainable growth to enhance energy sector competitiveness, allowing for better prediction of energy usage and technology development.
Project title | Timeline | Project description | Contacts | Sector |
Accelerated materials discovery using artificial intelligence, robotics and high performance computing | 2019-2024 |
Open digital platform for forest value chain optimization | 2019-2023 |
Intelligent decision support for industrial systems performance optimization | 2016-2020 |
Mouloud Amazouz |
Petroinformatics: a digital platform for optimizing oil refining | 2019-Ongoing |
Rafal Gieleciak |
ENERGY STAR brand integrity | April 2018 (8 weeks experiment) |
Optimizing electric grids and charging infrastructure for mass electric vehicles penetration | 2020 |
Evgueniy Entchev |
Synthetic remote community energy load using machine learning techniques | Sept. 2020 – March 2021 |
Ryan Kilpatrick | Energy Technology |