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ENERGY STAR Canada brand book


Instructions on how the ENERGY STAR® marks and name should be used in Canada

Download the  ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Book - May 2021 [PDF - 3.91 MB]

The ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Book also presents examples of common mark uses and misuses, as well as how to report improper use of the mark to the Government of Canada.


Window and door manufacturers and their dealers should refer to the document entitled Requirements for the Labelling and Promotion of ENERGY STAR Certified Fenestration Products Sold in Canada for additional details on the correct use of the ENERGY STAR symbol for these products.

Whether you’re producing ENERGY STAR certified products, building certified homes, benchmarking buildings or industrial facilities for certification, or communicating your organization’s commitment to energy efficiency, these instructions are for you.

The ENERGY STAR brand is a valuable asset, and like any asset with appreciable value, it must be properly used and protected. Ensuring that the marks are used properly protects every ENERGY STAR participant’s investment in the program and consumer confidence in the ENERGY STAR brand.

Who can use the ENERGY STAR symbols in Canada?

The ENERGY STAR and Portfolio Manager names and the ENERGY STAR symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.

You must therefore have permission from Natural Resources Canada to use the ENERGY STAR name and symbols in the Canadian marketplace. Learn more about joining the ENERGY STAR Canada family here:

For one-time use of the ENERGY STAR name and/or symbol, such as a textbook, a presentation, blog article, an article, or an energy efficiency awareness campaign, you must request permission, and abide by the ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Book.

Please email us the following information

  • Organization name and full address.
  • Full name and title of the person with signing authority for the organization.
  • Contact information (telephone and e-mail address) of the requestor.
  • Description of where the ENERGY STAR name or symbol will appear and the text that will accompany the symbol.

A member of the ENERGY STAR Canada team will reply promptly with the customized permission letter.

Quick brand tips:

  • The ENERGY STAR name should always appear in all capital letters and as two words.
  • The registration symbol (®) must be used the first time the words “ENERGY STAR” appear, and the registration symbol should then be repeated in a document for each chapter title or web page.
  • There should be no space between the words “ENERGY STAR” and the registration symbol (®), which should always be written in superscript.
  • The certification mark can only be used on a certified building, industrial facility, product or new home. Other ENERGY STAR marks can be used to celebrate your involvement in the program, with certain conditions.
  • ENERGY STAR certified buildings, industrial facilities, new homes and products should always be referred to as “certified”, rather than “qualified".

Refer to the ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Book – May 2021 [PDF 4 MB] for further details

Contact ENERGY STAR Canada

To report brand infractions, or to ask a question about the brand rules, please contact us.

The ENERGY STAR and Portfolio Manager names and the ENERGY STAR symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.

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