ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficency
The ENERGY STAR symbol is the internationally recognized and trusted mark of high efficiency. Behind every label is a product, home, building or industrial facility that is certified to use less energy and reduce emissions that contribute to climate change.
Discover high efficiency products, homes and buildings, and learn how to join the ENERGY STAR Canada program.
ENERGY STAR for Products
Find certified products, product features, energy-efficiency tips, rebates and incentives.
ENERGY STAR for New Homes
Learn the difference a home built to a higher standard makes and how to become an ENERGY STAR new home builder.
ENERGY STAR for Buildings
Reduce your energy use and improve your building’s efficiency using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, and find out how make your building ENERGY STAR certified.
ENERGY STAR for Industry
Industry certification and ENERGY STAR challenge to recognize top energy efficiency performers.
ENERGY STAR in the Workplace
Interested in making your workplace or business greener? Start here.
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Follow us on any of our social media channels for energy-efficient tips, rebates, giveaways and much more.
The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.