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Solar Photovoltaic Energy | Q & A's

Q. Can I use PV for heating?

A. Even though it is technically possible, heating with PV modules is not really a viable option. This source of energy is normally used in situations where there is no other way of powering electronic equipment (radio, television), small motors, or lights. Heating is best done using wood, hydrocarbons such as propane or diesel, or other solar technologies specifically designed to collect heat.

Q. Can I use PV modules on my house to reduce my power bill?

A. Connecting solar modules to the power grid is not yet an economically viable option in Canada. However, it is technically feasible and some people choose to do so for personnal or environmental reasons. If you intend to connect your PV system to the electrical grid, you will need to get the authorisation from you local electricity supplier and you will have to meet a number of requirements. Also, net metering is not automatically applicable and must be discussed with your supplier.

Q. How does cold affect the performance of PV systems?

A. Contrary to what one might think, PV cells perform even better at low temperatures. This technology is thus perfectly suited to the Canadian climate. However, other components of a PV system, such as the batteries, may not perform as well in cold weather and may require some protection.

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