Renewable energy
Discover how to harness and utilize renewable energies.
About renewable energy
Learn how Canada taps into its renewable energy resources.
See how researchers are advancing Canada's bioenergy future.
Wind energy
Canada’s geography makes it an ideal candidate for generating wind energy.
Ocean energy
Learn why Canada’s vast coastal and inland waters makes it the ideal environment for generating marine renewable energy.
Solar energy
Learn more about one of Canada’s fastest growing sources of electricity.
Hydroelectric energy
Read about Canada’s largest and longest used renewable source of electricity.
Geothermal energy
Discover this emerging energy source in Canada.
Implementing agreement on renewable energy technology deployment (IEA-RETD)
Collaborative efforts to meet the energy challenges of particular technologies.
Task Force on Sustainable Tidal Energy Development in the Bay of Fundy Final Report
Overview of the task force and work done to date exploring issues and opportunities with tidal energy projects in the Bay of Fundy.
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