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Recommissioning Terminology

Commissioning (Cx): Intensive quality assurance process that begins during the design of a new building and continues through construction, occupancy, and operation. Cx ensures that the new building operates as the owner initially intended and that building staff are prepared to operate and maintain its systems and equipment.

Retrocommissioning: Commissioning process that applies to existing buildings that were not commissioned originally. It seeks to improve how building equipment and systems function together. It often resolves problems that occurred during building design or construction, or addresses problems that have developed during the building’s life. The ReCx inspection, diagnostic and repair process ensures building equipment and systems are operating optimally to meet current occupant needs.

Recommissioning (RCx): Re-optimization process for existing buildings that have already been either commissioned or retrocommissioned. It ensures building equipment and systems are operating optimally to meet current occupant needs. It provides a rigorous investigation approach to identify problems and integration issues. The RCx primary focus is on identifying "low cost/no cost" operational improvements given the building’s current usage to obtain comfort and energy savings. It may be done alone or in concert with a retrofit project.

Important notice: For the purposes of our activities, the term "recommissioning" (RCx) has been chosen as the generic term for commissioning existing buildings. Retrocommissioning, while similar, is defined as a one-time service to existing buildings that have not been commissioned initially.

List of Acronyms

Managed by CanmetENERGY at the Varennes (Quebec) research centre.

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