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Recommissioning Process Flowchart

Phase 1: Planning

Part 1: Pre-screening

  1. Identify possible candidate buildings
  2. Collect utility data and evaluate possible candidates
  3. Generate benchmark score
  4. Select candidate building
  5. Define project goals and objectives 

Part 2: Scoping

  1. Select RCx provider
  2. Confirm project goals and objectives with provider
  3. Provider conducts interviews and performs facility walk-through
  4. Owner and provider review findings to confirm buildings is a good candidate for RCx
  5. Provider submits Draft RCx Plan
  6. Owner reviews provider's Draft RCx Plan
  7. Owner and provider finalize RCx Plan
  8. Provider formally submits RCx Plan

Phase 2: Investigation

  1. Provider holds kick-off meeting with owner and key facility staff - RCx Plan is presented to RCx team
  2. Provider conducts an in-depth building investigation
  3. Provider submits to owner Findings Log. including energy savings calculations
  4. Provider and owner review findings and select measures to implement
  5. Provider submits to owner RCx Investigation Report (optional), including recommendations for implementation of selected measures
  6. Owner reviews and approves the RCx Investigation Report

Phase 3: Implementation

  1. Owner selects Implementation Approach
  2. Implementation Plan submitted to owner
  3. Owner reviews and approves Implementation Plan
  4. Operational improvements and other measures are implemented
  5. Implementation Report is submitted to owner
  6. Owner reviews and approves Implementation Report

Phase 4: Hand-off & Persistence

  1. Provider submits RCx Final Report
  2. Owner reviews and approves RCx Final Report
  3. Provider submits next Recommissioning Plan and/or Ongoing Commissioning Plan
  4. Owner reviews and approves the next Recommissioning Plan and/or Ongoing Commissioning Plan
  5. Provider submits training materials to owner
  6. Provider conducts training with key building staff
  7. Provider holds Project Hands-off Meeting
  8. Owner implements persistence strategies and tracks benchmark score over time to  measure progress

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