Selected Crude Oil Price Daily September 2019 (Canadian dollars per cubic metre)

Date Exchange Rate WTI
Sullom Voe,
Mixed Sweet
Western Canada Select
Implied Bitumen
2019-09-01 - - - - - - -
2019-09-02 - - - - - - -
2019-09-03 1.3337 453 490 422 462 361 347
2019-09-04 1.3224 468 505 429 474 371 355
2019-09-05 1.3230 469 510 430 477 368 352
2019-09-06 1.3173 468 515 432 476 367 348
2019-09-07 - - - - - - -
2019-09-08 - - - - - - -
2019-09-09 1.3168 479 525 445 489 375 354
2019-09-10 1.3152 475 524 441 483 377 357
2019-09-11 1.3194 463 511 430 477 365 344
2019-09-12 1.3210 458 505 418 465 357 333
2019-09-13 1.3288 458 507 422 463 356 329
2019-09-14 - - - - - - -
2019-09-15 - - - - - - -
2019-09-16 1.3240 524 569 483 527 420 399
2019-09-17 1.3244 494 537 453 496 376 350
2019-09-18 1.3289 486 535 442 491 379 352
2019-09-19 1.3260 485 540 445 493 378 350
2019-09-20 1.3263 485 539 437 495 379 351
2019-09-21 - - - - - - -
2019-09-22 - - - - - - -
2019-09-23 1.3263 488 533 438 495 378 348
2019-09-24 1.3243 476 516 426 483 369 341
2019-09-25 1.3268 470 518 422 480 365 337
2019-09-26 1.3268 471 518 423 459 365 336
2019-09-27 1.3247 466 514 417 457 359 331
2019-09-28 - - - - - - -
2019-09-29 - - - - - - -
2019-09-30 1.3241 450 498 406 441 345 316
Average 1.3240 474 521 433 479 371 347

Explanatory Note for Crude Oil Prices

  • All prices are settlement prices, for delivery in the prompt month.
  • Prices are based on daily closing prices posted on NYMEX in US dollars per barrel.
  • Prices are converted to Canadian dollars per cubic metre using the Bank of Canada’s daily noon exchange rate and applying a volumetric ratio (6.29:1) to convert the price per barrel to a price per cubic metre.
  • NYMEX: The New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the world's largest physical commodity futures exchange.

West Texas Intermediate Oil: West Texas Intermediate (WTI) is the main benchmark price for light sweet crude in North America and specifies delivery at Cushing, Oklahoma.

Brent: Brent is the main benchmark price for light sweet crude in international markets and specifies delivery at Sullom Voe terminal, United Kingdom.

Western Canadian Select: Western Canada Select (WCS) is the main benchmark price for Canadian heavy crude and specifies delivery at Hardisty, Alberta.

Mixed Sweet Blend: Mixed Sweet Blend (MSW) is the main Canadian benchmark price for mixed light sweet crude, blended at Edmonton, Alberta.

Synthetic Crude Oil (SCO): Synthetic crude oil is a light crude oil that is produced by upgrading bitumen. The contract for synthetic crude oil specifies delivery at Edmonton, Alberta.

Implied Bitumen Price: The implied bitumen price is derived from the price of Western Canadian Select (WCS), which is assumed to have a blend composition of 30% condensate and 70% bitumen. The value of the condensate is subtracted from the WCS price to arrive at the implied price of bitumen. The implied bitumen price represents the value of bitumen extracted from the oil sands before condensate is added to allow the oil to flow through pipelines.