Selected Crude Oil Price Daily March 2020 (Canadian dollars per cubic metre)

Date Exchange Rate WTI
Sullom Voe,
Mixed Sweet
Western Canada Select
Implied Bitumen
2020-03-01 - - - - - - -
2020-03-02 1.3328 392 442 373 409 283 225
2020-03-03 1.3380 397 435 377 414 287 229
2020-03-04 1.3385 394 434 372 414 272 212
2020-03-05 1.3411 387 422 369 412 270 212
2020-03-06 1.3418 348 382 330 372 235 177
2020-03-07 - - - - - - -
2020-03-08 - - - - - - -
2020-03-09 1.3702 268 279 247 290 153 97
2020-03-10 1.3727 297 316 270 314 186 130
2020-03-11 1.3779 286 299 245 299 174 120
2020-03-12 1.3925 276 274 224 283 164 114
2020-03-13 1.3806 276 291 225 279 170 120
2020-03-14 - - - - - - -
2020-03-15 - - - - - - -
2020-03-16 1.4016 253 246 187 218 129 78
2020-03-17 1.4202 241 244 179 208 109 55
2020-03-18 1.4504 186 224 138 170 83 36
2020-03-19 1.4511 230 239 168 205 116 81
2020-03-20 1.4366 203 232 137 179 91 58
2020-03-21 - - - - - - -
2020-03-22 - - - - - - -
2020-03-23 1.4494 186 241 161 215 83 42
2020-03-24 1.4462 182 246 145 186 81 40
2020-03-25 1.4191 170 238 145 186 83 43
2020-03-26 1.4020 199 231 131 96 57 25
2020-03-27 1.3985 189 216 110 84 45 12
2020-03-28 - - - - - - -
2020-03-29 - - - - - - -
2020-03-30 1.4166 179 196 100 74 38 9
2020-03-31 1.4062 181 190 74 85 45 30
Average 1.3947 260 287 214 245 143 98

Explanatory Note for Crude Oil Prices

  • All prices are settlement prices, for delivery in the prompt month.
  • Prices are based on daily closing prices posted on NYMEX in US dollars per barrel.
  • Prices are converted to Canadian dollars per cubic metre using the Bank of Canada’s daily noon exchange rate and applying a volumetric ratio (6.29:1) to convert the price per barrel to a price per cubic metre.
  • NYMEX: The New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the world's largest physical commodity futures exchange.

West Texas Intermediate Oil: West Texas Intermediate (WTI) is the main benchmark price for light sweet crude in North America and specifies delivery at Cushing, Oklahoma.

Brent: Brent is the main benchmark price for light sweet crude in international markets and specifies delivery at Sullom Voe terminal, United Kingdom.

Western Canadian Select: Western Canada Select (WCS) is the main benchmark price for Canadian heavy crude and specifies delivery at Hardisty, Alberta.

Mixed Sweet Blend: Mixed Sweet Blend (MSW) is the main Canadian benchmark price for mixed light sweet crude, blended at Edmonton, Alberta.

Synthetic Crude Oil (SCO): Synthetic crude oil is a light crude oil that is produced by upgrading bitumen. The contract for synthetic crude oil specifies delivery at Edmonton, Alberta.

Implied Bitumen Price: The implied bitumen price is derived from the price of Western Canadian Select (WCS), which is assumed to have a blend composition of 30% condensate and 70% bitumen. The value of the condensate is subtracted from the WCS price to arrive at the implied price of bitumen. The implied bitumen price represents the value of bitumen extracted from the oil sands before condensate is added to allow the oil to flow through pipelines.