Selected Crude Oil Price Daily March 2017

Date Exchange Rate Cdn Light Sweet
Western Canada Select
Cdn Light Sweet
Western Canada Select Chicago Brent Montreal
2017-03-01 1.3380 425 336 463 469 380 485
2017-03-02 1.3387 415 323 453 459 367 480
2017-03-03 1.3405 422 330 461 465 373 488
2017-03-04 - - - - - - -
2017-03-05 - - - - - - -
2017-03-06 1.3404 422 328 460 464 372 489
2017-03-07 1.3417 422 329 460 464 373 488
2017-03-08 1.3475 399 305 438 442 349 467
2017-03-09 1.3513 391 296 430 435 340 460
2017-03-10 1.3464 383 288 422 427 331 451
2017-03-11 - - - - - - -
2017-03-12 - - - - - - -
2017-03-13 1.3447 382 286 420 425 330 450
2017-03-14 1.3484 377 279 416 421 323 448
2017-03-15 1.3428 385 289 424 429 332 454
2017-03-16 1.3319 385 288 424 424 331 450
2017-03-17 1.3337 373 305 411 416 349 450
2017-03-18 - - - - - - -
2017-03-19 - - - - - - -
2017-03-20 1.3358 378 303 416 421 346 449
2017-03-21 1.3317 378 294 416 412 338 442
2017-03-22 1.3360 385 297 424 419 340 441
2017-03-23 1.3336 381 293 420 416 336 440
2017-03-24 1.3374 384 297 422 419 340 444
2017-03-25 - - - - - - -
2017-03-25 - - - - - - -
2017-03-27 1.3373 388 297 426 417 341 444
2017-03-28 1.3374 394 303 433 423 347 448
2017-03-29 1.3364 403 314 441 432 357 457
2017-03-30 1.3304 413 325 451 437 368 460
2017-03-31 1.3310 413 328 451 437 372 465
Average 1.3388 396 306 434 434 349 459

Explanatory Note for Crude Oil Prices

  • All prices are settlement prices, for delivery in the prompt month.
  • NYMEX:  The New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the world's largest physical commodity futures exchange.

Western Canadian Select:  Western Canada Select (WCS) is the main benchmark price for Canadian heavy crude and specifies delivery at Hardisty, Alberta. Prices are based on daily closing prices for WCS posted on NYMEX in US dollars per barrel. Prices are converted to Canadian dollars per cubic metre using the Bank of Canada’s daily noon exchange rate and applying a volumetric ratio (6.29:1) to convert the price per barrel to a price per cubic metre.

Western Canadian Select Chicago:  Prices are based on Canadian Heavy Hardisty with pipeline tolls added for transportation to refineries in the Chicago area. Pipeline toll rates are obtained from the National Energy Board (NEB) and the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) which regulate pipeline tolls in Canada and the US respectively.

Canadian Light Sweet:  Canadian Light Sweet (CLS) is the main Canadian benchmark price for light sweet crude and specifies delivery at Edmonton, Alberta. Prices are based on daily closing prices for CLS crude posted on NYMEX in US dollars per barrel. Prices are converted to Canadian dollars per cubic metre using the Bank of Canada’s daily noon exchange rate and applying a volumetric ratio (6.29:1) to convert the price per barrel to a price per cubic metre.

Canadian Light Sweet Chicago:  Prices are based on Canadian Light Sweet with pipeline tolls added for transportation to refineries in the Chicago area. Pipeline toll rates are obtained from the National Energy Board (NEB) and the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) which regulate pipeline tolls in Canada and the US respectively.

West Texas Intermediate Chicago:  West Texas Intermediate (WTI) is the main benchmark price for light sweet crude in North America and specifies delivery at Cushing, Oklahoma. Prices are based on daily closing prices for WTI posted on NYMEX in US dollars per barrel. Prices are converted to Canadian dollars per cubic metre using the Bank of Canada’s daily noon exchange rate and applying a volumetric ratio (6.29:1) to convert the price per barrel to a price per cubic metre. Pipeline tolls are added for transport from Cushing to Chicago with toll rates obtained from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) which regulates pipeline tolls in the US.

Brent Montreal:  Brent is the main benchmark price for light sweet crude in international markets and specifies delivery at Sullom Voe terminal, United Kingdom. Prices are based on daily closing prices for Brent posted on NYMEX in US dollars per barrel. Prices are converted to Canadian dollars per cubic metre using the Bank of Canada’s daily noon exchange rate and applying a volumetric ratio (6.29:1) to convert the price per barrel to a price per cubic metre. Transportation costs are added for shipping Brent crude by tanker to Portland, Maine, where it is transferred to a pipeline and transported to Montreal. Tanker rates are obtained from Bloomberg and pipeline toll rates are obtained from the National Energy Board (NEB) and the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) which regulate pipeline tolls in Canada and the US respectively.