Beginning June 21, 2021, interested parties can submit their proposals for projects that support the increase of clean fuels production capacity.
Applicants are required to submit a complete application form and all requested supporting documentation. Full details on the application process are in the Applicant’s Guide (PDF, 496 kb) and Application Form (PDF, 857 kb).
Applicants are encouraged to contact the Clean Fuels Program if they have any questions about the application process or content required to better define their Project Proposal.
Applicants are also encouraged to review the frequently asked questions for additional guidance.
Service standards
Our goal is to achieve our service standards a minimum of 80% of the time under normal circumstances:
- Acknowledge to general inquiries made to our email address within 1 business day
- Respond to general inquiries made to our email address within 5 business days
- Assess your application and send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 120 business days
- Send you a draft proposed agreement for review within 30 business days of issuing an approval notification letter
- Review your payment claim within 15 business days
- Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented payment claim
Who can apply?
Legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including not-for-profit and for-profit organizations such as:
- electricity or gas utilities
- private sector companies
- industry associations
- research associations
- standards organizations
- Indigenous organizations and Indigenous communities
- Canadian academic institutions
- provincial, territorial, regional or municipal governments or their departments or agencies where applicable
What projects are eligible?
- Capital clean fuel production projects that use fuel production technologies in advanced stages of technological readiness and that are designed for commercial deployment
- Feasibility studies, basic engineering studies and detailed front-end engineering studies to assess the new build or expansion of low carbon fuel production facilities. In addition, feasibility studies to assess the techno-economic feasibility of blending hydrogen into natural gas systems.
All projects must be completed and facilities commissioned by March 31, 2026.
How to apply
Project proposals will be accepted starting June 21, 2021.
Start your application
The application period is open. The applicant’s guide (PDF, 496 kb) and application form (PDF, 857 kb) are available now for you to submit your application.
Applicants are encouraged to use INTEGRO, a secure platform on Government of Canada servers.
Contact us
Email the Clean Fuels Program