SmartWay fuel-efficient freight transportation

The SmartWay Transport Partnership is a free and voluntary program that helps businesses move goods efficiently while keeping fuel costs and environmental impact at a minimum.


Boost productivity, reduce emissions and be more competitive

SmartWay encourages best practices in freight supply chains. It helps carriers and shippers benchmark their operations, track fuel consumption and improve their overall performance.

Environmental performance is becoming more important as a business metric. To be competitive, your business must have a firm commitment to cut harmful emissions, no matter how you move your goods. 

Be part of a North America-wide network of concerned professionals

More than 5,000 North American companies have signed on to the partnership, which was launched by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). SmartWay has been run in Canada by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) since 2012. SmartWay in Canada also works with NRCan’s SmartDriver and the Green Freight Program to help carriers save even more fuel.

SmartWay 101

Learn about SmartWay


Every day, the freight transportation sector connects Canadians with the goods they need from across the country and around the world while connecting Canadian businesses with global markets.

If you’re in the freight transportation business, you cover a lot of distance to make Canada and the world a little smaller.

All this movement requires a lot of energy.

Since 1990, energy consumption in Canada’s freight sector has risen 75%.

If you’re a truck carrier,

. . . a logistics provider

. . . or a shipping company,

you’re probably looking for ways to reduce your fuel consumption

. . . increase efficiencies across your supply chain,

and show leadership in creating an environmentally sustainable organization.

It’s important for your bottom line, and for the health of our environment.

But with a lack of industry-wide data, how do you know where, and by how much you can improve?

Or whether you’re already a leader in your industry?

Not too long ago, some of the world’s biggest freight shippers and carriers were asking the same questions.

They were looking for smart ways toreduce their fuel consumption and cut their emissions production.

The result was the development of SmartWay, a private-public program launched by the EPA to benchmark operations and emissions production.

After success in the US, SmartWay officially came to Canada in 2012, and with the recent joining of Mexico, now spans all of North America.

SmartWay is built on the concept that “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.”

The free program provides a robust set of tools to track, calculate and compare fuel consumption and GHG emissions across the industry.

SmartWay allows carriers to benchmark their efficiency and emissions against industry peers with similar operations. . .

. . . while tracking year-over-year performance.

SmartWay also allows logistics and shipping companies to easily calculate the energy efficiency and carbon footprint of their supply chain.

The valuable data captured by SmartWay helps participating truck carriers make strategic decisions about improving performance, like whether they should invest in:

  • New equipment
  • Training
  • Or other initiatives, such as an anti-idling program.

At the same time SmartWay is helping freight shippers to identify which carriers they should work with, and providing analysis of how modal shifts can lead to improved performance.

Today, there are over 3,500 carriers, logistics companies and shippers who participate in SmartWay across North America.

Together, they represent over 2,400 trucking fleets, 800,000 trucks on the road, and 88 billion kilometres logged every year!

SmartWay has also had a global impact, with similar initiatives launched right around the world.

If you’re a Canadian freight transportation company, it’s easy – and free – to participate in SmartWay.

Companies interested in joining SmartWay are provided with a Partner Account Manager who personally guides them through each step of the process.

And the data SmartWay requires is information that’s already generally tracked, such as the number of KM’s driven, and the amount of fuel used.

The fact is, by becoming a SmartWay partner, you can:

  • Save money;
  • Lower your fuel use; and
  • Reduce your emissions.

It’s all a part of building a more profitable business, and a smarter, more sustainable Canadian freight sector.

To find out more, visit

Join SmartWay!

The SmartWay Transportation Partnership is a voluntary program that encourages best practices in freight supply chains. SmartWay helps partners to:

  • benchmark their operations
  • track fuel consumption and improve overall performance
  • attract business and differentiate their operations from competitors

By joining SmartWay, you are notifying suppliers, customers and investors that your sustainability goals include a commitment to clean freight.

Joining SmartWay is free and simple!

Select one of the links below to get started!

Explore SmartWay

SmartWay Partners

Carriers and multimodal carriers, logistics companies and shippers partner profile.

SmartWay affiliates

Nonprofit organizations, truck/trailer leasing firms and dealerships.

SmartWay tools and resources

Tools, user guides, affiliates resources, driver and equipment tips, trend and statistics, carrier emissions rankings and results, webninars.
