Marketing approvals and all that jazz


  1. Introducing the new “ENERGY STAR® Canada Brand Book”
  2. The ENERGY STAR mark at play
  3. Test your knowledge

Introducing the new “ENERGY STAR® Canada Brand Book”

ENERGY STAR Canada is proud to announce the launch of a new brand book, which provides instructions on how the ENERGY STAR marks and name should be used in Canada. Be sure to share this notice with your communications and marketing colleagues!

The ENERGY STAR brand is a valuable asset, and like any asset with appreciable value, it must be properly used and protected. Ensuring that the marks are used properly protects every ENERGY STAR participant’s investment in the program and consumer confidence in the ENERGY STAR brand.

And as always, we thank you for your commitment the ENERGY STAR Canada program!

The ENERGY STAR mark at play

The brand book also presents examples of common mark uses, offering specific rules for each mark that organizations must follow, as well as general rules for the use of the ENERGY STAR name and all forms of its marks. Below are some examples of acceptable use of the marks:

Certification Mark

Used as a label on homes that have been verified to meet the ENERGY STAR for New Homes Standard.

Certification mark
Text version
  • Each one of our homes is built to meet the ENERGY STAR® for New Homes Standard and includes:
    • Higher levels of insulation, efficient heating and cooling systems, and construction that is more airtight.
  • Enjoy the benefits of an ENERGY STAR certified home

Participant Mark

Used to promote an organization’s commitment to the ENERGY STAR for New Homes program.

Participant mark
Text version
  • We are committed to providing your family with a home that meets a higher energy efficiency standard than a regular new home.
  • Build memories for years to come

Promotional Marks

Used in educational and promotional materials intended to inform others about the benefits of energy efficiency with ENERGY STAR.

Promotional – High efficiency
Text version
  • Move into energy savings

Linkage Phrase Marks

Used in promotional materials to show that an organization offers ENERGY STAR certified homes.

Linkage phrase mark – We sell ENERGY STAR
Text version
  • We build. You save. Move into energy savings with an ENERGY STAR® certified home.

Should you have questions about the ENERGY STAR brand or require approval of any marketing materials including website content please contact us at

Test your knowledge

Common mistakes when writing about the ENERGY STAR program, along with correct forms can also be found in the Brand Book. Test your knowledge on best practices when using the ENERGY STAR mark:


  1. Can the logo appear on business cards or company cars?
    1. Yes
    2. No

  2. Can the certification logo appear on all marketing materials regardless if the home is certified or not?
    1. Yes
    2. No

  3. Which form is correct?
    1. Energystar
    3. EnergyStar®
    4. energy star

  4. Which is correct when using ENERGY STAR in the context of new homes?
    1. ENERGY STAR compliant home
    2. Comparable to ENERGY STAR
    3. Designed to be ENERGY STAR labelled
    4. ENERGY STAR compliant
    5. ENERGY STAR® certified homes

  5. All marketing material, including website content bearing the ENERGY STAR mark and name, must be sent to Natural Resources Canada for approval prior to production / publishing.
    1. True
    2. False

How did you do?

  1. Yes. Linkage phrase marks should be used in marketing and promotional materials, including business cards.
  2. No. The certification mark is used as a label on homes but can also be included in other promotional materials when used on the certified home.
  3. B.
  4. E.
  5. A. Any artwork, including web content, bearing the ENERGY STAR mark and name should be sent to NRCan for review and approval to (please mailto: We ask that you allow at least five (5) business days for review.