All federal funding to supporting greening buildings. Filter from the list of federal programs.
Consult your provincial, territorial or municipal governments for other possible funding.
Program | Description | Building type |
Buildings Retrofits Initiative | Financing of energy efficiency and decarbonization retrofit projects in existing buildings. | Residential, Commercial, Institutional |
Canada Greener Homes Grant | Funding for homeowners for retrofits such as home insulation, windows and doors, heat pumps and renewable energy systems. | Residential |
Canada Greener Homes Loan | This program helps Canadians make their homes more energy-efficient and comfortable. | Residential |
Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program | This program is Government of Canada's main vehicle to support community infrastructure for First Nations on reserves. The program makes investment in physical assets in 4 main areas - housing, educational facilities, water and wastewater systems and other community infrastructures such roads and bridges, connectivity, fire protection, cultural and recreational facilities, structural mitigation, solid waste management, and community energy systems. | On reserve housing, and educational, cultural and recreational facilities |
Eco Programs | This program offers a partial premium refund to homeowners who purchase climate friendly housing. | Residential |
Codes Acceleration Fund | Financial assistance to accelerate code adoption, compliance and enforcement. | Residential, Commercial, Institutional |
Community Buildings Retrofit Initiative | Support for local governments and not-for-profit organizations in retrofitting public buildings to improve energy performance, lower operating and maintenance costs, and reduce GHG emissions. | Commercial, Institutional |
Community Efficiency Financing | Helps municipalities deliver innovative financing programs for homeowners to undertake energy efficiency of low-rise residential properties. | Residential |
Deep Retrofit Accelerator Initiative | Funding to organizations that: help building owners develop deep retrofits in commercial, institutional, and mid- or high-rise multi-unit residential buildings: and drive market transformation in a given region or market segment. | Residential, Commercial, Institutional |
Energy Innovation Program | Funding for research, development and demonstration projects, and other related scientific activities to advance clean energy technologies. | Residential, Commercial, Institutional |
First Nation Infrastructure Fund | Funding for community energy systems, including clean energy, and energy efficiency projects for First Nations on reserve. | On reserve public buildings, such as cultural or recreational facilities |
Green Municipal Fund | Funding for municipalities, through capacity-building and funding, to reduce pollution, improve energy efficiency, revitalize public infrastructure and more. | Residential, Commercial, Institutional |
Greening Government Fund | Funding for federal government departments and agencies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in their operations and to promote and share innovative approaches to reducing GHGs | Commercial, Institutional |
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program | This program provides funding through targeted funding streams, such as the Green Infrastructure stream that will support projects that result in more energy efficient and climate resilient buildings. The program is delivered through bilateral agreements with provinces and territories. The program is fully allocated for provinces, and is open to territories until March 31, 2025. | Public buildings, such as community recreational facilities |
Financial assistance for ISO 50001 in commercial and institutional buildings | Program provides financial assistance for the ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems Standard, which is an internationally recognized voluntary standard that provides organizations a framework to improve energy performance, reduce energy costs and increase competitiveness. | Commercial, Institutional |
Low Carbon Economy Fund | Funding for projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, generate clean growth, build resilient communities, and create good jobs for Canadians. | Residential, Commercial, Institutional |
Municipal Asset Managemnt Program | Funding, training and resources to help strengthen asset management practices | Commercial, Institutional |
National Housing Co-Investment Fund | This fund provides capital to partnered organizations for new affordable housing and the renovation and repair of existing affordable and community housing. | Residential |
Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Grant | This program helps low to median income Canadian homeowners who are currently heating their homes with oil to transition to electric cold climate air source heat pumps | Residential |
Sustainable Affordable Housing Initiative | Supports affordable housing providers in building to net-zero energy performance or undertaking deep energy retrofits of their affordable housing units. | Residential |
Toward net-zero homes and communities | Funding for innovative projects to support creative energy efficiency initiatives for the Canadian residential sector. Helping households and communities increase residential energy efficiency, transition away from fossil fuels, reduce emissions, and supporting jobs. | Residential |
Union Training and Innovation Program | Funding supports apprenticeship training by improving the quality of training in the skilled trades enabling a more skilled, certified and productive workforce. This program supports the Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy (CAS) that aims to encourage Canadians to explore and succeed in apprenticeships and careers in the skilled trades. | Residential, Commercial, Institutional |