Codes Acceleration Fund

Application period closed with exceptions for Indigenous applicants

The Codes Acceleration Fund (CAF) will advance the Government of Canada’s action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption to fight climate change while strengthening the economy.

The three objectives of the CAF are to:

  1. Accelerate the adoption and implementation of the highest feasible energy performance tiers of the national model energy codes or other high-performance building codes, such as net-zero emissions codes
  2. Promote higher rates of compliance with adopted codes
  3. Build capacity and support market preparedness for ambitious codes adoption

Funding opportunities

Approximately $30 million is available until March 31, 2027, and will cover two streams.

Stream 1 – You are authorized to adopt energy codes*

This stream will provide financial support to provinces, territories, municipalities, and Indigenous governments and communities that have the authority to adopt energy codes, to support their efforts to accelerate code adoption, and to address gaps in code compliance and enforcement in their jurisdiction. This stream may also fund jurisdictions with the authority to adopt other types of mandatory energy regulations for homes and buildings such as Building Performance Standards and Green Development Standards. Approximately $25 million is available for Stream 1. This amount is subject to change.

Eligible recipients

  • Canadian provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies. Note that this stream is limited to organizations with the authority to adopt energy codes (or other types of mandatory energy regulations for homes and buildings).
  • Indigenous governing bodies, organizations (for profit and not-for-profit) and communities that have the authority to adopt energy codes

Applicants must demonstrate how they propose to accelerate code adoption beyond current plans, increase compliance, and support other capacity building activities in their jurisdiction.

Stream 2 – You are not authorized to adopt energy codes*

This stream will fund organizations that do not have the authority to adopt building energy codes nor other mandatory energy regulations for homes and buildings. This funding will help these organizations to deliver projects that contribute to code (or regulation) adoption, compliance, and enforcement, either within a single jurisdiction or, preferably, on a broader scale. The funding may be used for developing tools, resources, and other capacity building activities. Approximately $5 million is available for Stream 2. This amount is subject to change.

Eligible recipients

  • Not-for-profit organizations that are legally incorporated or registered in Canada, including educational institutions
  • Regional and municipal governments that do not have the authority to adopt codes or mandatory energy regulations for homes and buildings
  • Utilities
  • For-profit organizations that are legally incorporated or registered in Canada with established businesses in Canada
  • Indigenous governing bodies, organizations (for profit and not-for-profit) and communities that do not have the authority to adopt building by-laws and/or codes

Applicants must demonstrate how they plan to develop capacity building resources, tools, and approaches that will accelerate code adoption, compliance, and/or enforcement, as well as expand and disseminate the results of their project.

* Energy codes or other mandatory energy regulations for homes and buildings

Connect with us

If you have questions or comments about the CAF, email