Participants Program Notices
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Notices for 2025
March 6 - ENERGY STAR Dehumidifier Version 5.0 Cessation Date Reminder
Notice for March 6
This notification is to remind participants of an upcoming cessation date for ENERGY STAR technical specifications in Canada and the United States.
(Reminder) Dehumidifier Version 5.0 Cessation
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind participants that as of March 11, 2025, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) will be required to cease certification of new dehumidifier products to the Version 5.0 specification and may only certify dehumidifiers to the Version 6.0 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing dehumidifier product certifications to the Version 5.0 specification until October 1, 2025. After this date, only dehumidifiers certified to the Version 6.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.
CBs must notify EPA by March 10, 2025, of models certified to Version 5.0, but not yet submitted to EPA, along with information on when data will be submitted. Failure to do so will result in QPX blocking submissions of these products to EPA.
Please contact the EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified dehumidifiers to
Please contact your Senior Account Manager or ENERGY STAR Canada at if you have any other questions.
March 5 - ENERGY STAR Draft 1 V2.0 Clothes Dryers, V9.0 Clothes Washers, and V1.0 Combined Laundry Products Specifications
Notice for March 5
This notification is to inform participants that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites the public to submit comments on the ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Draft 1 Clothes Dryer Specification, Draft 1 Clothes Washers Version 9.0 Specification, and Draft 1 Combination Laundry Products Version 1.0 Specification.
The EPA is proposing new criteria for clothes washers and clothes dryers and a new product specification for combination laundry products. The EPA is announcing these proposals together as they involve changing how ENERGY STAR covers combination all-in-one washer-dryers and laundry centres. For a smooth transition, all three specifications will follow the same timeline. The EPA is working with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on these ENERGY STAR revisions and will ensure they are informed by the DOE regulatory process.
Clothes Dryer Background
Since the ENERGY STAR Final Draft Version 1.0 Clothes Dryers Specification took effect in January 2015, the clothes dryer market has evolved significantly, with the U.S. market share of ENERGY STAR certified models rising in the past few years to 42%. These market developments present an opportunity for the ENERGY STAR program to deliver additional energy savings and improve the consumer value the label provides.
In March 2024, the EPA released an ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Clothes Dryer Discussion Guide to solicit public comment to further inform an ENERGY STAR Version 2 clothes dryer specification and request input on developing a test procedure for commercial dryers. Generally, participants were supportive of adding commercial dryers and the EPA plans to pursue this separately. For residential dryers, many participants encouraged the EPA to set levels associated with heat pump performance, while one participant cautioned against this approach. Feedback also included considerations for cycle times. Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in note boxes throughout the Draft 1 specification and in the ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Discussion Guide Comment Matrix
Overview of Draft 1 Clothes Dryer Proposal
The basis for this Draft 1 proposal is to increase the stringency to provide better market differentiation for ENERGY STAR clothes dryers and capture even greater energy, greenhouse gas, and cost savings. In the discussion guide, the EPA explored addressing additional cycles and load sizes to ensure the energy savings are consistent with consumer usage; however, with the recent rapid market share growth of dryers featuring heat pump technology, there is the opportunity to significantly increase the levels without additional testing criteria. The EPA is open to exploring additional testing in the future if it helps ensure the ENERGY STAR label appropriately identifies energy-efficient products for consumers.
In this Draft 1, the EPA is proposing performance requirements that are as much as 73% more efficient than the current minimum standard for clothes dryers, depending on product class. Approximately 13% of current electric base models meet the proposed levels in the U.S., though the EPA anticipates a jump in availability and sales of products meeting them in 2025. Based on a comparison of similar models with different efficiency performances, the EPA found that energy cost savings paid back the incremental cost in less than 5 years.
Key elements of the Draft 1 Clothes Dryer Proposal include:
- Revised definitions to align with the DOE definitions.
- Clarification of scope for combination all-in-one washer-dryers and laundry centres.
- Revised efficiency criteria for all product classes, as tested according to 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix D2.
- Revised requirements for a model’s ability to connect with a network and share efficiency information.
- Updated Test Requirements section to align with recent ENERGY STAR appliance specification revisions.
- Added requirements regarding Eco modes or settings.
Clothes Washer Background
Since the most recent Clothes Washer Specification Version 8.0 took effect in February 2018, the market share of ENERGY STAR certified models has risen to 59% for residential products in the U.S. This widespread adoption presents an opportunity for the ENERGY STAR program to deliver additional energy and cost savings.
Overview of Draft 1 Clothes Washer Proposal
To adapt to the market and provide greater energy and cost savings, the EPA is proposing performance requirements that are more energy and water efficient and more efficient than the current federal minimum standard for clothes washers, depending on product class. Currently, approximately 20% of residential base models meet the proposed levels in the U.S. Based on a comparison of similar models with different efficiency performances, the EPA found that energy cost savings paid back the incremental cost on residential models in less than 4 years for most product classes.
Key elements of the Draft 1 Clothes Washer Proposal include:
- Revised definitions to align with the DOE definitions.
- Clarification of scope for combination all-in-one washer-dryers and laundry centres.
- Revised efficiency criteria.
- Revised requirements for a model’s ability to connect with a network and share efficiency information.
Combination Laundry Products Background
Laundry Centres have been within the scope of the washer specification since Version 6 and the dryer specification since Version 1. Combination all-in-one washer-dryers were added to the Version 8.1 washer specification and required the dryer meet the dryer specification criteria. The EPA received feedback from manufacturers, utilities and other interested participants that the current approach is creating confusion about requirements and recognition for these products.
Overview of Draft 1 Combination Laundry Products Proposal
To reduce the administrative burden for the EPA in collecting and posting information, and reduce confusion about requirements, the EPA is proposing to move combination all-in-one washer-dryers and laundry centres to a separate, new Combined Laundry Products specification. Consistent with the current approach, combination laundry products will be required to meet the same efficiency levels as those proposed in the clothes washers and clothes dryers’ specifications to be certified as ENERGY STAR.
Key elements of the Draft 1 Combined Laundry Products Proposal include:
- A new specification for combination all-in-one washer-dryers and laundry centres.
- Alignment of definitions with the DOE definitions.
- Efficiency criteria consistent with the washer and dryer proposals.
- Reporting requirements for a model’s ability to connect with a network and share efficiency information.
Please contact Steve Leybourn, at , or Payal Hukeri, ICF, at with questions or concerns about this specification.
February 17 - Reminder - ENERGY STAR Cessation Dates
Notice for February 17
(Reminder) Audio Video Cessation
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would like to remind participants that as of February 1, 2025, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new audio/video products. CBs may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing audio/video certifications to the Version 3.0 specification until August 20, 2025. Brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all audio/video products after August 20, 2025.
While brand owners may continue to promote models as ENERGY STAR until this date, they are encouraged to stop applying the ENERGY STAR logo to printed material, including packaging, as soon as possible to minimize the presence of the ENERGY STAR label on materials after August 20, 2025. For more information, please reference the EPA's web page Audio/Video Sunset Cover Letter and contact the EPA at with any questions regarding the specification.
(Reminder) Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Version 1.1 Cessation
The U.S. EPA would like to remind participants that as of February 14, 2025, EPA-recognized CBs are required to cease certification of new laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers products to the Version 1.1 specification and may only certify laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers to the Version 2.0 specification. CBs may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers product certifications to the Version 1.1 specification until June 30, 2025. After this date, only laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers certified to the Version 2.0 specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR website and certified products list.
Please contact the EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers to
January 23 - Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products List
Notice for January 23
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
Water Coolers
- Primo Water Corporation, Primo model 601305
- Primo Water Corporation, Primo model 601305-C
January 22 - ENERGY STAR Computers Version 9.0 Specification
Notice for January 22
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Version 9.0 ENERGY STAR Computers specification and ENERGY STAR Computers Test Method.
The EPA would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and effort to contribute feedback and data that has informed this product specification process. The effective date of this revision is October 27, 2025. This notification provides highlights of the new requirements and outlines the transition process.
The Version 9.0 specification will recognize the top performing computer products on the market. On average, ENERGY STAR certified notebook computers will use approximately 50% less energy and desktop computers will use 70% less energy than a non-certified product.
EPA received four comments on the Final Draft specification. Most comments focused on clearing up minor edits to the specification for further clarity. The EPA would like to highlight the addition of a definition for Multiplexor (MUX) hybrid graphics, which supports the adder for this functionality. In addition, the EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) have updated the test method to align with the most recent release of IEC 62623:2022, including removing sections covered by the updated reference, as well as clarifying the battery set-up for portable all-in-one computer. The updated ENERGY STAR test method does not invalidate certified test data to the Version 8.0 test method (Rev. July 2022). Participants should be able to use existing test data to support certifications to the Version 9.0 specification.
Version 9.0 Transition Timeline and Next StepsTo facilitate a smooth transition to the new ENERGY STAR specification version by effective date, the EPA has established the following timeline:
- Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 9.0 requirements.
- After June 2, 2025, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 8.0. Note, however, that existing certifications to Version 8.0 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until October 27, 2025.
- Any computer manufactured as of October 27, 2025, must meet the Version 9.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 8.0 specification will be invalid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 9.0 to EPA.
January 6 - 2025 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards – Award Application Submissions Now Open
Notice for January 6
We are excited to announce the opening of our 2025 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards submission process for Products Participants. We invite you to start submitting your applications to as of today.
Don't delay! The deadline for Award application submissions is February 14, 2025.
As a reminder, you can request your 2025 Award application by visiting our web page About the Awards, clicking on the corresponding Award category and sending an e-mail request to
2025 ENERGY STAR for Products Awards Categories
Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner of the Year – Appliances
Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner of the Year – Commercial Products
Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner of the Year – Electronics
Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner of the Year – Fenestration Products
Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner of the Year – Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Products
Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner of the Year – Lighting Products
Retailer of the Year
Utility of the Year
Energy Efficiency Program Administrator of the Year
Advocate of the Year
Promotional Campaign of the Year
Promoter of the Year – ENERGY STAR Most Efficient
New Recruit of the Year (nominations are put forth by ENERGY STAR Canada)
Sustained Excellence (nominations are put forth by ENERGY STAR Canada)
Special Recognition (nominations are put forth by ENERGY STAR Canada)
Please visit our web page About the Awards for a description of all ENERGY STAR Awards categories.
Award Webinar Session
This year, the ENERGY STAR for Products team is pleased to offer a webinar session to support your Award application submissions. This session aims to provide information and guidance on the application process, share insights that will help your application stand out and answer any questions that you may have through a Q&A session. Register today to have your Award applications questions answered live by an ENERGY STAR Account Manager.
- English session held on January 15, 2025, at 1:30 pm EST.
- French session held on January 22, 2025, at 1:30 pm EST.
Important Dates*
· December 9, 2024 – applications available
· January 6, 2025 – application submissions open
· January 15, 2025 – English webinar session
· January 22, 2025 – French webinar session
· February 14, 2025 – applications due
· March 2025 – winners notified
· June 2025 – Awards ceremony in Ottawa, ON
*Dates are subject to change.
Notices for 2024
December 30 - ENERGY STAR Version 1_0 Medical Imaging Equipment Final Draft Specification and Test Method
Notice for December 30
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Medical Imaging Equipment Test Method and Final Draft ENERGY STAR Medical Imaging Equipment specification. Comments may be submitted to the EPA no later than January 6, 2025. The EPA plans to finalize this Version 1.0 specification in January with an effective date of November 3, 2025.
In developing the Final Draft specification and final draft test method, the EPA considered the feedback submitted by a stakeholder on the Draft 2 proposal. Note, boxes throughout the specification provide the EPA’s response to this feedback and rationale for the proposed criteria. The Final Draft Version 1.0 specification incorporates the following key elements:
Draft 1 Specification
After consideration of the additional feedback from stakeholders, the EPA has updated the definitions for General Radiography (X-ray), Mammography Equipment, Nuclear Imaging, Off mode, and Ready-to-scan mode. The EPA has also added a definition for Permanent Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
In addition, the EPA has updated the list of excluded products to add remanufactured or refurbished medical imaging products and permanent magnetic resonance imaging products.
Test Method
The EPA and the Department of Energy (DOE) received feedback indicating some edits to the COCIR test method that underpins the ENERGY STAR test method and has harmonized where appropriate with the updated test method. In particular, the EPA has aligned with the upcoming COCIR test method on Ready-to-scan Mode, Lower Power Mode, and Power Save Mode testing. These updates harmonize testing to support international efforts such as the European Commission’s Self-Regulatory Initiative on Medical Imaging Equipment. In addition, the EPA and DOE clarified that no external UPS shall be connected between the power meter and the unit under test.
Comment Submittal
If you have final feedback for the EPA’s consideration, please submit written comments to no later than January 6, 2025. All comments will be posted to the Medical Imaging Equipment Product Development web page unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Next Steps
As a reminder, the EPA requires all ENERGY STAR products to be third-party certified to ensure consumer confidence in the ENERGY STAR label and to protect the investment of ENERGY STAR Participants. Products are tested in an EPA-recognized laboratory and reviewed by an EPA-recognized certification body before they can carry the label. For more information on the EPA’s third-party certification process, visit Note that the EPA does not plan to include medical imaging as part of the annual verification testing.
Please visit the EPA product development web page to track the EPA’s progress on this specification.
Please contact Ryan Fogle at or John Clinger at with questions or concerns about this specification. For any other medical imaging related questions, please contact
December 27 - Update to the ENERGY STAR Heat and Energy Recovery Ventilator Specification in Canada
Notice for December 27
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is issuing this communication to invite public feedback on the second draft of Version 2.4 of the ENERGY STAR Specification for heat/energy recovery ventilators in Canada.
While developing Draft 2, NRCan considered feedback received from two stakeholders. NRCan appreciates the comments shared on the first draft and the discussions that followed to refine the specification.
NRCan is proposing several updates to the specification to enhance alignment with the EPA's administrative processes and to extend certain timelines. These changes aim to improve coordination among certification bodies, manufacturers, and brand label owners. The proposed updates include, but are not limited to:
- Alignment of key term definitions with CSA 439-24 and industry standards;
- Extension of timelines for certification, verification, and disqualification administrative procedures; and
- Clarification on eligibility criteria for base and derived models, as well as product families.
NRCan understands stakeholders’ concerns about product availability, affordability, and supply chain resiliency. However, NRCan’s analysis shows that approximately 34% of products shipped in Canada in 2023 meet the proposed Version 2.4 energy efficiency thresholds, demonstrating a balance between recognizing top-performing products and ensuring market availability.
It’s important to note that the percentage of models meeting these thresholds was an observed result, not a target, with shipment penetration being the key factor. Additionally, analyzing base models alone can skew results, as it does not account for the market impact of high-shipment models. Evaluating unique models provides a more accurate representation of the market as a whole.
NRCan recognizes the importance of a seamless transition between ENERGY STAR specification versions to ensure that consumer expectations are met and that products with the ENERGY STAR label adhere to the new standards by their effective date. Consequently, the following timeline has been put in place:
August 2024 | NRCan releases Draft 1, Version 2.4 specification |
September 30, 2024 | Comment period closes on Draft 1 |
December, 2024 | NRCan releases Draft 2, Version 2.4 specification |
January 31, 2025 | Comment period closes on Draft 2 |
February 28, 2025 | Final Draft Version 2.4 specification and comment period |
March 31, 2025 | Final Version 2.4 specification released |
January 1, 2026 | Final Version 2.4 specification is effective |
- Effective March 31, 2025: Manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body certify eligible products to the Version 2.4 requirements.
- June 30, 2025: Certification Bodies will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 2.3. Note: Existing certifications to Version 2.3 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until December 31, 2025.
- December 31, 2025: Any H/ERV manufactured after this date must meet the Version 2.4 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All product certifications under Version 2.3 will no longer be valid for ENERGY STAR purposes.
Comments should be received by January 31, 2025.
Please address any comments to:
Demian Chaiquin
Account Manager – ENERGY STAR for Products
Natural Resources Canada
December 13 - Final Draft ENERGY STAR Test Method for Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems
Notice for December 13
With this letter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are releasing the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Test Method for Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems (PDF 454 KB) and should the public have any comments we will accept them through December 19, 2024.
The EPA and DOE received many informative comments in response to the Draft 1 Test Method for Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems and have adjusted the Final Draft Test Method in response; responses to comments can be found in note boxes throughout the Final Draft Test Method as well as in the accompanying Draft 1 Test Method Comment Response Matrix (PDF, 84 KB). All comments received on the Draft 1 Test Method can be found posted on the Commercial Water Heaters product development website. The following changes are reflected in the Final Draft:
- Test condition temperatures for outdoor air-source heat pumps have been adjusted to be more evenly spaced out, and an optional defrost test added.
- Indoor air-source heat pump units are defined, with a single test at 80.6°F conducted in the ducted configuration, to better represent this application.
- Additionally, separate condenser entering water temperature conditions for indoor air-source heat pump units and water-source heat pump units are included as these only require one single-pass and one multi-pass test condition.
- Evaporator test conditions for outdoor air-source heat pump units have been split up into Types A-D, differentiated by compressor cut-in and cut-out temperatures (equivalent to Types 1-4 in the ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance)(PDF, 695 KB).
- Condenser entering water temperatures varying with the evaporator entering air temperature for single-pass tests, reflecting a mix of return water and city water.
- A Water Heating Energy Efficiency Ratio (WHEER) seasonal metric has been added, applicable to all outdoor air-source heat pump units.
The EPA also received helpful comments and input to the discussion guide that will inform the updated ENERGY STAR specification. These comments will be addressed at the time EPA releases a first draft specification – currently planned for the first quarter of 2025.
Comment Submittal
Comments on this draft may be submitted for EPA and DOE consideration to no later than December 19, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.
Please contact Abigail Daken, EPA, at or Megan McNelly, ICF, at with questions or concerns. For any questions on commercial water heater testing, please contact Julia Hegarty, DOE, at
December 10 - Sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for Central Air Conditioners (CAC)
Notice for December 10
The sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for Central Air Conditioners (CAC) is finalized and will become effective on February 1, 2026.
The EPA thanks stakeholders who submitted comments on the revised sunset proposal, released in April 2024. All written comments are posted on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s website.
Most of the feedback was positive with a wide range of commenters reiterating support for the sunset, noting the voluntary nature of the ENERGY STAR program and that homeowners will still be able to purchase CACs if they meet their needs. For those wishing to distinguish energy saving models in the future, commenters identified other useful resources such as Consortium for Energy Efficiency performance tiers and the EnerGuide label. Some also expressed concern about the potential for continued endorsement of CACs by the ENERGY STAR program to impede them in reaching decarbonization and heat pump installation goals for residential buildings. Of these commenters, several supported the revised sunset effective date of February 1, 2026, while others advocated for the timeline as originally proposed for December 2024.
A small number of commentors remain opposed to a sunset, citing continued energy savings potential from efficient CACs and relevancy for consumers who do not have heating needs or are not good heat pump candidates. Others requested that the EPA delay the implementation of the sunset beyond February 1, 2026, citing challenges for a national transition to heat pumps, including market readiness, contractor training, and affordability of efficient heat pump technology.
All feedback in response to the CAC specification sunset proposal has been carefully considered by the EPA and is discussed further in the Comment Response Matrix that accompanies this letter.
Milestones for Sunsetting ENERGY STAR CACs
The sunset will proceed consistent with the following milestones:
- ENERGY STAR certified CACs and their brand owners will continue to be recognized at until February 1, 2026.
- No new Partnership Agreements for the CAC program will be accepted by the EPA as of July 15, 2025.
- No new CAC certifications will be accepted by the EPA as of July 15, 2025.
- Manufacturers and brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all CAC manufactured and services offered on or after February 1, 2026.
- To be in compliance by February 1, 2026, manufacturers of CACs are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on web sites or in other collateral materials as these materials are reprinted or changed in the coming months. Partners are permitted to use up existing printed material, including packaging, to minimize waste.
Participants who have any questions or want to discuss their plans to discontinue labeling may contact
December 9 - 2025 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards – Request an Award Application Today!
Notice for December 9
The 2025 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards recognize organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through superior energy achievements in Canada in 2024. Organizations that manufacture, sell and/or promote ENERGY STAR certified products, that have signed a Participant Arrangement with ENERGY STAR Canada prior to September 1, 2024, and are in good standing are eligible to apply for the 2025 ENERGY STAR for Products Awards.
Let us recognize your outstanding 2024 achievements in promoting ENERGY STAR certified products in Canada! Request a 2025 Award Application today by visiting the About the Awards web page.
The ENERGY STAR for Products team wants to remind all applicants that special attention will be given to the following criteria when evaluating applications:
- Proper usage of the marks and labelling
- Adherence to the ENERGY STAR Brand Book
- Compliance with ENERGY STAR terminology
It is also recommended to review your websites and social media pages to ensure proper brand usage.
ENERGY STAR for Products Participants will be invited to submit their ENERGY STAR Awards Applications between January 6 and February 14, 2025.
Award Webinar Session
This year, the ENERGY STAR for Products team is pleased to offer two webinar sessions to support your Award submissions. The first webinar will be held in English on January 15, 2025, at 1:30 pm EST, and will provide information and guidance on the application process, share insights to make your application stand out, and answer any questions you may have during a Q&A session. Details about the French webinar session will be shared in the upcoming weeks.
Join us to have your questions on the Awards applications answered by an ENERGY STAR Account Manager, during the Q&A session.
Important Dates*
- December 9, 2024 – applications available
- January 6, 2025 – application submissions open
- January 15, 2025 – English webinar session
- January 2025 – French webinar session (date TBC)
- February 14, 2025 – applications due
- March 2025 – winners notified
- June 2025 – Awards ceremony in Ottawa, ON
*Dates are subject to change.
Please e-mail ENERGY STAR Canada at if you have any questions about the 2025 ENERGY STAR Awards or would like to register for the webinar.
December 6 - ENERGY STAR Draft Test Method to Determine PTHP Low Ambient Temp Heating Mode Performance
Notice for December 6
We are pleased to release the ENERGY STAR Draft Test Method to Determine Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Low Ambient Temperature Heating Mode Performance for comment. A webinar will be held on Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 2 PM ET to discuss the Draft test procedure in greater detail. Comments on this draft proposal should be submitted no later than December 30, 2024.
In response to the Draft 1 Version 1.0 PTHP specification, the EPA received comments from stakeholders that expressed concerns that the proposal did not require PTHPs to specify their performance in heating mode at temperatures below 47°F. These stakeholders encouraged the EPA to recognize products that can heat efficiently at low ambient temperatures, especially for programs in northern states that would need assurance of efficient heat pump operation at temperatures much colder than 47°F. In response to these comments, the EPA and DOE developed a test procedure to determine low ambient temperature heating performance for ENERGY STAR PTHPs, based on the DOE’s May 2023 Test Procedure Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (88 FR 30836), which proposed optional low ambient test points. The May 2023 proposal was further refined through discussions with an Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) standards technical committee, in consideration of updated industry rating standards for this equipment. This proposed ENERGY STAR test method follows a similar structure to the recently developed ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance and notably includes COP tests at 17°F and 5°F, classifying PTHPs into Types 1-4 based on their cut-in and cut-out temperatures and whether or not the model provides active defrost.
Using this test procedure, the low ambient heating mode performance of ENERGY STAR certified PTHPs can be verified, enabling stakeholders to better identify which models are appropriate for their climate. The EPA requests feedback on the intention to reference this test procedure in the ENERGY STAR PTHP Version 1.0 specification and require COPs >1 for Type 3 and 4 PTHPs at 17°F and 5°F, respectively. In the absence of available data, a COP >1 requirement would ensure heat pump performance better than resistance heating at low ambient temperatures.
Comment Submittal
The public is encouraged to provide written comments for EPA and DOE consideration to no later than December 30, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.
December 6 - ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 and 7.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 Specification
Notice for December 6
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 and Version 7.0 Room Air Conditioner (RAC) Draft 1 Specifications. Version 6.0 is intended to address heating mode efficiency for room heat pumps while leaving other requirements unchanged. Version 7.0 proposes to update all requirements in response to new minimum standards going into effect in 2026. A webinar will be hosted on December 16, 2024, at 1pm ET to discuss EPA’s proposals in greater detail. The public is encouraged to submit comments on these draft proposals to the EPA no later than December 30, 2024.
In the short time since the EPA finalized Version 5.0 of the ENERGY STAR RAC specification in 2023, the room heat pump (also known as reverse cycle RAC) market has advanced, with multiple manufacturers developing efficient heat pump models able to operate at temperatures considerably lower than before. In response to the innovation in these products, the EPA and Department of Energy (DOE) developed a test procedure to determine the heating efficiency of room heat pumps based on their operating temperatures and defrost, finalized in July 2024. The ENERGY STAR RAC Version 6.0 proposal adds a heating efficiency requirement for room heat pumps to characterize the potential energy savings from heating in addition to the savings from cooling.
Version 6.0 Heating Mode Requirements
In Version 6.0, the EPA is proposing to add a heating energy efficiency ratio (HEER) requirement of 5.1 for Type 1 and Type 2 room heat pumps and 6.8 for Type 3 and Type 4. To ensure adequate performance in low ambient temperatures, the EPA is also proposing to require a 1.5 COP at 17°F and 5°F and a 70% heating capacity at 17°F and 5°F compared to 47°F for Types 3 and 4, respectively. These proposed requirements were determined in consideration of preliminary testing data provided by manufacturers and will allow for recognition of models across manufacturers introducing this technology, while ensuring that room heat pumps deliver improved performance over resistance heating. The proposed 5.1 HEER requirement for Types 1 and 2 corresponds to seasonal heating performance 1.5 times more efficient than resistance heating, using 2/3rd the energy. The 1.5 COP at 17°F and 5°F requirement for Types 3 and 4 will ensure adequate efficiency at cold temperatures, while the 70% capacity requirement will ensure the rated heating capacity more accurately reflects the heating capacity when heating load is the greatest. The EPA is also proposing to remove the optional connected criteria from the specification in Version 6.0 and instead allow reporting of connected features available for products, simplifying the process for sharing connectivity information with consumers.
For room heat pump models with heating efficiency at the levels proposed in Version 6.0, the EPA anticipates an average annual savings ranging from 276 kWh to 783 kWh for heating alone, depending on the Type. These savings are in comparison to the average energy use of electric resistance heating in homes that use portable space heaters or built-in electric appliances as their primary heating source. Given the robust cold climate performance requirements at 5°F proposed in these ENERGY STAR RAC specification revisions, Type 4 room heat pumps would be appropriate alternatives to many primary heating and cooling products beyond RACs, such as mini-split systems, central air conditioners, boilers, or furnaces. As such, payback for Type 4 models is likely much lower when compared to other products often used in cold climate applications.
Version 7.0 Cooling and Heating Mode Requirements
The Version 7.0 proposal was developed in response to a new federal minimum standard for RACs, effective May 26, 2026, requiring an increase in the ENERGY STAR specification cooling efficiency requirements to deliver savings beyond the standard. The EPA is proposing combined energy efficiency ratio (CEER) requirements 10% above the DOE minimum for non-reverse cycle RAC product classes and 5% above the DOE minimum for room heat pump (reverse cycle RAC) product classes. The EPA recognizes that design changes to meet the upcoming standards are currently underway and anticipates the selection of products performing at these levels will expand between now and the effective date.
Given that the new minimum standards will require product redesign to increase cooling efficiency, the EPA anticipates a subsequent increase in room heat pump heating efficiency associated with the design changes. Therefore, in Version 7.0, the EPA is proposing a 5.8 HEER requirement for room heat pump Types 1 and 2 and an 8.3 HEER requirement for Types 3 and 4, in addition to increasing the COP requirements at 17°F and 5°F for Types 3 and 4, respectively, from 1.5 to 1.75. These proposed Version 7.0 low ambient temperature performance requirements would bring the ENERGY STAR RAC specification in alignment with the ENERGY STAR Cold Climate air source heat pump requirements, reflecting acceptable cold climate performance widely recognized by industry. The EPA is also proposing to add room heat pump labelling requirements to facilitate appropriate climate application across different brands, by room heat pump type.
Effective Dates
The EPA is proposing a two-tiered approach to these revisions to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners specification, with Version 6.0 effective nine months after finalization and Version 7.0 effective May 26, 2026, aligned with the timing of upcoming federal minimum efficiency standard effective date. While it is common for ENERGY STAR to adopt new minimum standards in advance of their effective date as a leadership program, the Agency recognizes the market circumstances in this instance are such that delaying the Version 7.0 effective date until 2026, providing as much notice as possible for manufacturers to prepare for the specification change, is likely most appropriate. Manufacturers will be able to early-certify eligible products to either version of the specification once they are finalized.
Updated Heating Mode Performance Test Method
These specification revisions reference the new ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance (PDF, 705 KB). Since its release in July 2024, the EPA has corrected the test method to ensure that COP17, COP5, and COPx are calculated to be unitless, consistent with the description of coefficient of performance (COP) in section 3 of the test method. In the originally released version, the COP calculations mistakenly resulted in units of Btu/Wh. To address this, the EPA has added a conversion factor throughout the test method to produce unitless results (i.e., Watts/Watts). The reporting template has also been amended to include this conversion factor, along with a few other minor corrections to improve consistency between the calculator and the test method. As a reminder, all documents related to this process are posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Test Method Development webpage.
Comment Submittal
The public is encouraged to provide written comments on the proposed RAC specification revisions for the EPA’s consideration to by December 30, 2024. In particular, the Agency is requesting feedback on the room heat pump labeling requirement in Version 7.0, including what labeling elements would help communicate appropriate application to consumers the most clearly. All comments will be posted to the Room Air Conditioners Version 6.0 and Version 7.0 Specification Development webpages unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Stakeholder Meeting
The EPA will host a webinar on Monday, December 16, 2024, from 1 to 3 pm ET to discuss Draft 1 of the Version 6.0 and 7.0 revisions to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner specification and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Please register for the webinar here. Stakeholders are encouraged to inform the EPA of any industry events that may conflict with this proposed date.
To track the EPA’s progress in this development, visit the Room Air Conditioners Version 6.0 and Version 7.0 Specification Development webpages.
If you have any questions or feedback, please direct them to Holly Tapani at the EPA,, or Megan McNelly at ICF, For test method questions, please contact Lucas Adin at the DOE,
Please email ENERGY STAR Canada at if you have any other questions.
December 4 - ENERGY STAR Smart Thermostats Version 2.0 Draft 2 Test Method to Demonstrate Field Savings
Notice for December 4
With this letter, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites public comment on the second draft of the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Method to demonstrate Field Savings (PDF, 659 KB), and the accompanying beta release of the Version 2 software. Comments on this proposal may be submitted to EPA no later than December 20, 2024. As a reminder, the updated test method will include a wider variety of installations in the analysis, allow inclusion of line voltage thermostats that control electric baseboard heating, and result in more reliable and stable savings metric results.
In developing the Draft 2 test method, feedback submitted by five stakeholders was considered. We thank stakeholders for their comments on the first draft of the test method and engagement in subsequent conversations about improving the specification. Note boxes throughout the test method provide EPA’s rationale for proposals.
Several changes are being proposed to increase the stability and reliability of the savings analysis results, including:
- Proposing updates to the heating stage definitions to account for line voltage smart thermostats appropriately, ensuring more accurate performance metrics.
- Introducing new rules for data completeness and savings accuracy, requiring smart thermostats to be connected during the reporting period to be included in savings calculations.
- Proposing significant software updates in the beta release of Version 2.0, including a new method to find the optimum fit of each house to the HVAC model, with constraints on the tau value used in the HVAC heating(cooling) run time model to reduce thermostats eliminated because of physically implausible model parameters.
- Adjustments to climate zone weightings are based on the 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey, with heating weightings changing by up to 10% and more significant changes in cooling weightings. The updated weighting led to eliminating the Marine Zone air conditioning exemption. The EPA does not expect this to cause a problem for any currently certified product families, based on partner’s submitted results.
- Updating the resistance heat utilization (RHU) calculation methodology to the 30-45F temperature bin in accordance with the metrics proposed in the Version 2 Draft 1 specification.
- Reorganizing Appendix A for added clarity.
- Improving error logging to assist partners in meeting the new requirements for sufficient installations in the sample, such that it will be considerably easier to understand why each thermostat eliminated from analysis was not included. Other changes make the software faster, easier to use, and more reliable.
In addition, the beta release of the Version 2 software carries forward the changes to allow thermostats wired to control two-stage heating and cooling to be part of the analysis. For some vendors, this is a substantial fraction of their installations. Other modifications in the version 2 software have also been carried forward from the alpha release.
Comments related to specification requirements will be addressed when the next draft of the specification is released, however the EPA would like to address one specification update at this time. We received detailed data showing that the proposed 1W standby power limit was too restrictive and intend to propose a 1.5W limit in the next specification draft. This is still a substantial improvement in standby power while allowing vendors more scope to innovate around thermostat capabilities.
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments for the EPA’s consideration to by December 20, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Smart Thermostats Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Please direct any questions to Abigail Daken at EPA, or, Abhishek Jathar at ICF,
December 3 - ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners 3.0 Final Draft Specification
Notice for December 3
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3.0 Specification (PDF, 220 KB). Comments may be submitted to the EPA by December 13, 2024. The EPA plans to finalize this Version 3.0 Room Air Cleaner specification in early January with an effective date of October 9, 2025.
The feedback the EPA received in response to the Draft 1 Version 3.0 Room Air Cleaner proposal was generally supportive with no concerns about the proposed levels. There were a few comments the EPA considered specific to the metrics, the scope, and the approach for setting levels. One stakeholder suggested relying solely on particulate matter2.5 (PM2.5) clean air delivery rate (CADR) instead of smoke CADR and dust CADR for the scope. The U.S. Department of Energy and the EPA agree that it would be more appropriate to define the scope of this specification in terms of PM2.5 CADR to avoid inadvertently excluding products and accordingly propose to update the scope in terms of PM2.5 CADR. Another stakeholder suggested that the EPA increase the scope of the specification to include products with CADR under 30 cfm. The EPA considered this request but is retaining the current scope due to concerns that these products serve niche applications for small spaces. A couple of stakeholders requested the EPA consider an equation-based approach for setting levels rather than establishing them by bins. The EPA plans to retain the current method but will consider this approach in the future. As requested by stakeholders, the EPA will plan to allow partners to report the presence of an auto cleaning mode when certifying models. Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in note boxes throughout the final draft specification and in the Version 3.0 Draft 1 comment response matrix (PDF, 47 KB).
The EPA is maintaining the Draft 1 performance requirements as proposed in this Final Draft given the selection of available models in the most popular product classes from a range of manufacturers that would meet the proposed levels.
Comment Submittal
If you have final feedback for the EPA’s consideration, please submit written comments to by December 13, 2024. Note, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3 Specification Development webpage unless the submitter specifically requests that the comments remain confidential.
Please contact or, with any questions or concerns about the specification.
November 29 - The 12 Days of ENERGY STAR® are coming!
Notice for November 29
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! This holiday season, we’re eager to show off what great gifts ENERGY STAR certified products are. We will be running a promotional social media campaign from December 2 to 13, 2024. This year, product giveaways include a washer and dryer set, refrigerators, smart thermostats, an electric range, a laser printer and more.
We are hoping you could support our campaign by:
- Sharing and engaging with our content;
- Developing your own content using the hashtag: #12DaysofENERGYSTAR;
- Offering special deals or rebates on ENERGY STAR certified products over the holiday season - remember to tag us if you share these offers on social media!
Daily prizes will be announced on our ENERGY STAR Facebook page through posts and stories, as well as stories on NRCan’s Greener Canadians Instagram account.
- INSTAGRAM @greenercanadians (EN) & @canadiensplusverts (FR)
We are also promoting the tagline “The best gifts do great things”, an inspirational call-to-action that encourages consumers to choose ENERGY STAR certified products as holiday gifts. These products offer high-tech features and energy efficient designs which give the gift of monetary savings and a better environment all in one.
We look forward to working with you to enhance interest in ENERGY STAR certified products and promote them as the best gifts for this holiday season!
November 28 - ENERGY STAR Canada Verification testing for products sold only in Canada Update
Notice for November 28
This notification is to inform Participants that Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is excited to announce that the ENERGY STAR Canada Verification Testing for products sold only in Canada protocol has been published on our website.
NRCan’s new verification testing program will take effect in 2025.
This program will benefit Canadian consumers and ENERGY STAR Canada Participants alike by preserving the integrity of the brand. All ENERGY STAR certified products are subject to post-market verification testing. Products sold in the United States will continue to be subject to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) verification testing protocol. Products sold only in Canada are subject to the new ENERGY STAR Canada verification testing protocol, which is modelled after the US EPA processes. Products sold only in Canada will continue to be initially certified as ENERGY STAR through the US EPA.
This program applies to all product categories on the NRCan website: List of ENERGY STAR certified products except Fenestration (windows, doors and skylights) and heat/energy recovery ventilators (HRVs) and (ERVs), which have unique requirements that are outside of this program.
Please email ENERGY STAR Canada at if you have any questions related to this requirement.
November 25 - Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products List
Notice for November 25
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
- Max. International (HK) Ltd., Audac model CEP408
Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers
- Royal Range of California, Inc., Royal Range model REEF-35
- Advantech Co., Ltd, Advantech model AIM-75
- Signify, Lightolier model C2SA15927NSUPZUF/ C2SAWTF
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06927SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06930SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06935SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*06940SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09927SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09930SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09935SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*09940SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10927SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10930SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10935SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*10940SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15927SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15930SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15935SPUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940FLLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940FLUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940NFLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940NFUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940NSLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940NSUPZU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940SPLU**/C2*****
- Signify, Lightolier model C2*15940SPUPZU**/C2*****
Stakeholders are invited to visit the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
Please send an e-mail to if you have any questions or would like an official translation of any ENERGY STAR documents.
November 15 - ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 - Air Source Heat Pumps
Notice for November 15
Please find below the release of the updated proposed ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Recognition Criteria for Air Source Heat Pumps (PDF, 189 KB) and proposed amendment to the ENERGY STAR Air Source Heat Pump Specification (PDF, 527 KB). To receive a French translation of any document within this communiqué, please send a request via e-mail to
2025 Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) Proposed Recognition Criteria
While there was considerable support for the request to allow for use of the AHRI Certified Verification Procedure (CVP) 210/240 test, the proposal refers to the use of a DOE CVP when available, as an option, instead. Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in the EPA’s 2025 Most Efficient ASHP Comment Response Matrix (PDF, 67 KB).
The proposal for 2025 Most Efficient recognition includes minimal adjustments to efficiency levels for cold climate and non-cold climate units as follows:
Product Type | SEER2 | EER2 | HSPF2 |
Split System HP (Ducted & Ductless) | 16.0 | 11.0 | 8.0 |
Single-Package HP | 15.2 | 10.0 | 7.2 |
Cold Climate Split HP (Ducted & Ductless) | 16.0 | 9.8 | 8.5 |
Cold Climate Packaged HP | 15.2 | 10.0 | 8.1 |
This proposal retains the 1.75 COP at 5F and 70% heating capacity at 5F compared to 47F requirements for cold climate heat pumps. It also adds a low ambient performance backstop of 1.75 COP at 5F and a 45% heating capacity requirement at 5F compared to 47F for non-cold climate heat pumps.
Proposed Amendment to Version 6.2 Specification
In addition to meeting the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, ASHP products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body. In some cases, the EER2 required for the Most Efficient 2025 levels is lower than that required for ENERGY STAR Version 6.1. Therefore, the EPA proposes the following changes in the Version 6.2 amendment:
- EER2 requirement lowered to 11.0 for split systems and 10.0 for single package systems to accommodate variable speed units which have excellent seasonal performance and, on average, do not run at full capacity during peak cooling.
- The option to use the DOE CVP, when available, instead of the ENERGY STAR CVP, for verifying low ambient performance of cold climate heat pumps.
- Reporting requirement for COP at 5F, Heating Capacity at 5F/47F, and CVP verification, where available, to facilitate identification of models eligible for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.
This amendment will not impact any currently certified models. For more details on these changes, please see the Eligibility Criteria Draft Version 6.2 (PDF, 511 KB).
Additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition will be provided with the finalization of these criteria.
This document and the ESME ASHP 2025 criteria document can be found on the EPA’s ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Criteria Development. It can also be found along with the EPA’s ENERGY STAR ASHP Version 6.2 Proposal (PDF, 196 KB).
All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page and/or the ASHP specification development page, as relevant. The EPA plans to finalize these documents in November/December 2024.
November 13 - ENERGY STAR Audio/Video Product Sunset
Notice for November 13
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for Audio/Video (AV) equipment, effective August 20, 2025. The EPA remains open to reconsidering whether ENERGY STAR can play an effective role in differentiating these products at a future date, as technologies evolve.
ENERGY STAR specifications are periodically reviewed and updated to ensure that they provide meaningful differentiation for highly energy-efficient products. Unable to do so based on AV stakeholder engagement and market evolution in recent years, the EPA believes making the decision to sunset this category is the right choice.
The EPA thanks stakeholders who submitted comments on the sunset proposal released last July. The EPA received feedback from four manufacturers and eight other stakeholders about the importance of the ENERGY STAR program, particularly for soundbars and commercial amplifiers. There was recognition that sunset of certain categories such as Blu-ray players may be justified due to the declining relevance of physical media. All written comments are posted on the Audio/Video Sunset Proposal web page.
The EPA has made a concerted effort to enhance the value of the ENERGY STAR label for AV equipment over recent years. The EPA proposed options for soundbars two years ago referencing a new test procedure based on limited data and received no comments. Since then, the EPA conducted further market screening and found low power consuming options across the market, even though ENERGY STAR shipments have remained extremely low (i.e. 2%). For commercial AV equipment, the EPA was unable to propose levels due to inadequate information on product performance against the latest Consumer Technology Association standard and received no input from stakeholders on how to differentiate these models. While the EPA appreciates the input from designers and purchasers relying on ENERGY STAR for commercial AV products, they do not believe there is sufficient information to justify retaining current levels nor setting new levels.
Manufacturers emphasized ENERGY STAR’s roles in both establishing and maintaining a minimum efficiency baseline for soundbars and covering these products as these technologies evolve. However, with only 2% of the market associated with the ENERGY STAR label, engagement is too low for ENERGY STAR to achieve that purpose.
Timeline Milestones
The EPA recognizes the investment ENERGY STAR Participants have made in certifying and promoting products in these categories and is sensitive to providing a reasonable transition period.
Consistent with past ENERGY STAR product category sunsets, the EPA proposes the following milestones associated with implementing this sunset:
- No new Participant Administrative Agreements for the AV program will be accepted by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) or the EPA as of February 1, 2025.
- No new certified product information for the AV program will be accepted by the EPA as of February 1, 2025.
- ENERGY STAR certified AV products and their ENERGY STAR brand owner Participants will continue to be recognized until August 20, 2025.
- Participants must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and mark in association with all AV products manufactured and services offered on or after August 20, 2025.
- To minimize the cost of labelling changes and to comply by August 20, 2025, AV product Participants are encouraged to remove all ENERGY STAR references on websites and in printed materials in the coming months. Participants are permitted to use up existing printed material, including packaging, to minimize waste.
If you have any questions about the AV product Sunset, please contact
Please email ENERGY STAR Canada at if you have any other questions or to receive the French translation of the AV sunset proposal.
November 4 - Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products List
Notice for November 4
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
- Xitrix Computer Corporation, XITRIX model Xitrix DeskFrame E310
- Innovative Dehumidifier Systems LLC, INNOVATIVE model IW-25-4
- AUO Corporation, AUO model P550QVF07.0
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
October 31 - Final Recognition Criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025
Notice for October 31
ENERGY STAR is pleased to announce the final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025. The ENERGY STAR program distinguishes the highest performers in energy efficiency for certified products with the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation.
These criteria will recognize the most efficient ENERGY STAR certified products in 2024 across 13 product categories. Products that meet the 2025 criteria will deliver significant savings to Canadians over conventional products.
Overview of Comments on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Proposals
Stakeholders shared feedback with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through 15 sets of written comments. Commenters offered support for the proposed recognition criteria, as well as a select set of proposed adjustments. Stakeholder comments and EPA responses can be found in the Comment Response Document (PDF, 639 KB).
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Categories and Recognition Criteria
The ENERGY STAR program in the U.S. and Canada recognizes these criteria across the product categories listed below:
Ceiling Fans (PDF, 145.36 KB)
Clothes Dryer (PDF, 132.27 KB)
Clothes Washers (PDF, 133.68 KB)
Computer Monitors (PDF, 167.75 KB)
Dehumidifiers (PDF, 131.51 KB)
Dishwashers (PDF, 131.15 KB)
Ducted and Ductless Air Source Heat Pumps (PDF, 388 KB)*
Geothermal Heat Pumps (PDF, 145.42 KB)
Refrigerators-Freezers and Freezers (PDF, 180.47 KB)
Air Purifiers (PDF, 146.63 KB)
Room Air Conditioners (PDF, 146.63 KB)
Ventilating Fans (PDF, 173.87 KB)
Windows, Sliding Glass Doors, and Skylights**
*The EPA plans to make updates to the Ducted and Ductless Air Source Heat Pumps (PDF, 371 KB) criteria. Comments on this proposal and possible criteria adjustments will be addressed separately later.
**Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria for 2025 Windows, Sliding Glass Doors, and Skylights will be available at Most Efficient Criteria 2025, in January 2025.
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Program Considerations
The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 designation is intended for use at point-of-sale on point-of-purchase materials, product literature, and websites. It may not be factory-applied to products or product packaging. As a reminder, usage guidelines are available through the ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Book. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recognition.
Available products for sale that have been recognized as the Most Efficient of ENERGY STAR 2025 can be found at ENERGY STAR Most Efficient as of January 1, 2025.To obtain more details regarding the Most Efficient designation, visit the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 Criteria Development page.
Please e-mail the U.S. EPA at with any questions related to the criteria detailed in this Communiqué for all product categories, with the exception of Windows, Sliding Glass Doors, and Skylights.
October 9 - ENERGY STAR Computer Servers SERT V2.0.8 Clarification Memo
Notice for October 9
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been made aware of an update to the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT). For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, computer servers should be tested using SERT Version 2.0.8 moving forward. As has been the case with previous SERT updates during the life of the ENERGY STAR Computer Server program, test results already submitted through the certification process using a version of SERT EPA previously accepted are not affected by this update.
The SERT Version 2.0.8 is a minor update, with the following changes and the results it produces are comparable to those produced by previous versions:
- Adds support for regulatory certification with NVIDIA Grace, AMD Instinct MI300A, and Microsoft Pioneer platforms.
- Contains the latest PTDaemon 1.11.0 interface and support for newer LTS Java versions.
This clarification memo is posted on EPA’s Computer Servers Version 4.0 Specification product development website.
If you have questions, please contact Ryan Fogle at or John Clinger at with questions or concerns regarding this update. For any questions regarding certification to SERT Version 2.0.8, please contact For all other computer server related questions, please contact
October 8 - ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Final Specification
Notice for October 8
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigeration and Freezers specification. These Version 2.0 requirements will take effect on June 30, 2025. This letter provides highlights of the new requirements and outlines the transition process.
The Version 2.0 specification will recognize the top performing laboratory grade refrigerator and freezer products on the market. ENERGY STAR certified laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers will use 37% less energy than a standard product. The EPA did not receive any comments in response to the final draft specification. The only update included in the final specification is to Section 3.3 which clarifies the refrigerant reporting requirement and aligns the format with other specifications across the program. This requirement was previously in place in Version 1.0/1.1.
Version 4.0 Transition Timeline and Next Steps
The EPA shares partners’ desire for a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next so that consumer expectations are met and ENERGY STAR labeled products fully meet the new requirements upon their effective date. The EPA has established the following timeline:
- Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 2.0 requirements.
- After February 14, 2025, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 1.1. Note, however that existing certifications to Version 1.0/1.1 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until June 30, 2025.
- Any laboratory grade refrigerator or freezer manufactured as of June 30, 2025, must meet the Version 2.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 1.0/1.1 specification will be invalid for the purposes of ENEGY STAR and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 2.0 to EPA.
All specifications can be viewed on EPA’s Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers development page.
If you have questions, please contact, or John For test method questions, please contact
October 4 - ENERGY STAR Day is October 9!
Notice for October 4
#ENERGYSTARDay is Wednesday, October 9, 2024, and will be the ninth time that we officially mark the day in Canada. This is an excellent opportunity to increase awareness of ENERGY STAR Canada and remind Canadians of all the ways certified products can help save energy and money.
What Can You Do to Celebrate?
- Amplify and interact with our Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn posts – love/like, retweet/share them;
- Encourage your followers to follow the official ENERGY STAR Canada feeds for energy-saving tips and tricks the whole year through.
- Post about your favourite ENERGY STAR Canada certified product, and mention a few of its best features;
- Use the hashtag #ENERGYSTARDay;
- “@” mention our official handles and tag us in your graphics;
- Facebook: @ENERGYSTARCanada
- X (Twitter): @ENERGYSTAR_CAN
- LinkedIn: ENERGY STAR Canada
- Pinterest: @ENERGYSTARCanada
- Check out the Spotlight on energy efficiency blog, powered by our Brand Team, where we share helpful energy efficiency tips for everyone. Share our blog posts with your audience on social media.
If you’d like to request a copy of our social media plan, sample messaging and a suite of graphics, please contact our Social Media Officer, Mike Sabourin, by email at
October 4 - Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products List
Notice for October 4
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
Clothes Dryers
- GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48E**K***
- GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESPK0RR
- GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESPKDG
- GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESPKRR
- GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD48ESSKWW
- GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49E**K***
- GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49ERPKDG
- GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49ERPKRR
- GE Appliances, a Haier Company, GE model GFD49ERSKWW
Commercial Fryers
- Royal Range of California, Inc., Royal Range model REEF-35
Refrigerators and Freezers
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model EFR492
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model EFR492-6COM
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR441
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR441-6COM
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR453
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR453-6COM
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR464
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR465
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR465-6COM
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model RFR465-6COM
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model TFR441
Residential Water Coolers
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Classic model 8LIECH-BP-*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Classic model 8LIECHK-SC-*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model 8LIECH-SC-SSS-5L
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8120*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8121*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8122*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8123*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8125*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8220*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8221*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8222*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8223*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Peak's Water model P8225*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LCHK-*-4L-WL
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LCH-KK-*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LCH-KK-*-5I
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECHK-*-WL
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECH-SC*-*-*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECH-SC-*-5L-W-*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model 8LIECH-SCSSFP5W
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8122*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8123*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8125*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8130*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8132*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8133*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8134*
- Electrotemp Technologies China Inc., Whirlpool model W8135*
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
September 27 – Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3.0 Specification
Notice for September 27
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites participants to submit comments on the Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3.0 Specification. EPA will hold a stakeholder webinar on October 2, 2024, from 1-3pm ET to discuss the Draft 1 specification in greater detail. Comments on this draft proposal may be submitted to EPA no later than October 11, 2024.
Since the current Version 2.0 specification took effect in October 2020, the room air cleaner market has evolved significantly. This presents an opportunity for the ENERGY STAR program to deliver additional energy savings and improve the consumer value of the label.
Overview of Draft 1 Proposal
The basis for this Draft 1 proposal is to adopt the PM2.5 Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) and Integrated Energy Factor (IEF) metrics and new test procedure as well as increase the stringency to provide better market differentiation for ENERGY STAR room air cleaners and capture even greater energy, greenhouse gas, and cost savings.
The EPA highlights key changes associated with the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3.0 specification below and provides rationale for these proposed changes in note boxes throughout the specification.
- Criteria – The EPA is shifting from Smoke CADR/W to IEF
- Product Classes – The EPA is changing the product classes from Smoke CADR bins to PM2.5 CADR bins
- Test Method – The EPA will reference the new test procedure.
Stakeholder Webinar
The EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on the Draft 1, Version 3.0 specification on October 2, 2024, from 1-3pm ET. Please register here if you plan on attending.
Comment Submittal
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments to no later than October 11, 2024. As a reminder, all comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners Version 3 Specification Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Please contact with any questions or concerns about the specification.
September 20 – ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps Draft 1 Specification Cover Letter
Notice for September 20
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the enclosed Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP) specification.
The EPA hosted a public webinar on September 12, 2024, and discussed the Draft 1 specification in greater detail and addressed initial stakeholder comments and questions.
The EPA invites the public to submit comments for EPA consideration to no later than September 30, 2024. Note, all submitted comments will be posted to EPA’s ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.
ENERGY STAR is a voluntary partnership between government, businesses, and purchasers designed to encourage the manufacture, purchase, and use of efficient products to help protect the environment. Products that earn the ENERGY STAR label prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by EPA in consultation with stakeholders. To date:
- More than 90% of American households recognize the ENERGY STAR label.
- Approximately 1,800 manufacturers and 1,200 retailers’ partner with ENERGY STAR to make and sell millions of ENERGY STAR certified products across more than 75 residential and commercial product categories.
- More than 840 utilities, state and local governments, and nonprofits leverage ENERGY STAR in their efficiency programs, reaching roughly 97% of households in all 50 states.
- Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped American families and businesses save 5 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity, avoid more than $500 billion in energy costs, and achieve 4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions.
In developing a specification for PTHPs, the EPA’s goal is to highlight for purchasers the PTHP models that will help them save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize their heating and cooling costs. Given the standard sizing of PTACs and PTHPs and the frequency of one-to-one retrofits, the Agency also seeks to encourage customer selection of an efficient PTHP as a replacement for an electric-resistance heating PTAC. Several PTHP manufacturers have expressed interest in an ENERGY STAR program, noting frequent customer requests for ENERGY STAR models, particularly in the hospitality sector. The EPA is also interested in the applicability of PTHPs to multifamily housing as a potential solution for buildings seeking to efficiently decarbonize.
Overview of Draft 1 Proposal
The EPA is proposing that to qualify for the ENERGY STAR recognition, a unit that meets the definition of a PTHP and provides heat through a reverse-cycle refrigeration loop must be at least 6% more efficient than the current DOE minimum standard for both heating and cooling. Given the interchangeability of PTACs and PTHPs in application, the EPA has considered a combination of both products as representative of the market in its analysis of energy savings potential and consumer payback in the proposed ENERGY STAR specification. Out of currently available PTACs and PTHPs, approximately 26% of standard size and 17% of non-standard size basic models meet the proposed criteria.
The EPA calculated that an ENERGY STAR certified PTHP at the proposed levels would have on average, less than a 6-year consumer payback period when compared to a baseline PTAC, and less than a 4-year consumer payback period when compared to a baseline PTHP. However, this payback period greatly varies with a building’s heating needs and may be less than 4 years when switching a baseline PTAC to an ENERGY STAR certified PTHP in climates with more heating days, for buildings without centralized heating, and for buildings that use individual space heaters. The EPA estimates that at the proposed levels, the national annual cost savings will grow to $86 million with over 1 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions prevented each year. As with all ENERGY STAR products, the EPA has worked with the Department of Energy (DOE) on this draft proposal and will ensure it continues to be informed by the DOE regulatory process.
Key elements of the Draft 1 proposal include:
- Definitions of eligible products.
- COP and EER minimum requirements, varying by standard and non-standard sizing and cooling capacity.
September 12 – ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Final Draft
Notice for September 12
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final Draft, Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigeration and Freezers specification. Comments may be submitted to the EPA no later than September 13, 2024. The EPA plans to finalize this Version 2.0 Laboratory Grade Refrigeration and Freezers specification with an effective date of June 30, 2025.
The EPA received public comments from three stakeholders in response to the Draft 2 specification. Broadly speaking, the comments were supportive of the changes made from the Draft 1 proposal. The Agency has highlighted and responded to the comments received in note boxes throughout the Final Draft specification. Key changes reflected in the Final Draft include:
- The EPA received further comment regarding the peak variation temperature, requesting this be amended back to the Version 1.1 definition where the peak variation for high performance refrigerators is no greater than 6 degrees C. After consideration of the comments, the EPA has reverted to the original definition, finding that it aligns with the commonly accepted International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (IHC) requirements.
- The EPA received feedback that the requirements for high performance solid door refrigerators were too stringent for mid-sized products. The Agency has revised the volume bins and associated maximum daily energy consumption (MDEC) requirements in this subcategory slightly to provide greater availability of qualifying products, specifically in that middle volume range.
Comment Submittal:
To the extent you have final feedback for the EPA’s consideration, please submit written comments to no later than September 13, 2024. As a reminder, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Specification Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.
If you have questions, please contact, or John For test method questions, please contact
Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Version 2.0 Final Draft Specification (PDF, 193.85 Ko)
September 6 - ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Final Dehumidifiers Cover Letter
Notice for September 6
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to distribute the Final ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifiers specification (PDF 321 KB). The EPA would like to acknowledge the ENERGY STAR stakeholders who have invested time and effort to ensure the successful completion of the Version 6.0 specification. EPA has considered all stakeholder feedback carefully in developing this final specification. This letter summarizes the EPA’s final decisions regarding these new requirements and outlines the schedule for qualifying products using Version 6.0. The effective date will be October 1, 2025.
This specification revision responds to a significant increase in market share at current ENERGY STAR performance levels and enhances the value of the ENERGY STAR label to consumers by establishing more stringent efficiency criteria. If all dehumidifiers sold in the United States were certified to ENERGY STAR Version 6.0, annual cost savings would grow to over $340 million and approximately 6 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented each year.
Since initiating the Version 6.0 ENERGY STAR specification revision for dehumidifiers in March 2024, the EPA has released two drafts and held a webinar to collect feedback from stakeholders, as well as coordinated with the US Department of Energy (DOE) to ensure the ENERGY STAR specification aligns with the DOE’s definitions and test methods used in minimum efficiency standards.
The EPA received comments in response to the final draft specification that focused on the timing of the effective date of this specification and the scope. This included a request to delay the effective date to October 2025 to better align with the typical manufacturer development cycle for dehumidifiers. There was also feedback encouraging EPA to adjust the scope of the specification to allow products that meet the definition of ‘dehumidifier’ and ‘consumer product’ to be within scope, with no limit on capacity. EPA adjusted the final specification consistent with both requests. Finally, there was a new concern shared about the proposed refrigerant reporting requirement. Stakeholder comments, the final draft, previous drafts of the specification, and all related supporting materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Dehumidifier Version 6.0 Specification Development webpage.
Timeline and Next steps
- Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 6.0 requirements.
- On March 11, 2025, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 5.0.
- Any dehumidifiers manufactured as of October 1, 2025, must meet Version 6.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 5.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, and CBs will only submit product models certification to Version 6.0 to the EPA.
ENERGY STAR partnership as a manufacturer is limited to organizations that own and/or license a brand name under which they sell eligible products in the Unites States and/or Canada. Partnership is not available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that do not sell directly to consumers or end users. OEMs may certify products on behalf of the ENERGY STAR brand owners/licensees; however, the brand owner must be the ENERGY STAR partner associated directly with the certified product models because only partners are authorized to use the ENERGY STAR certification mark.
Please contact Steve Leybourn, EPA, at, or Payal Hukeri, ICF, at with questions or concerns.
August 21 – ENERGY STAR 2025 Emerging Technology Award Call for Nominations
Notice for August 21
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites your feedback on candidate technologies for the 2025 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award. The deadline to submit nominations is September 10, 2024.
The ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award was created to raise the profile of innovative technologies that may not yet meet key principles associated with the ENERGY STAR program (e.g., widely available, cost-effective), but have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions once they are more widely adopted. As products in these categories become more mainstream, the relevant product categories then may become candidates for ENERGY STAR specification development. To be eligible, technologies must be:
- Commercially available, but not widely adopted (<5% market share).
- Offered by more than one supplier.
- Likely to significantly reduce greenhouse gases from the residential or commercial sector at competitive costs.
- Capable of delivering superior environmental performance, as demonstrated by independent third-party organizations.
- Environmentally acceptable (technology use is a net plus for the environment).
- Supported by capable partners with adequate financing and established business records; and,
- Well matched to EPA/ENERGY STAR competencies and appropriate roles.
There is no restriction on who may provide feedback or submit a nomination; however, nominations submitted by manufacturers must be accompanied by laboratory and/or field performance data. Additionally, the EPA would welcome feedback and nominations from utilities on emerging technologies of interest to them as well. Please note that the EPA is accepting nominations for technology categories only. As examples, previous categories included:
- Micro Combined Heat and Power systems
- Advanced Clothes Dryers
- Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation systems
- Room Air Conditioners with Efficient Variable Output
- Air-to-Water Heat Pumps
- Advanced Adaptive Compressors
- Residential Induction Cooking Tops
- Commercial HVAC Electric Motors
- Modular Packaged Commercial Refrigeration Systems
Nominations should be sent to
Award Extension Notice for Commercial HVAC Electric Motors and Modular Packaged Commercial Refrigeration Systems for 2025
With this letter the EPA is extending the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award recognition for Commercial HVAC Electric Motors and Modular Packaged Commercial Refrigeration Systems into 2025. Currently there are 12 Commercial HVAC Electric motors and 73 Modular Packaged Refrigeration Systems on the qualified products list. Extending these award categories into 2025 will provide additional time for promotional opportunities and will continue to reward manufacturers as they qualify new products.
Participants with questions can contact Peter Banwell, EPA, at or
August 13 – Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products List
Notice for August 13
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
Commercial Fryers
- Henny Penny Corporation, Henny Penny model CFE-4#0
- Henny Penny Corporation, Henny Penny model CFE-410
Displays (signage displays and monitors)
- HP Inc., HP model M27
Refrigerators and Freezers
- Electrolux Home Products, Frigidaire model FFPA4422U*
- Electrolux Home Products, Frigidaire model FFPA4422UM
- Electrolux Home Products, Frigidaire model FFPA4422UU
- MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440BE
- MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440SE
- MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440ST
- MC Appliance, Magic Chef model HMAR440WE
- MC Appliance, Magic Chef model MCAR440BE
- MC Appliance, Magic Chef model MCAR440ST
- MC Appliance, Magic Chef model MCAR440WE
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
August 12 – ENERGY STAR Audio/Video Sunset Proposal
Notice for August 12
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for Audio/Video (AV) systems. The EPA recognizes the significant contribution of ENERGY STAR AV stakeholders and is committed to carefully consider all input. The EPA invites stakeholders to submit comments on this proposal no later than August 20, 2024 via email to
Under certain circumstances, the EPA makes the determination that an ENERGY STAR specification for a product category should be sunsetted rather than revised. The following factors are most relevant to this sunset proposal:
- Additional cost-effective efficiency gains are not available or anticipated.
- The market has evolved such that the product type is being discontinued.
Rationale for Proposed Sunset
Across the various product types eligible for certification under the AV specification, there are numerous indications the ENERGY STAR label is no longer serving its intended purpose.
- With the advent of digital platforms, consumers are increasingly accessing video content online, rendering physical media less relevant.
- In the case of DVD/Blu-ray players, the market has declined significantly due to a significant shift in how consumers access content and partners have stopped investing in certification for ENERGY STAR, with the most recent certifications in 2022.
- Soundbars have evolved over the years to consume very low power. This evolution has diminished the value in differentiating efficiency for consumers. Furthermore, the advent of enhanced Audio Return Chanel (eARC) HDMI connections in TVs and soundbars has revolutionized user experience by allowing seamless control of the soundbar through the TV remote. This technological development also ensures soundbars are turned off when TVs are turned off, further enhancing their energy efficiency, and making automatic power down requirements redundant.
- In the realm of AV equipment, smart speakers have emerged as the main innovation. These devices are included in the scope of the ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) specification ensuring they continue to meet stringent energy efficiency standards. Note, the EPA shared the intention to exclude these products from the AV specification in 2022.
- Lastly, while commercial amplifiers are currently covered within the scope of AV specification, the lack of performance information hampers our ability to effectively differentiate top performing efficient ENERGY STAR models. The available data does not indicate that additional cost-effective efficiency gains are anticipated.
Considering these developments, the EPA is proposing to sunset the current specification and focus program resources on areas that provide more value and relevance to consumers in today’s digital age.
Proposed Timing
The EPA recognizes the investment ENERGY STAR brand owners, retailers and utility partners have made in certifying and promoting products in these categories and is sensitive to providing a reasonable transition period. The EPA proposes to sunset the ENERGY STAR Version 3.0 Audio Video specification effective August 1, 2025. To facilitate a smooth transition under this proposal, partners would no longer be able to certify new products as of February 1, 2025.
August 9 – ENERGY STAR Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems
Notice for August 9
We are pleased to announce the ENERGY STAR Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems Discussion Guide (PDF 100 KB) and Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Central Heat Pump Water Heater Systems Test Method (PDF 318 KB) have been released. The purpose of this discussion guide and draft test method is to solicit public comment to further inform how central heat pump water heaters (Central HPWH) will be handled in the upcoming ENERGY STAR Version 3 specification for commercial water heaters.
Central HPWHs are an essential tool to efficiently decarbonize larger buildings, including mid – and high-rise multifamily, where they could largely replace the current central water heaters in existing buildings. They also offer a potentially economical way to serve new multifamily buildings. While these products are currently in scope for the ENERGY STAR Version 2 Commercial Water Heater specification, the current coverage is inadequate for several reasons outlined in the discussion guide.
The discussion guide sets the framework for how we envision capturing system performance in the Version 3.0 specification. One of the reasons the current coverage is inadequate is that the performance of the heat pump engine is only characterized at a single set of conditions and in one configuration rather than covering the range of common conditions affecting the units. The proposed test method addresses this issue. Furthermore, the specification only covers the performance of the heat pump engine itself, while the achieved efficiency depends on the system it works within and on other components in the system.
Comment Submittal
We encourage those with interest or knowledge to submit written comments to no later than Friday, September 13, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.
Public Meeting
A public webinar on Thursday, August 15, 2024, from 3 – 5 PM Eastern Time, to cover topics outlined in the discussion guide. Those interested in the topic are encouraged to attend and may register here.
Please contact Abigail Daken, EPA, at or 202-343-9375 or Megan McNelly, ICF, at with questions or concerns. For any questions on commercial water heater testing, please contact Julia Hegarty, DOE, at
August 8 – Update to the ENERGY STAR heat and energy recovery ventilator specification in Canada
Notice for August 8
On May 17, 2024, the Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) released a technical bulletin proposing an amendment to Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations to introduce minimum energy efficiency standards (MEPS) equivalent to the existing ENERGY STAR Specification for heat and energy recovery ventilators (H/ERVs).
In response to the introduction of MEPS for H/ERVs and to continue to uphold the ENERGY STAR Promise, NRCan is pleased to release Version 2.4 – Draft 1 of the ENERGY STAR Heat/energy recovery ventilators technical specification ( PDF 344 KB) to begin the process of moving the market towards greater efficiency.
A study conducted by NRCan revealed that approximately 30% of the currently listed models would already comply with the performance requirements in the draft Specification Version 2.4.
Summary of Changes
The modifications to the recovery ventilators specification would apply to all units sold in Canada with a tentative implementation date of January 1, 2026.
Section 2 of the Specification is revoked and replaced by the following:
2. Certifying product models: scope
A product model must meet the definition of a residential H/ERV as defined in Section 1A or 1B as specified herein, comply with the testing and minimum performance requirements provided in this specification and have a capacity of no greater than 500 CFM (236 L/s) to be eligible for ENERGY STAR certification under this specification.
H/ERVs with electric resistance heaters are not eligible for ENERGY STAR certification.
Under this specification, product models must be available for sale in Canada. Product models certified under this specification are eligible for ENERGY STAR certification only in Canada. As such, models must be labelled as ENERGY STAR certified only in Canada (for more information on labelling requirements, see section 6, E).
The brand owner shall be subject to the certification procedures outlined in NRCan’s Annex B – Heat-Recovery Ventilator and Energy-Recovery Ventilator (H/ERV) Certification and Disqualification Procedures for ENERGY STAR Canada.
No other procedures are considered valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification unless approved in writing and communicated to program Participants by NRCan.
Climate Zone | Zone Definition | Minimum SRE at 32°F (0°C) |
Minimum SRE at -13°F (-25°C) |
Minimum Fan Efficacy with 32°F (0°C) supply Temperature |
Heating | Canada | 75% | 60% | 0.90 L/s/W (1.9 cfm/W) |
Section 7 of the Specification is revoked and replaced by the following:
7. Product model testing and certification
Brand owners are required to ensure tests are performed according to the requirements included in this specification and submit eligible product model information to NRCan for approval. Each eligible product model must be tested in accordance with CAN/CSA C439-18 by an NRCan-approved laboratory and test results must be certified by a Standards Council of Canada (SCC) accredited Certification Body (CB). For more details, see Section 9 of Specification, Requirements of Organizations Certifying Products for ENERGY STAR Certification.
Energy efficiency reports submitted to NRCan must always be accompanied by full copies of the laboratory test report. Furthermore, certified H/ERV products may be subject to NRCan’s post-market verification testing program to ensure products associated with the ENERGY STAR label continue to comply with program requirements.
Brand owners are not permitted to represent results that have been determined from tests performed at a particular rated airflow or outdoor supply temperature as being applicable to tests that might have been performed at a different rated airflow or outdoor supply temperature.
The lab report must be verified by NRCan before a model can be posted on NRCan’s Searchable product list.
Note: The Canadian Standards Association is in process of revising CAN/CSA C439-18, which may be considered as an alternative testing standard procedure if completed in the fall of 2024.
NRCan recognizes the importance of a seamless transition between ENERGY STAR specification versions to ensure that consumer expectations are met and that products with the ENERGY STAR label adhere to the new standards by their effective date. Consequently, the following timeline has been put in place:
August 2024 | NRCan releases Draft 1, Version 2.4 specification |
September 30, 2024 | Comment period closes on Draft 1 |
November 30, 2024 | NRCan releases Draft 2, Version 2.4 specification |
December 31, 2024 | Comment period closes on Draft 2 |
February 28, 2025 | Final Draft Version 2.4 specification and comment period |
March 31, 2025 | Final Version 2.4 specification released |
January 1, 2026 | Final Version 2.4 specification is effective |
- Effective January 1, 2025: Manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body certify eligible products to the Version 2.4 requirements.
- June 30, 2025: Certification Bodies will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 2.3.
Note: Existing certifications to Version 2.3 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until December 31, 2025. - December 31, 2025: Any H/ERV manufactured after this date must meet the Version 2.4 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All product certifications under Version 2.3 will no longer be valid for ENERGY STAR purposes.
Please address any comments to:
Demian Chaiquin
Account Manager – ENERGY STAR for Products
Natural Resources Canada
Comments should be received by September 30, 2024.
August 2 – Final ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance
Notice for August 2
We are pleased to announce the release of the Final ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance (PDF, 657 KB). We would like to thank the many stakeholders who have invested time and resources in contributing feedback that has informed this test method development process.
In response to the Final Draft, a recommendation was received that the test method require defrost testing for all variable-speed room heat pumps (RHPs), noting the optional defrost (H2,int) test is not sufficiently incentivized in lieu of the alternative calculation. In response to this comment, data for variable-speed RHPs and mini-splits was analyzed and revealed that, for some units, the alternative calculation overstated efficiency compared to using data resulting from the optional defrost test. Rather than requiring this defrost test for Type 3 and Type 4 variable-speed RHPs, which would increase testing burden, a 0.95 correction factor is being adopted in the final heating energy efficiency ratio (HEER) equation for models that elect to use the alternative calculation in lieu of the defrost test. This change will ensure the alternative calculation is more conservative than conducting the optional defrost test.
Responses to all comments can be found in the accompanying Final Draft Comment Response Matrix (PDF, 90.4 KB).
For any questions or concerns related to the discussion guide or specification, please contact Holly Tapani at the EPA,
August 2 – Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products List
Notice for August 2
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-A14-18-LED-WT-TN1-120-WF-2700-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3500
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-4000
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-H-A14-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-CRISP
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3500
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-4000
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SR-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SR-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-CRISP
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3500
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-4000
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-RTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-CRISP
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-2700-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3000-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-3500
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R/SRTLX-FRAME-#-###-/HORNET-HP-SRTLX-TRIM-A14-#-18-LED-**-**#-###-**-4000
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-2700
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-2700-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-3000
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-3000-92
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-3500
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-4000
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-REM-A14-#-18-LED-**-###-**-**-CRISP
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-279-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-27-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-309-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-30-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-35-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-40-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-R-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-CRISP-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-279-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-27-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-309-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-30-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-35-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-40-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-RTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-CRISP-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-279-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-27-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-309-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-30-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-35-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-40-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SR-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-CRISP-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-279-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-27-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-309-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-30-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-35-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-40-LE/TE
- Amerlux Global Lighting Solutions, Amerlux model HORNET-HP-SRTLX-RTF-a16-#-18-**-120-277-**-**-CRISP-LE/TE
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
August 1 – Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products List
Notice for August 1
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
Ceiling Fans
- The Home Depot, Home Decorators Collection model 52060
- VISUAL COMFORT AND COMPANY, Monte Carlo model 3AMR60*******
Commercial Ovens
- Angelo Po Grandi Cucine S.p.A. con Socio Unico, Angelo Po model FX202G3
- Angelo Po Grandi Cucine S.p.A. con Socio Unico, Angelo Po model FX202G3R
- Si Computer Spa, SiComputer model M1.*#.##.##
Connected Thermostats
- International Environmental Corporation, IEC model E055-71520325
- International Environmental Corporation, IEC model E055-71520330
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T2050
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T3###
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T4###
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T2###
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T2000
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T3700
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T3800
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T3900
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T4800
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T4900
- SMEG SPA, SMEG model STU8647
- SMEG SPA, SMEG model STU8647X
Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment
- Dropcases Ltd. DBA Lectron, Lectron model EVCharge5-15N
- 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-2700K-Black
- 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-2700K-White
- 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-3000K-Black
- 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-3000K-White
- 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-5000K-Black
- 7LEDS, 7LEDS model 7L-TRK8.5-24-5000K-White
- Maxxima, MAXXIMA model MLB-16T850B
- Maxxima, MAXXIMA model MLB-16T850W
- Progress Lighting, Progress Lighting model P7249-0930K9
- Progress Lighting, Progress Lighting model P7249-XX30K9
- Star Mount Enterprise Limited, Star Mount model P7249-XX30K9
- Torchstar Corporation, LeonLite model ZD1TL-DH-8W27-BLK
- Torchstar Corporation, LeonLite model ZD1TL-DH-8W40-BLK
Ventilating Fans
- Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd., Reversomatic model QK-150E
- Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd., Reversomatic model QK-180E
- Reversomatic Manufacturing Ltd., Reversomatic model TLD-200E
Stakeholders are invited to visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
July 30 – Final Draft ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifiers specification
Notice for July 30
We are pleased to announce the Final Draft ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifiers specification has been released.
The feedback received in response to the Draft 1 Version 6.0 Dehumidifier proposal was generally supportive. Some concerns specific to the proposed levels and timeline were shared and considered. Given the selection of available models in the most popular product classes from a range of manufacturers that would meet the proposed levels, draft 1 performance requirements are being upheld as proposed in this final draft. Reporting requirement related to refrigerants have also been added. Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in note boxes through the final draft specification as well as in the Version 6.0 Draft 1 comment response matrix.
Feedback from stakeholders recommending establishing optional reporting for connected features in dehumidifiers was received. In contrast to other specifications that have focused optional connected criteria on load shifting, it is being proposed for dehumidifiers to concentrate on the ability to connect to a home network. Those that can connect to a home network will be able to report a variety of features enabled by the connectivity, especially those important for energy savings and load flexibility.
Summaries and responses to the comments can be found in note boxes through the final draft specification as well as in the Version 6.0 Draft 1 comment response matrix.
For any questions or concerns related to the discussion guide or specification, please contact
July 30 – ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 Update and 2025 Proposed Criteria
Notice for July 30
The ENERGY STAR® program distinguishes the highest performers in energy efficiency for recognized products with the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation.
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024
As of June 2024, 3156 models from 390 ENERGY STAR partners meet the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 recognition criteria. The number of models and partners per category is noted in the following table:
Product Category | Product Count | Partner Count |
Air Source Heat Pumps(ASHP) | 682 | 90 |
Ceiling Fans | 113 | 13 |
Clothes Dryers | 32 | 7 |
Clothes Washers | 64 | 5 |
Computer Monitors | 53 | 17 |
Dehumidifiers | 58 | 20 |
Dishwashers | 56 | 12 |
Freezers | 20 | 10 |
Geothermal Heat Pumps | 379 | 19 |
Refrigerators | 739 | 70 |
Room Air Cleaners | 54 | 22 |
Room Air Conditioners | 10 | 5 |
Ventilating Fans | 111 | 16 |
Windows/Sliding Glass Doors and Skylights/Tubular Daylighting Devises | 785 | 84 |
Totals | 3156 | 390 |
2025 Product Categories and Proposed Recognition Criteria
The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient proposed recognition criteria for 2025 was recently released. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing changes for air source heat pumps, clothes washers, dehumidifiers, room air cleaners, and vent fans. Criteria for ceiling fans, clothes dryers, computer monitors, dishwashers, geothermal heat pumps, refrigerators/freezers, room air conditioners, skylights, and windows/sliding glass doors will remain the same as in 2024.
*The Most Efficient criteria for windows and sliding glass doors in Canada is published by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). For 2025, the same criteria for 2024 (available on NRCan’s website) will be used. NRCan’s certified products database is updated with qualified models as they are submitted.
In addition to meeting these ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition criteria, products must be ENERGY STAR certified by an EPA-recognized certification body.
Stakeholders are invited to provide written comments on these proposed criteria no later than August 12, 2024, to Unless the commenter asks otherwise, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria development page. The EPA will provide additional information regarding the roll out of ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2025 recognition with the finalization of these criteria in the coming months.
June 7 – Update on the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktop Version 1.0 Specification
Notice for June 7
This notification is to inform stakeholders The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktop Version 1.0 (Rev. May 2024) Specification to remove simmer energy-efficiency from the definitions and reporting section of the specification. It was brought to EPA’s attention that the definition included in the specification is not clear and there is no reference to the way the efficiency should be determined through the test method, which is limited to measuring the simmer energy rate. EPA has also removed this field for certification bodies to submit data on certified models.
More information can be found on the on the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Commercial Electric Cooktops Product Development webpage.
To receive a French translation of any of the technical documents or if you have any other questions, please email
June 7 – Revised ENERGY STAR Downlights Version 1.0 specification
Notice for June 7
This notification is to inform stakeholders of several updates to ENERGY STAR program documentation supporting the lighting sunset and transition to the new Downlights Version 1.0 specification. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has posted the following revised documents to support the lighting transition.
- Downlights V1.0 Final Specification - Revised April 2024 (PDF 889 KB)
- Table 2 (page 7) has been updated to clarify that only integrating sphere measurements per LM-79 are required for each LED driver variant, including at least Light Output and Power Consumption.
- Footnote 2 (page 7) has been updated to clarify that “each input power variation should be listed individually within the Additional Models Represented by Family, Series, or DOE Basic Model section of the representative tested model’s listing. If a variation meets the minimum efficacy requirement (Section 8.1) then it may be listed separately.”
- Revised XXML Submission System Technical Documentation (PDF 860 KB) with updated direction on the use of wildcards consistent with the Downlights V1.0 specification and the sunsetting of the Lamps and Luminaires specifications.
- Revised Required Test Methods for EPA Recognized Laboratories (PDF 171 KB) document to incorporate the methods of measurement required for testing products seeking certification to the Downlights V1.0 specification. (This replaced The Lighting Lab Guide which has been retired).
- Revised Directive 2011-02: Laboratory Scopes of Accreditation (PDF 58 KB) consistent with the updates noted above.
For questions related to this communique, please contact
To receive a French translation of any of the technical documents or if you have any other questions, please email
June 4 – Announcing our 2024 ENERGY STAR Canada Award Winners!
Notice for June 4
Congratulations to the 2024 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards winners!
ENERGY STAR Canada is pleased to announce the winners of the 21st annual ENERGY STAR Canada Awards. The winners are program participants and stakeholders from across Canada representing utilities, manufacturers, retailers, associations, homebuilders, and buildings. Each winner has demonstrated excellence in developing and promoting energy-efficient products, homes and buildings in Canada during the past year.
Today at a ceremony in Ottawa, Michael Vandergrift, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Canada congratulates the winners for their exceptional contributions.
This year’s winners are:
ENERGY STAR for Products
- Sustained Excellence: takeCHARGE (a partnership between Newfoundland Power & Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro)
- Manufacturer of the Year—Fenestration Products: JELD-WEN of Canada
- Manufacturer of the Year—Appliances: Samsung Electronics Canada
- Manufacturer of the Year—Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Products: Resideo Technologies Inc.
- Manufacturer of the Year— Electronics: Ricoh Canada Inc.
- Manufacturer of the Year—Commercial Products: Due North (Minus Forty QBD Corp.)
- Retailer of the Year—National: The Home Depot Canada
- Retailer of the Year—Regional: Corbeil Appliances
- Utility/Program Administrator of the Year: Efficiency Manitoba
- Promotional Campaign of the Year: takeCHARGE (a partnership between Newfoundland Power and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro)
- Energy Efficiency Program Administrator of the Year: Independent Electricity System Operator - Save on Energy
- Advocate of the Year: efficiencyPEI
- Special Recognition: LG Electronics Canada Inc.
- Special Recognition: All Weather Windows
- Special Recognition: Nordik Windows Inc.
- Special Recognition: Durabuilt Windows & Doors
- Special Recognition: Columbia Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
ENERGY STAR for New Homes
- Builder of the Year—Small-size: Terra View Custom Homes Ltd.
- Builder of the Year—Mid-size: Doug Tarry Homes Ltd.
- Builder of the Year—Large-size: Activa
ENERGY STAR for Existing Commercial and Institutional Buildings
- Building of the Year—Hospital: Saint John Regional Hospital
- Building of the Year—Ice and Curling Rink: Erin Mills Twin Arena
- Building of the Year—K-12 School: Bliss Carman Middle School (ASD-W)
- Building of the Year—Mailing Center and Post Office: LCD PS A Scarborough, ON
- Building of the Year—Medical Office: Etobicoke Wellness Centre
- Building of the Year—Multifamily Housing: 271 Platts Lane
- Building of the Year—Office: Commerce South Office Park - Building B
- Building of the Year—Office: 6985 Financial Drive
- Building of the Year—Office: Sun Life Waterloo King
- Building of the Year—Senior Living Community and Residential Care Facility: Sunrise of Windsor
- Building of the Year—Warehouse: 1121 Thornton Road South, Oshawa
A big thank you to the winners and the applicants as well as to all of our 1,000+ participants that work on a daily basis to help Canadians save energy, save money and save our environment.
More information about the awards process, descriptions of the awards, and winner profiles are available on our website or by contacting ENERGY STAR Canada.
May 29 – ENERGY STAR Brand Compliance
Notice for May 29
We are writing concerning some general brand compliance issues that we have recently noticed on some of our participants’ media platforms (e.g. websites). As you likely know, the ENERGY STAR symbol has been a trusted mark of high efficiency in Canada since 2001.
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is responsible for ensuring the proper use of the ENERGY STAR marks within Canada as directed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). NRCan enrolls participants in the program, promotes the ENERGY STAR symbol, protects the brand and registered marks, and monitors their use in-market and across media platforms in Canada
By signing the ENERGY STAR Participant Administrative Arrangement with NRCan, you have agreed to conform to the technical specifications of the symbol, the promotional guidelines and to promote the sale/purchase of energy-efficient products and equipment. We would like to remind you that all ENERGY STAR marks and logos must be used in accordance with the mandatory guidelines provided in the ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Book.
As part of an ongoing media platform compliance review among our ENERGY STAR participants, we have noticed that some participants are not adhering to the ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Book and consequently we are issuing a reminder to all our participants. The ENERGY STAR Canada Brand Book presents examples of mark uses and misuses. Additionally, attached is a summary document titled 'ENERGY STAR Mark and Terminology Use 101’ for your reference. The document highlights examples of common brand misusage from a proactive audit we have performed earlier this year.
Consumers rely on the integrity of the ENERGY STAR brand to access financial savings from saved energy costs and rebates. Ensuring that the ENERGY STAR marks are used properly protects every ENERGY STAR participant’s investment in the program and consumer confidence in the ENERGY STAR brand. We ask that you please ensure that your organization’s promotional materials adhere to the brand guidelines. In the months to come, we will continue our media platform compliance review and when required, we will directly advise participants who demonstrate non-compliance with the ENERGY STAR Brand Book.
Contact or your ENERGY STAR Account Manager with any questions or any promotional material to review.
May 17 – Release of Draft 2 of the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 Computers Specification
Notice for May 17
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the release of Draft 2 of the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 Computers Specification. A webinar will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, from 1-3pm ET to discuss Draft 2 in greater detail. To register for the webinar, please go to Participants are encouraged to submit comments on Draft 2 to no later than Tuesday, June 4, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.
In developing the Draft 2 specification, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considered stakeholder feedback submitted on the draft 1 proposal. Note boxes throughout the Draft 2 specification provide EPA’s rationale for proposals.
Overview of the Draft 2 specification
The Draft 2, Version 9.0 specification incorporates the following key elements:
Energy Criteria: EPA received further data from stakeholders, which allowed many new products to be included in the updated dataset (PDF,707 KB). While the addition of these products did not change the approach outlined in Draft 1, it did support a change in the base allowances. As such, the base allowances have been updated to identify the top quartile of products in the market for desktop computers, notebook computers, and integrated desktop computers. As with Draft 1, no changes have been made to the workstation criteria at this time.
Power Supply Criteria: EPA is proposing to retain the internal power supply requirements from Version 8.0 in the Draft 2 specification. EPA believes the program will have more impact continuing with more stringent lower load efficiency requirements than increasing the higher load requirements through 80Plus Silver or equivalent efficiencies.
EPA also received comments on allowing manufacturers to test with a recommended adaptor rather than an in-box adaptor for adaptors larger than 35W. EPA remains concerned about impacts on efficiency and performance when potentially pairing a notebook with the incorrect adaptor and has retained the test method references in the Draft 2. In addition, EPA received comments on a temporary solution for workstation testing, however, has concerns about the approach and has retained the current structure in Draft 2. EPA may consider exempting those products from the reporting requirement in the event the test method cannot be run on workstations.
For any computer related questions, please contact
April 23 – Sunset Update on ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioners
Notice for April 23
On May 18, 2023, a proposal was distributed to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for central air conditioners (CAC). The ENERGY STAR program serves an important role in helping consumers realize the benefits of energy efficiency from both a cost and environmental perspective. ENERGY STAR specifications are periodically reviewed and updated to ensure that they provide meaningful differentiation for highly energy-efficient products. New and updated specifications are developed through a transparent process in consultation with manufacturers, brand owners, and other stakeholders before making decisions consistent with the program’s objectives and principles.
With this letter, we are communicating to you that a delay is being proposed for the sunset of the ENERGY STAR Central Air Conditioner specification to February 1, 2026, with no new certifications accepted after May 1, 2026, allowing additional time for the transition.
The public is encouraged to provide written comments on the revised CAC sunset proposal for the EPA’s consideration to by May 16, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Individual comment letters can be reviewed on the sunset proposal webpage.
April 23 – Proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for furnaces
Notice for April 23
On May 18, 2023, a proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for furnaces was distributed. ENERGY STAR Canada appreciates the extensive stakeholder engagement and comments on this proposalFootnote 1. In response to compelling support for continuing the labeling of furnaces, a decision has been made to propose an update, rather than sunset, to the ENERGY STAR furnace specification. The proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR specification for central air conditioning is addressed in a separate letter.
The ENERGY STAR program serves an important role in helping consumers realize the benefits of energy efficiency from both a cost and environmental perspective. ENERGY STAR specifications are periodically reviewed and updated through a transparent process to ensure that they provide meaningful differentiation for highly energy-efficient products as markets evolve.
Furnace Specification Revision
With this letter, we are distributing a first draft of the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR furnace specification and is targeting an effective date of 2026.
Key elements of Draft 1 specification revision include:
- An increase in stringency for the gas furnace requirement to 97 AFUE. Nearly 500 furnace models, representing all common sizes and all major manufacturers currently meet this levelFootnote 2.
- A proposal to eliminate the regional distinction for ENERGY STAR furnaces, to align with current minimum efficiency standards and simplify program administration and participation.
- An increase in stringency for the oil furnace requirement to 87 AFUE. At least 13% of oil furnace models will meet the proposed criteria.
Future Plans
In addition to updating the ENERGY STAR furnace specification, the EPA remains interested in the potential for dual-fuel HVAC systems to serve as a lower cost option in cold climates. A new specification recognizing furnaces in the context of new dual fuel heating systems (i.e. furnace plus heat pump) is being considered, relying on system metrics developed in collaboration with industry. A test procedure will be finalized in 2024 to evaluate performance data and develop a proposed specification. Because the furnaces in these systems will run on a limited basis, it may make sense to specify lower furnace efficiency in the interest of overall cost.
Further, the requirement for heat pumps to be rated with specific furnaces is a barrier to ENERGY STAR certification for heat pumps installed in households with an existing furnace. We are investigating how to best address this situation and we seek your feedback.
Comment Submittal
The public is encouraged to provide written comments on the proposed furnace specification revision for the EPA’s consideration to by May 16, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Stakeholder Meeting
A webinar will be hosted on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, from 3 to 5 pm ET to discuss the Draft 1 furnaces specification revision and address initial stakeholder comments and questions. Please register for the webinar here. Stakeholders are encouraged to inform the EPA of any industry events that may conflict with this proposed date.
To track the progress in these developments, visit the ENERGY STAR website at (click on the “Furnaces” or “Air Conditioner, Central” links).
April 15 – Release of ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Medical Imaging Equipment Draft 2 Specification
Notice for April 15
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the release of draft 2 of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Medical Imaging Equipment Specification. Participants are encouraged to submit comments on this draft proposal to no later than May 1, 2024. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a webinar on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, from 12-2 pm EST to discuss draft 2 of the specification.
Overview of Draft 2 Proposal
EPA continues to look for ways to provide end-users with improved access to power management. This draft specification adds two elements, operational hours and non-operational hours, which have separate power management criteria. While products may have these functionalities already, the program seeks to automate power management in the case of operational hours.
EPA received comments supporting the effort to create an ENERGY STAR program for medical imaging equipment. Based on the comments, the definitions, scope, test methodology, and criteria elements were updated in Draft 2. Note boxes throughout the specification explain the rationale for the changes to the specification.
Key elements of the Draft 2 proposal include
After further discussion with stakeholders, EPA has determined that it will focus on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) devices in the Version 1.0 specification and is developing a roadmap with industry stakeholders to collect data to incorporate the other modalities as part of a future revision.
Power Modes and Auto-Power Down:
EPA added definitions for operating hours and non-operating hours and has created power down criteria for each. For operating hours, MRI devices will go into a power saving mode that saves at least 7% (depending on MRI type) compared to the Ready to Scan mode. This power saving mode would be automatic. During non-operating hours, the product would need to be able to reduce its power consumption in a power saving mode by at least 16% (depending on the MRI type). This, however, will not be automatic at this time. It is thought that moving the MRI into a lower power state should be a conscious decision by the user based on the situation at the time of closing. EPA is planning on developing materials with stakeholders to provide further information on how to best do this.
EPA has also retained an interest in providing end-users with the best possible information on the energy consumption of the product. However, stakeholders noted that the numbers obtained through testing may not be a particularly accurate representation of the energy profile of the specific product obtained by the end-user. EPA is considering additional ways to provide accurate information that allows hospitals and other medical facilities to estimate their consumption and will provide an update in the next draft of the specification.
Test Method:
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has made two slight modifications to the test method, adding one test to allow for testing the power saving condition when the product is in the operating hours and noting that the ENERGY STAR test method currently only applies to MRI devices.
Stakeholder Webinar:
The EPA will host a webinar on April 17, 2024, from 12-2PM Eastern Time to discuss draft 2 in more detail. Please register to attend the webinar here.
Comment Submittal:
Participants are encouraged to provide written comments to no later than May 1, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.
For any medical imaging related questions, please contact
April 5 – Final Draft ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance
Notice for April 5
The Final Draft ENERGY STAR Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance has been released and we invite the public to submit comments to no later than April 15, 2024.
In response to the Draft 1 Test Procedure, generally supportive comments from stakeholders were received with a few recommended changes. The Final Draft Test Procedure has been adjusted in response to the comments received; responses to comments can be found in note boxes throughout the Final Draft Test Procedure as well as in the accompanying Draft 1 Comment Response Matrix.
This test procedure is being developed in advance of the addition of a heating mode test requirement to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners specification at some point in the future. In the meantime, brand owner participants will be able to update their certification to include heating mode test results for ENERGY STAR reverse cycle models once the test procedure is final. The heating mode efficiency will be included in the ENERGY STAR dataset.
Key elements of the Final Draft Test Procedure include:
- Definition of room heat pump types
- Altered from mild, cool, cold climate, and other to Types 1-4
- Removed the capacity ratios and efficiency requirements
- Clarification that supplemental test instructions may vary fan speed according to the test condition
- Addition of a simulated cut-out
- Added test conditions for both single-speed and variable-speed units with active defrost but have cut-in and cut-out temperatures above 17 °F
- H2,int test is now optional for all units to reduce overall test burden
- Meltwater required to be drained using an indoor or outdoor drain port, if possible, during tests
- Small non-substantive corrections and formatting adjustments to the equations
Comment Submittal
The public is encouraged to provide written comments to the EPA and the DOE by Monday, April 15, 2024, to
As a reminder, all comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5 Product Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise their respective comments remain confidential.
March 22 – Canada Only Verification Testing Announcement
Notice for March 22
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is announcing its intention to introduce a verification testing program for ENERGY STAR certified products sold only in Canada.
Although all ENERGY STAR products are subject to an initial certification procedure, only those ENERGY STAR certified products sold in the United States (U.S.) are subject to routine post-market verification testing. Post-market verification testing maintains consumer confidence in the brand and upholds brand integrity by ensuring that ENERGY STAR certified products continue to perform as tested and deliver the expected energy savings. Products that fail verification testing are disqualified from using the ENERGY STAR label.
In the past, ENERGY STAR certified products available for sale only in Canada were not subject to the same verification testing requirements as those for sale in the U.S. It is possible that products originally certified and labelled as ENERGY STAR in Canada no longer meet current program specifications.
NRCan’s new verification testing protocol will align with the program in place in the U.S. and will benefit Canadian consumers and ENERGY STAR Canada Participants alike by preserving the integrity of the brand.
Also, there have been updates to the Participant Administrative Agreement (PAA). If our records show your organization needs to complete and sign an updated PAA, the ENERGY STAR Canada team will be in contact.
Stay tuned for future developments on the roll-out of this exciting new program!
Please send any inquiries to
March 20 – ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Version 2.0 Specification Discussion Guide
Notice for March 20
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a revised ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryers Discussion Guide and is soliciting public comments to further inform an ENERGY STAR Version 2 specification for the clothes dryer product category. To receive a French translation of this discussion guide or any technical specification, please e-mail
Please provide any new or updated comments to by April 8, 2024. Unless otherwise specified, EPA will consider comments previously submitted. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the EPA ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter requests their respective comments remain confidential.
Since the release of the ENERGY STAR Version 1 Clothes Dryer Specification, which took effect on January 1, 2015, the clothes dryer market has evolved significantly. Specifically, technological advances, most notably heat pumps, offer significant efficiency gains, and new features and functions are available across all brands.
Per the ENERGY STAR Guiding Principles, it is important to ensure consumers have a positive experience and association with ENERGY STAR certified products, ensuring there is not a trade off in performance while in pursuit of greater efficiency. Accordingly, and in follow up to the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 Clothes Dryers Clarification Memo (May 19, 2020), EPA is seeking to better understand the user experience with dryers and how to ensure promised savings are delivered.
For any questions or concerns related to the discussion guide or specification, please contact
Please email if you have any other questions.
March 20 – Webinar for Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifiers specification
Notice for March 20
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites the public to submit comments on the enclosed Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Version 6.0 Dehumidifiers specification and can be found on EPA’s Dehumidifier Product Page . A webinar was held on March 28, 2024, at 1p.m. ET to discuss the Draft 1 specification in greater detail. Comments on this draft proposal may be submitted to EPA no later than April 12, 2024.
Since the current Version 5.0 specification took effect in February 2019, the dehumidifier market has evolved quite a bit, with the market share of ENERGY STAR certified models rising significantly in the past few years to 90%. This presents an opportunity for the ENERGY STAR program to deliver additional energy savings and improve the consumer value the label provides.
Overview of Draft 1 Proposal
The basis for this Draft 1 proposal is to increase stringency to provide better market differentiation for ENERGY STAR dehumidifiers and capture even greater energy, greenhouse gas, and cost savings. It is being proposed that to qualify for ENERGY STAR, dehumidifiers must be at least 18-58%, depending on product class, more efficient than the current minimum standard. Approximately 19% of current base models meet the proposed levels.
Key elements of the Draft 1 proposal include:
- Integrated Energy Factor (IEF) criteria for portable dehumidifiers ≤ 25.00 pints/day, 25.01 to 50.00 pints/day, and ≥ 50.01 pints/day as well as for whole-home dehumidifiers with case volumes ≤ 8.0 cubic feet and > 8.0 cubic feet (as tested according to 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix X1).
- A minor update to the IEF definition to be in alignment with the DOE definition.
Participant Meeting:
Webinar was on March 28, 2024, from 1-3PM Eastern Time that discussed the Draft 1 document and address initial stakeholder comments and questions.
Comment Submittal:
The public is encouraged to provide written comments or questions to no later than April 12, 2024. As a reminder, all submitted comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR product development website unless the submitter specifically requests their respective comments remain confidential.
Please email if you have any other questions.
March 4 – Webinar Registration for ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers
Notice for March 4
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 2, Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers specification.
In response to the Draft 1, Version 2.0 proposal, EPA received numerous comments regarding the criteria. The Agency has taken that feedback into account in developing the Draft 2 proposal and has referred to the comments received and responded to them through the Draft 2 specification. In particular, the Agency assessed the need to further segment the High-Performance Refrigerator and Freezer markets based on door type and defrost type. In addition, the ultra-low temperature freezer category was split into two bins to reflect differences in energy consumption of those products. EPA is also proposing energy allowances for High Performance products that certify to NSF 456. In reaching the criteria levels proposed in Draft 2, the EPA reviewed all available data sources where products were tested to the ENERGY STAR test method to allow for an appropriate comparison of products. The updated data set (PDF, 35.4KB) that reflects new data has been released with this draft. EPA continued to look to differentiate the market and based on the feedback received from Draft 1 believes that this proposal differentiates the top performers in the market while maintaining a good selection of eligible products for purchasers. Finally, EPA notes that there was interest in expanding the scope of this specification to include combination refrigerator/freezers and cryogenic freezers. However, as of this time, the Agency has no data with which to determine criteria and therefore has continued to exclude these products from scope.
A stakeholder webinar will be held to answer any questions on this specification on March 7, 2024, from 1-3 pm EST. Please register by completing the ENERGY STAR V2.0 Lab Grade R/F Draft 2 Specification Webinar form if you would like to attend.
Comments on the Version 2.0 Draft Specification may be submitted to by March 19, 2024. All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Stakeholder comments, previous draft specifications, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Specification Development webpage.
For any questions related to this specification, please contact Ryan Fogle, or Annie Williams, For test method questions, please contact Bryan Berringer, Department of Energy (DOE), at
Please email if you have any other questions.
February 14 – 2024 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards - Applications due soon!
Notice for February 14
The deadline to apply for the 2024 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards is fast approaching! Applications are due no later than March 8, 2024.
We encourage you to apply and we are here to support you through the application process. Don’t miss your chance, request an application form today!
Why Apply?
ENERGY STAR Canada award winners are celebrated for their superior achievements in promoting energy efficiency and will be granted use of the prestigious ENERGY STAR Awards’ winner promotional symbols. From ministerial recognition to special marketing materials, there are many reasons to apply. Learn more about the benefits of being distinguished as a top participant in our program!
Award Categories
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Appliances.
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Commercial Products.
- Manufacturer/ Product Brand Owner - Electronics.
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Fenestration Products.
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - HVAC Products.
- Manufacturer/ Product Brand Owner - Lighting Products.
- Retailer - National and Regional.
- Utility/Program Administrator - Provincial and Regional.
- Advocate.
- Promotional Campaign of the Year.
- Promoter - ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.
- Recruit of the Year.
- Sustained Excellence.
- Special Recognition.
New Homes:
- Small builder: A single entity building (1-49) homes built in 2023.
- Mid-size builder: A single entity building (50-249) homes built in 2023.
- Large builder: A single entity building (250 or more) homes built in 2023.
Don’t delay! The deadline for submissions is March 8, 2024.
For more information, review our awards website or drop us a line at
February 13 – Update to the ENERGY STAR Boilers Version 3.0 Specification
Notice for February 13
The ENERGY STAR Boilers Version 3.0 Specification has been revised to update the test method reference to 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B, Appendix EE in coordination with changes to the code of federal regulations (CFR). The test method referenced in the specification prior to this update was 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B, Appendix N. However, on March 13, 2023, a final rule was issued pertaining to the test procedure for boilers, which resulted in moving provisions for consumer boilers to this new appendix EE. Appendix EE includes all provisions previously included in appendix N relevant to consumer boilers, with no substantive modifications.
More information concerning ENERGY STAR Boilers Version 3.0 Specification can be found on the ENERGY STAR Boiler development page.
January 15 – Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products
Notice for January 15
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 12IN 30K 90CRI SWR WH
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 12IN 40K 90CRI SWR WH
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 18IN 30K 90CRI SWR WH
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 18IN 40K 90CRI SWR WH
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 24IN 30K 90CRI SWR WH
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Lithonia Lighting model UCLD 24IN 40K 90CRI SWR WH
- Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-I6123-**
- Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-I6123-WH
- Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-I6124-**
- Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-I6125-**
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
Please e-mail ENERGY STAR Canada if you have any questions.
January 9 – ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Computer Servers Specification Effective Date Reminder
Notice for January 9
This notification is to remind stakeholders that the effective date for the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Servers specification is January 12, 2024. On this date, only products certified to Version 4.0 and submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs), using the Version 4.0 web service, will be displayed on the certified product list.
For any questions related to this specification, please contact CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 4.0 certified computer servers to
Please email if you have any other questions.
January 8 – Calling all ENERGY STAR Canada Participants: the 2024 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards are now open for submissions!
Notice for January 8
ENERGY STAR Participants in Canada deserve recognition for their excellence in promoting the most energy-efficient products and new homes in Canada. We are excited to announce the opening of our 2024 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards process and we are inviting you to submit your applications.
Award Categories
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner – Appliances
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner – Commercial Products
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner – Electronics
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner – Fenestration Products
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner – Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Products
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner – Lighting Products
- Retailer – National and Regional
- Utility / Program Administrator – Provincial and Regional
- Advocate
- Promotional Campaign of the Year
- Promoter – ENERGY STAR Most Efficient
- Recruit of the Year (nominations are put forth by ENERGY STAR Canada)
- Sustained Excellence (nominations are put forth by ENERGY STAR Canada)
- Special Recognition (nominations are put forth by ENERGY STAR Canada)
New Homes - Builder
- Small builder: A single entity building (1-49) homes built in 2023
- Mid-size builder: A single entity building (50-249) homes built in 2023
- Large builder: A single entity building (250 or more) homes built in 2023
Don't delay! The deadline for submissions is March 8, 2024.
Additional information about the process and descriptions of the awards are available on our website or by contacting ENERGY STAR Canada.
Notices for 2023
December 20 – ENERGY STAR Lamps Version 2.1 and Luminaires Version 2.2 Specifications Cessation Date Reminder
Notice for December 20
This notice is to remind stakeholders that as of December 31, 2023, certification bodies (CBs) recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are required to cease certification of new lamps to the Version 2.1 specification and new luminaires to the Version 2.2 specification. CBs may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing lamp and luminaire certifications until December 31, 2024. Brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with products certified to Lamps Version 2.1 and Luminaires Version 2.2 after December 31, 2024.
While brand owners may continue to promote models as ENERGY STAR certified, they are encouraged to stop applying the ENERGY STAR mark to printed material, including packaging, to minimize the presence of the ENERGY STAR mark on materials after December 31, 2024.
Please reference ENERGY STAR Canada’s Sunset of the ENERGY STAR Specifications for Lamps and Luminaires communiqué posted July 5, 2023 for more details. More information related to the lighting sunset can also be found on EPA's product development webpage.
For any questions related to this specification, please contact CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified lamp and luminaire products to
Please email if you have any other questions.
December 15 – Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products
Notice for December 15
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
Ceiling Fans
- WAC Lighting, WAC Lighting model F-036L
- WAC Lighting, WAC Lighting model F-036L-MB
Clothes Washers
- Electrolux Professional, Electrolux model W5180H
- Electrolux Professional, Wascomat model EX745co
Commercial Fryers
- Pitco Frialator, Ultrafryer model E17-14
Connected Thermostats
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T7###
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T7850
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T7900
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T8###
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T8850
- Venstar Inc., Venstar model T8900
LED Lamps
- HONGKONG CHITE TRADE CO., LTD, Li-Tech model LT-US-PAR3813W2278E-02
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 6.5P20D927FL/JA8
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 6.5P20D930FL/JA8
- Allanson International Inc., Allanson Lighting Technologies model (ALF16-120V-WW-R) + (54-262-02-ALT)
- American Lighting Inc., American Lighting model BRD6-5CCT-RD
- Signcomplex Limited, Signcomplex model SC-DL12-D06-A1-01RE
- Topaz Lighting, Topaz model RDL/6RND/12/5CTS
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/100 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/100 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/120 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/120 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/150 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/150 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/175 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP] [ |EL|ELR]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/50 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/50 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/60 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/60 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/80 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO [ |LW|WW|SQ|SQLW] [27|30|35|40|50]/80 6[AR|WR] [ |FL] [VND|ND|MD|MWD|WD] [ |LD|LSS|LS] [MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |CRI90] [ |CP|HAO] [ |EL|ELR] [ |NLTAIR2]
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO6 27/175 AR ND LD MVOLT GZ10 90CRI
- Acuity Brands Lighting, Gotham model EVO6SQ [27|30|35|40|50]/175 [AR|WR] [ |FL] [LSS|LD ][MVOLT|120|277] [EZ1|EZ10|EZB|GZ1|GZ10] [ |90CRI] [OPTIONS]
- Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-930-**
- Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-935-**
- Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-940-**
- Globalux Lighting LLC, Globalux Lighting model SDL-7-15-120D-950-**
- Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-SI6153-**
- Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-SI6154-**
- Lights Direct Inc., Lights-Direct model DCLD-SI6155-**
- Lowe's Home Improvement, PROJECT SOURCE model MXL1072A-LED18K9027
Refrigerators and Freezers
- S.P. Richards and Co., Lorell model LLR72311
- Polycom, Inc., POLYCOM INC. model Rove 30/40 Multi Handset Charger
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
Please e-mail if you have any questions.December 11 – ENERGY STAR Version 9.1 Televisions Specification
Notice for December 11
This notification is to inform stakeholders of amendments to the ENERGY STAR Version 9.0 Televisions Specification to align with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Television Sets incorporated in Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430, published in a Final Rule on March 15, 2023 and effective starting April 14, 2023. Updates to Appendix H correspond with the recently finalized industry-developed test method, ANSI/CTA-2037-D: Determination of Television Set Power Consumption.
Products with test results from the ANSI/CTA-2037-C test method and already certified to version 9.0, will not be affected by this update, and will not need to be retested to maintain their ENERGY STAR certification. All new testing shall be based on Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430 (i.e., ANSI/CTA-2037-D). Manufacturers with products already certified to the version 9.0 specification are encouraged to work with their certification bodies to update their reported values consistent with the results from the updated Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430.
The version 9.1 draft specification has been amended to account for this updated test method. These proposed updates include:
- Updating, adding, and removing definitions
- removing requirements for previously defined modes
- revising the power measurement interpolation instructions for models that would otherwise be certified at a dynamic luminance level below given thresholds
- updating the applicable test procedures to reference Appendix H to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430
All comments on the version 9.1 draft specification will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requested otherwise. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Televisions Version 9 Specification Development webpage.
For any questions related to televisions, please contact
Please email if you have any other questions.
December 8 – 2024 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards - Only one month to go!
Notice for December 8
Between January 8 to March 8, 2024, ENERGY STAR Canada Participants will be invited to apply for one or more awards.
Let us recognize your outstanding 2023 achievements in promoting ENERGY STAR certified products, commercial and institutional buildings, and new homes in Canada!
The ENERGY STAR team wants to remind all applicants that special attention will be given to the following when evaluating applications:
- Proper usage of the marks and labelling
- Adherence to the ENERGY STAR brand book
- Compliance with ENERGY STAR terminology
Further, it is recommended to review your websites to ensure proper brand usage.
Please visit our Awards page for more information.
December 7 – Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance
Notice for December 7
We are pleased to announce the release of the ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Test Method to Determine Room Air Conditioner Heating Mode Performance.
The development of this test procedure is being undertaken with the intention of eventually adding it to the test requirements for the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners specification. Brand owner Participants will be able to update their certification to include heating mode test results for ENERGY STAR reverse cycle models once the test procedure is final. The heating mode efficiency will also be included in the ENERGY STAR dataset.
Key elements for comment for the proposed Draft 1 Test Procedure include:
- Definitions of Active and Passive Defrost
- Distinction between mild, cool, and cold climate heat pumps
- Test conditions for variable-speed units
- Testing setup requirements and pre-test UUT configuration
- Single speed and variable speed heat pump heating mode tests
- HEER equation, building load line, and fractional hours within heating season bins
Comment Submittal
Participants were requested to share written feedback by Tuesday, January 9, 2024, to
Participant engagement is a vital ingredient in the success of the ENERGY STAR program, and we look forward to working with all parties to develop the ENERGY STAR Heating Mode Test Procedure for Room Air Conditioners.
All comments will be posted to EPA’s ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5 Product Development webpage unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Stakeholder Webinar
A webinar will be hosted on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, from 1-3pm Eastern Time to engage with Participants on the content included in the test procedure. To register for the webinar, click here.
December 4 – Effective Date of the ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioners Specification
Notice for December 4
This notification is to inform stakeholders that the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners Specification came into effect October 30, 2023. As of this date, only products certified to Version 5.0 and submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CB), using the Version 5.0 web service, will be displayed on the ENERGY STAR certified product list.
For questions related to this specification, please contact CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 5.0 certified room air conditioners to
Please email if you have any questions.
December 1 – Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products
Notice for December 1
Ceiling Fans
- Royal Pacific Ltd., RP Lighting & Fans model 1048LED
Clothes Dryers
- Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FC*
- Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FC2
- Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FS*
- Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FW*
- IGEL Technology GmbH, IGEL model UD7
- IGEL Technology GmbH, IGEL model UD7-LX
- Compumax Computer Ltd., COMPUMAX model ML2022CM
LED Lamps
- Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 9W/A19/50K
- Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 9W/A19/50K/2
- Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 9W/A19/50K/4
- Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-850-ND
- Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-830-ND
- Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-827-ND
- Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-835-ND
- Kian Tech LLC, Kian model 13PAR38DIM827LT25DD
- Megalight Inc., Megalight model LPAR3801330
- Lucidity Lights, Inc., BRILLI model BRI-L/BLB/BR30/65/27/D00
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD30FL
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD30NF
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD30SP
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD40FL
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD40NF
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD40SP
- Topaz Lighting, Topaz model LCTC/7/827/D-46
- Topaz Lighting, Topaz model LCTC/7/830/D-46
- Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53130
- Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53132
- Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53200
- Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53201
- ASD Lighting Corp,, ASD model ASD-CDL5-8AD30AC
- ESL Vision LLC, ESL Vision model ESL-OPT-8-xW-1yy-10V
- Minka Group, MINKA-LAVERY model 739-2-44-L
- Minka Group, MINKA-LAVERY model 739-2-84-L
- NDR Electric, NDR Electric model TBX-CCT-810-WH
- P.Q.L., Inc.,, Superior Life model 90997
- Taizhou JiaoGuang Lighting Co. Ltd., LIGHT THE FUTURE model D848-90-10
- Jaykal LED Solutions, Inc., JAYKAL model JLS68102-CP-10-M1-8MCCT-10-S-28
- Jaykal LED Solutions, Inc., JAYKAL model JLS68102-CP-6-M1-8MCCT-10-S-28
- Jaykal LED Solutions, Inc., JAYKAL model JLS68102-CP-8-M1-8MCCT-10-S-28
Refrigerators and Freezers
Room Air Cleaners
- Shenzhen Starmax Technology Co., Ltd, Storebary model C380
- VTech Telecommunications, Ltd., VTech model VSP861
Ventilating Fans
- FartF, LLC, FartF model IRF-150
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
Please e-mail if you have any questions.
December 1 – The 12 Days of ENERGY STAR are coming!
Notice for December 1
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! This holiday season, we’re eager to show off what great gifts ENERGY STAR certified products are. We will be running a promotional social media campaign from December 4 to 17. This year, product giveaways will feature approximately 7 certified product categories: refrigerators, washer/dryer sets, lighting packs, dishwashers, smart thermostats, an energy recovery ventilator, and a Christmas tree decked out in ENERGY STAR certified light strings.
We are hoping you could support our campaign by:
- Sharing and engaging with our content.
- Developing your own content using the hashtag: #12DaysofENERGYSTAR;
- Offering special deals or rebates on ENERGY STAR certified products over the holiday season - remember to tag us if you share these offers on social media!
To be eligible to win a daily contest, followers are required to:
- On Facebook: Enter through a web link in posts and stories
- On Instagram: Enter through a web link in stories
A friendly reminder that the social media handles involved in this campaign are:
- INSTAGRAM @greenercanadians (EN) & @canadiensplusverts (FR)
We will also promote “The best gifts do great things” tagline, an inspirational call-to-action that encourages consumers to choose ENERGY STAR certified products as holiday gifts. These products offer high-tech features and energy efficient designs which give the gift of monetary savings and a better environment all at once.
We look forward to working with you to enhance interest in ENERGY STAR certified products and promote them as the best gifts for this holiday season!
December 1 – Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products
Notice for December 1
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
Ceiling Fans
- Royal Pacific Ltd., RP Lighting & Fans model 1048LED
Clothes Dryers
- Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FC*
- Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FC2
- Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FS*
- Whirlpool Corporation, Maytag model MEDB955FW*
- IGEL Technology GmbH, IGEL model UD7
- IGEL Technology GmbH, IGEL model UD7-LX
- Compumax Computer Ltd., COMPUMAX model ML2022CM
LED Lamps
- Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 9W/A19/50K
- Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 9W/A19/50K/2
- Greenlite Lighting Corporation, Greenlite model 9W/A19/50K/4
- Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-850-ND
- Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-830-ND
- Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-827-ND
- Keystone Technologies, Keystone model KT-LED9A19-O-835-ND
- Kian Tech LLC, Kian model 13PAR38DIM827LT25DD
- Megalight Inc., Megalight model LPAR3801330
- Lucidity Lights, Inc., BRILLI model BRI-L/BLB/BR30/65/27/D00
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD30FL
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD30NF
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD30SP
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD40FL
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD40NF
- Maxlite, MaxLite model 27P38WD40SP
- Topaz Lighting, Topaz model LCTC/7/827/D-46
- Topaz Lighting, Topaz model LCTC/7/830/D-46
- Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53130
- Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53132
- Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53200
- Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, Westinghouse model 53201
- ASD Lighting Corp, ASD model ASD-CDL5-8AD30AC
- ESL Vision LLC, ESL Vision model ESL-OPT-8-xW-1yy-10V
- Minka Group, MINKA-LAVERY model 739-2-44-L
- Minka Group, MINKA-LAVERY model 739-2-84-L
- NDR Electric, NDR Electric model TBX-CCT-810-WH
- P.Q.L., Inc.,, Superior Life model 90997
- Taizhou JiaoGuang Lighting Co. Ltd., LIGHT THE FUTURE model D848-90-10
- Jaykal LED Solutions, Inc., JAYKAL model JLS68102-CP-10-M1-8MCCT-10-S-28
- Jaykal LED Solutions, Inc., JAYKAL model JLS68102-CP-6-M1-8MCCT-10-S-28
- Jaykal LED Solutions, Inc., JAYKAL model JLS68102-CP-8-M1-8MCCT-10-S-28
Refrigerators and Freezers
Room Air Cleaners
- Shenzhen Starmax Technology Co., Ltd, Storebary model C380
- VTech Telecommunications, Ltd., VTech model VSP861
Ventilating Fans
- FartF, LLC, FartF model IRF-150
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
Please e-mail if you have any questions.
November 30 – Release of Finalized ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Downlights Specification
Notice for November 30
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the release of the final version of the ENERGY STAR Downlights Version 1.0 specification. The Version 1.0 specification came into effect November 16, 2023. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please email
This specification was developed through a process that included two draft specifications and a final draft specification, a webinar, with input from various stakeholders. Comments and questions from stakeholders on the final draft of the specification were addressed in the final version. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received a formal letter of support on the final draft from two industry associations (jointly). Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related supporting materials are posted to
The following are minor revisions made in the final specification:
- Single- and multi-head monopoint accent lights were added to the excluded products list in Section 1.2 and an example photo was added in Annex A. This product is essentially the same category as track lights but was not explicitly called out before.
- Two definitions were modified (one definition was added, and one definition was removed) in Section 4:
- The “Accent Light” definition was replaced by “Recessed Accent Light” to better clarify the difference between included recessed adjustable accent lights and excluded single- and multi-head monopoint accent lights.
- A definition of "Communication Link” was added.
- The “Input Power” definition was modified slightly.
- The “LED Light Engine” definition and all references to light engines in other sections were removed since a complete unit of the representative model must be tested.
- The requirement for testing and reporting color tunable and multioutput models at the default white light setting have been removed from Section 5.1. This data is no longer pertinent, as with the new approach the participant is responsible for representing a product certification only at the most consumptive setting. Therefore, only in the case where the default is the most consumptive setting would its performance be reported.
- To further aid in understanding the new approach and provide all relevant requirements for establishing a product family’s tested representative model in Section 6.1, EPA carried over language from Section 12.1 on thermal management. “Downlight retrofit kit must be tested in the worst-case thermal condition for which it is rated per ANSI/UL1598C-2014” and “recessed downlight retrofit kits must be tested in the worst-case thermal environment that the product is rated for per ANSI/UL1598C-2014.”
- The Start time test method was updated to include ANSI/IES LM-79-19.
- Step Dimming was removed from Section 15.1 for products marketed as dimmable since continuous dimming is required.
While retesting is not required for Version 1.0, based on the new approach to product groupings or “families” (going from least efficient to most consumptive), participants may benefit from doing additional testing to submit a new representative tested model to optimize their product family listings. Specifically for color tunable models certified to Luminaires V2.2, participants should work with their certification body to leverage existing test data to the greatest extent possible since the variation between the least efficient setting and most consumptive may be negligible for certain criteria. Finally, to provide a better understanding of the new approach to product certification, EPA included an example of an allowable product family in Section 6 of the specification.
Stakeholder Webinar
EPA will host a webinar on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 2:00 PM EST to provide an overview of the major changes from Luminaires Version 2.2 to Downlights Version 1.0. Register here to attend. Participants may now begin to work with their EPA-recognized Certification Body (CB) to certify their eligible products to the Downlights Version 1.0 specification.
November 22 – Final Recognition for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024
Notice for November 22
The ENERGY STAR program distinguishes the highest performers in energy efficiency for recognized products with the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation.
The recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 have been finalized. These criteria will recognize the most efficient ENERGY STAR certified products in 2024 across 13 product categories. Products that meet the 2024 criteria will deliver significant savings to Canadians over conventional products.
Overview of Comments on the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 Proposals
Stakeholders shared feedback with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on proposed recognition criteria. Stakeholder comments and EPA responses can be found in the comment response document.
Final 2024 Recognition Criteria
The ENERGY STAR program in the U.S. and Canada recognizes criteria across the product categories listed below. To receive a French translation of these criteria, please request via e-mail at:
- Air-Source Heat Pumps
- Ceiling Fans
- Clothes Dryers
- Clothes Washers
- Consumer Refrigeration Products (Refrigerators-Freezers)
- Dehumidifiers
- Dishwasher
- Geothermal Heat Pumps
- Computer Monitors
- Room Air Cleaner
- Room Air Conditioner
- Ventilating Fans
- Windows and sliding glass doors*
*Natural Resources Canada’s ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria for 2024 for windows and sliding glass doors will be available at Most Efficient criteria for windows and sliding glass doors webpage. NRCan’s Searchable product list is updated with certified models as they are submitted.
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 certified products available for sale in Canada can be found at as of January 1, 2024.
The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 designation is intended for use at point-of-sale on point-of-purchase materials, product literature, and websites. It may not be factory-applied to products or product packaging.
To obtain more details regarding the Most Efficient designation, visit the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2024 Criteria Development.
November 20 – ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Version 2.0 Specification Discussion Guide
Notice for November 20
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the release of the ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryer Version 2.0 Specification Discussion Guide. The purpose of this discussion guide is to engage with interested stakeholders to further inform an ENERGY STAR Version 2 specification for the clothes dryer product category. To receive a French translation of this discussion guide or any technical specification, please e-mail
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a webinar on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, from 1-3pm EST to seek input from stakeholders on the topics listed in the discussion guide. To register for the webinar, go to Stakeholders are also asked to share feedback and data in response to the discussion guide by Thursday, December 14, 2023.
The discussion guide highlights multiple topics for further discussion summarized below. More details regarding these topics as well as specific questions are included in the discussion guide.
- Scope: EPA seeks information on the viability of expanding the scope of this specification to include a subset of commercial products.
- Dryer Efficiency: EPA seeks feedback on the understanding of dryer efficiency gains and technological and market updates.
- Paired Laundry: EPA seeks feedback on the impact of consumers using paired laundry versus washers and dryers not designed as a pair. EPA also requests feedback on how EPA could recognize energy efficiency and cycle time benefits for paired laundry.
- Consumer Preferences: EPA seeks information on the cycle and settings selections including the “eco” setting and their impact on energy use and consumer satisfaction.
- Network-Connected Functionality, Updates, & Smart functionality: EPA seeks feedback on the understanding of demand response programs’ engagement with dryers, product firmware and downloadable cycle updates, and smart or AI functionality in laundry products.
- Commercial Dryer Testing: EPA seeks feedback for the development of a new test method for commercial clothes dryers.
Stakeholders may send written comments on the discussion guide to by December 14, 2023. All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
October 30 – Release of the Final Draft of the ENERGY STAR Downlights Version 1.0 Specification
Notice for October 30
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the release of the final draft of the ENERGY STAR Downlights Version 1.0 Specification. This specification is intended to replace the existing Luminaires Version 2.2 specification (V2.2) for downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received formal comments on the second draft of the specification from two industry associations (jointly) and one EPA-recognized certification body. Comments are posted at
In response to the feedback received from stakeholders on draft 2, the final draft includes the following changes. Please see notes section inspecification for details of these changes.
- Scope (Section 1)
- Definitions (Section 4)
- Product Families (Section 6.1)
- Luminous Efficacy, Output and Zonal Lument Density (Section 8.1)
- Products with Connected Functionality (Section 14.2)
- Scope Details & Examples (Appendix A)
- Additional changes to Section 8.1, Section 10, Section 15.1.
- Section 5.2 was removed.
Stakeholders may comment on this final draft via email to by November 1, 2023. Please indicate “ENERGY STAR Downlights V1 Final Draft Comments” in the subject line. Please note that comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR website unless otherwise requested.
All comments and documents related to this draft specification are posted to
EPA’s intent remains that eligible models currently certified under Luminaires V2.2 may be reevaluated and recertified to this Version 1.0 specification without additional testing. Participants with currently certified products that will remain in scope will receive requests from EPA to submit annual unit shipment data for downlights and retrofit kits shipped in 2023.
Verification testing for downlights and retrofit kits will begin in spring 2024.
For questions related to this specification, please contact
October 19 – Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Version 2 Specification
Notice for October 19
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the release of the Draft 1 ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Version 2 Specification. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
The current ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers specification has been in place since 2017, and participation in the specification has grown. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invited stakeholders to submit data and information in support of the revision to the specification. While no data was received, the feedback received, recommending changes to the criteria, was considered in the preparation of draft 1.
Based on analysis of the ENERGY STAR data, EPA is proposing more stringent criteria for most lab grade refrigeration and freezer products. Other revisions include bin adjustments for each product category and definitions of these products to more closely align with the latest NSF/ANSI standard.
All comments received are posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requested otherwise. Stakeholder comments, previous draft specifications, and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Specification Development webpage.
For questions related to laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers, please contact
October 17 – Update Disqualified List
Notice for October 17
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the
following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Certified Product Lists:
Ceiling Fans
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 54-INDO
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 58913
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 58919
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 58928
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 58929
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 92211
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 92216
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 92217
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 92318
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 92319
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 97918
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 97919
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 99918
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 99919
Commercial Fryers
- Anetsberger, LLC, Anets model AV40
- Pitco Frialator, Pitco model SGC
- Pitco Frialator, Pitco model VF35
Decorative Light Strings
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model RECALO335BSMA (Cool White)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model RECALO335BSMA (Warm White)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model N(K)cALO, N(K)CcALO, N(K)cALI, N(K)CcALI series (Blue)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model N(K)cALO, N(K)CcALO, N(K)cALI, N(K)CcALI series (Green)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model N(K)cALO, N(K)CcALO, N(K)cALI, N(K)CcALI series (Cool White, Pure White, Warm White)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model RE(K)cALO,RE(K)CcALO,RE(K)cALI,RE(K)CcALI series (Blue)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model RE(K)cALO,RE(K)CcALO,RE(K)cALI,RE(K)CcALI series (Green)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model RE(K)cALO,RE(K)CcALO,RE(K)cALI,RE(K)CcALI series (Cool White, Pure White, Warm White)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model RE(K)NcALO, RE(K)NCcALO, RE(K)NcALI series (Blue)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model RE(K)NcALO, RE(K)NCcALO, RE(K)NcALI series (Green)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model RE(K)NcALO, RE(K)NCcALO, RE(K)NcALI series (Cool White, Pure White, Warm White)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model RE(K)NCcALI series (Blue), RE(K)NCcALI series (Green)
- Abundant Resource Development LTD, Abundant Resource Development LTD model RE(K)NCcALI series (Cool White, Pure White, Warm White)
- Seasonal Specialties, LLC, PHILIPS model RECALO series (Warm White, Pure White, Cool White)
- Seasonal Specialties, LLC, PHILIPS model RECALO series (Green)
- Seasonal Specialties, LLC, PHILIPS model RECALO series (Blue)
Geothermal Heat Pumps
- 9370846 Canada Inc. (Calorek Technologies), Calorek Technologies model HOC WTW036
- 9370846 Canada Inc. (Calorek Technologies), Calorek Technologies model HOC WTW060
- 9370846 Canada Inc. (Calorek Technologies), Calorek Technologies model WTW060-00004
Imaging Equipment
- HP Inc., HP model CF238A
- HP Inc., HP model CF236A
- Starfish Technologies LLC, Raven model Raven Scanner Pro White
- Starfish Technologies LLC, Raven model Raven Scanner Pro Black
LED Lamps
- Halco Lighting Technologies, ProLED model 81955
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74313
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74314
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74315
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74399
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74761
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74762
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74763
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74764
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78035
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78036
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78037
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78038
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78039
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78040
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78044
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78045
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model LBR30D27KCAVSV
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93121798
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93121802
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93122574
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93129498
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93129499
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93129500
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVBR3065W27KDE4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVBR3065W27KDE8
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVBR3065W50KDE4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVBR3065W50KDE8
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVGU105030DE3
- Wyze Labs Inc, WYZE model WLPA19V2
- AFX Inc., AFX model T5L2-12R**(3000K)
- AFX Inc., AFX model T5L2-12R**(3500K)
- AFX Inc., AFX model T5L2-12R**(4000K)
- AFX Inc., AFX model T5L2-12R**(5000K)
- AFX Inc., AFX model T5L2-12RWH
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/2H/32.2W/D/E/30K/BK
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/2H/12W/30K/**
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/2H/12W/40K/**
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/2H/12W/50K/**
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89281-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89183-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89189-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89283-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89289-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89184-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89228-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89286-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89181-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89186-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89287-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 89282-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/4H/64W/D/30K/BK
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/4H/12W/30K/**
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/4H/12W/40K/**
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model MKS/NDL/4H/12W/50K/**
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99291-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99191-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99196-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99293-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99298-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99193-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99198-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99294-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99299-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99194-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99199-MKS
- Sunshine Lighting, MKS model 99296-MKS
- VISUAL COMFORT AND COMPANY, Sea Gull Lighting model Wynfield 82200EN-12
- VISUAL COMFORT AND COMPANY, Sea Gull Lighting model Wynfield 82200EN-***
- VISUAL COMFORT AND COMPANY, Sea Gull Lighting model Chatham 8262EN-***
Refrigerators and Freezers
- Nostalgia Products LLC, IGLOO model IRF16BK
- Nostalgia Products LLC, IGLOO model IRF16RD
- Nostalgia Products LLC, IGLOO model IRF16SS
- Zhongshan Galanz Consumer Electric Appliances Co., Ltd., Galanz model GLR76TBKE
- Zhongshan Galanz Consumer Electric Appliances Co., Ltd., Galanz model GLR76TS1E
- Zhongshan Galanz Consumer Electric Appliances Co., Ltd., Galanz model GLR76TWEE
- Zhongshan Galanz Consumer Electric Appliances Co., Ltd., Galanz model GLR76TBKER
- Zhongshan Galanz Consumer Electric Appliances Co., Ltd., Galanz model GLR76TRDER
- Zhongshan Galanz Consumer Electric Appliances Co., Ltd., Galanz model GLR76T**ER
- Zhongshan Galanz Consumer Electric Appliances Co., Ltd., Galanz model GL76S1E
- Zhongshan Galanz Consumer Electric Appliances Co., Ltd., Royal Sovereign model RMF-215SS
Room Air Conditioners
- Nepo Appliance USA INC., NEPO model WS3-08EW-201
- Nepo Appliance USA INC., Soleusair model WS4-08EW-201
- Nepo Appliance USA INC., Soleusair model WS3-08EW-201
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Integrity Efforts for ENERGY STAR Products webpage for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
October 10 – Release of Finalized ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Specification
Notice for October 10
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the release of the final version of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Specification. The version 1.0 requirements came into effect September 25, 2023. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
In addition to significant energy savings, ENERGY STAR certified models are anticipated to deliver additional benefits such as a healthier indoor living environment, and induction units, in particular, are expected to offer faster heating, precision controls, easy cleaning, smart capabilities, various sensors, and multiple user-friendly product features.
This specification was developed through a process that included two draft specifications and a final draft specification, webinars, stakeholder meetings and additional input from various stakeholder groups. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received written and verbal feedback in response to the final draft that was released on August 29, 2023. Modifications were made to Section 2 (“Scope”; excluded products) and Section 4 (“Additional Reporting Requirements”). Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, and related supporting materials are available on theENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Product Development webpage.
Third Party Certification
Effective September 25, 2023, participants may begin the certification process for residential electric cooking products. All products must be tested by an EPA-recognized laboratory that is accredited to use the required test method listed in the specification. Successful test results may allow products to become certified through an EPA-recognized certification body (CB) before being labeled and marketed as ENERGY STAR certified. Laboratories and CBs seeking EPA recognition can apply by e-mail to Please visit EPA’s third-party certification webpage for more information.
New organisations may apply to join the ENERGY STAR Canada program as a participant.
October 10 – Your ENERGY STAR Canada YESCan
Notice for October 10
We are pleased to introduce a new initiative that will simplify, streamline, and improve your experience with the ENERGY STAR Canada program.
The Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is engaged in a modernization exercise for its aged databases used to administer its programs. This exercise will have significant implications for the ENERGY STAR program, affecting how you interact with our team and fulfill your program requirements.
This initiative will update our current systems to a secure, web-based program delivery platform for our participants known as Your ENERGY STAR Canada (YESCan). With YESCan, all interactions with ENERGY STAR Canada will take place electronically through this centralized online platform. Through this initiative, it is our goal to significantly reduce submission approval times and provide greater transparency throughout the process. The actual process with the ENERGY STAR Canada program will continue to be used until the new system is in place.
We are optimistic about the advantages this initiative will bring, both for OEE and our valued participants. Through increased automation and digital program delivery, we believe that our ENERGY STAR participants will benefit from the simplification of their interaction with our program.
The implementation of YESCan will be carried out in phases, with the following tentative timeline:
Phase 1
- Early fall of 2023: testing of submission with selected manufacturers and Certifications Bodies (CBs).
- Late fall of 2023: testing of shipment data with selected ENERGY STAR fenestration manufacturers.
Phase 2
- Winter 2024: electronic input of annual shipment data from the ENERGY STAR fenestration manufacturers.
- Early spring 2024: launch of YESCan for the ENERGY STAR fenestrations manufacturers and CBs.
Phase 3
- Fall 2024: expected launch of YESCan to all other ENERGY STAR participants.
Additional information will be shared as we approach each phase, with opportunities for live demonstrations of new functionality.
September 29 – Release of draft 1 of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Medical Imaging Equipment Specification
Notice for September 29
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the release of draft 1 of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Medical Imaging Equipment Specification. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please email
To develop key components for the specification, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) previously released an ENERGY STAR medical imaging equipment discussion document for stakeholder review and feedback. EPA considered stakeholder feedback in the development of draft 1 of the specification and test method, and included explanations in the Note section boxes in the draft specification.
Overview of Draft 1
Stakeholders commented on ENERGY STAR’s scope. Minor adjustments were made to the scope presented in the discussion document based on stakeholder feedback, particularly clarifying excluded products.
Power Modes and Auto-Power Down
The efficiency requirements in this specification remain focused on the non-active state of medical imaging products. EPA proposed to collect energy consumption data on the ready-to-scan mode and low-power mode. Stakeholders are interested in better understanding the energy consumption of these products so they can factor energy use into purchasing decisions.
In addition, EPA proposed that ENERGY STAR certified medical imaging equipment default to having power management capabilities enabled. EPA proposed that the power management can feature be turned off based on user needs.
Test Method
A slight modification was made to the test method to clarify that all products should be tested with the power saving mode turned on for ENERGY STAR certification purposes.
All comments are posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development webpage unless the submitter requested otherwise. To track the progress on this specification development, please visit the product development webpage.
For any questions related to this specification, please contact
September 27 – ENERGY STAR Day is Wednesday October 11
Notice for September 27
#ENERGYSTARDay is Wednesday, October 11, 2023, and will be the eighth time that we officially mark the day in Canada. This is an excellent opportunity to increase awareness of ENERGY STAR Canada and remind Canadians of all the ways certified products can help save energy and money.
What Can You Do to Celebrate?
- Amplify and interact with our Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn posts - love/like, retweet/share them;
- Encourage your followers to follow the official ENERGY STAR Canada feeds for energy-saving tips and tricks the whole year through;
- Post about your favourite ENERGY STAR Canada certified product, and mention a few of its best features;
- Use the hashtag #ENERGYSTARDay;
- “@” mention our official handles and tag us in your graphics;
- Facebook: @ENERGYSTARCanada
- X (Twitter): @ENERGYSTAR_CAN
- Pinterest: @ENERGYSTARCanada
- LinkedIn: ENERGY STAR Canada
- Check out the Spotlight on energy efficiency blog, powered by our Brand Team, where we share helpful energy efficiency tips for everyone. Share our blog posts with your audience on social media.
If you’d like to request a copy of our social media plan, sample messaging and a suite of graphics, please contact our Social Media Officer, Clara Buckley by email at
September 26 – Update to the Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT) for Computer Servers
Notice for September 26
This notification is to inform Computer Server stakeholders of an update to the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT).
For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, as of July 24, 2023, computer servers should be tested using SERT Version 2.0.7. Test results submitted through the certification process prior to this date using a version of SERT that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has previously accepted, are not affected by this update. EPA’s clarification memo can be found on the Computer Servers Version 4.0 Specification product development webpage.
The SERT Version 2.0.7 is a minor update and the results it produces are comparable to those produced by previous SERT versions. A list of changes is provided below:
- Added support for regulatory certification with AmpereOne and other future ARM-compatible processors developed by Ampere.
- Addressed an ARM specific disk I/O bug.
For any questions regarding certification to SERT Version 2.0.7, please contact For any computer server related questions, please contact
September 22 – New Account Manager Introduction for HVAC Products with ENERGY STAR Canada
Notice for September 22
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Demian Chaiquin, and I am excited to introduce myself as your new Account Manager for ENERGY STAR HVAC products.
With a background in the buildings industry and a strong commitment to sustainability, I am thrilled to join the ENERGY STAR team and to partner with you in achieving our shared goals.
As your dedicated Account Manager, I will be your main point of contact for all matters related to ENERGY STAR HVAC products. Whether you have questions about product specifications or require insights into the latest industry trends, I am here to provide you with the assistance you need.
ENERGY STAR has long been a symbol of energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. It's a testament to our commitment to creating a sustainable future. Together, we will continue to promote energy-efficient HVAC products that not only save energy but also reduce carbon emissions, lower utility bills, and enhance indoor comfort for consumers.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at if you have any questions, concerns, or if you'd like to schedule a meeting to discuss how we can best collaborate moving forward.
Thank you for placing your trust in ENERGY STAR.
September 18 – Reminder for Sunset of ENERGY STAR specifications for set top box products
Notice for September 18
This notification is to remind participants of the sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for set-top box products, effective September 29, 2023. As of this date, all set-top box participants must cease use of the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark in association with all set-top box products, including on products, webpages, and other materials.
September 8 - Release of ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Final Draft Specification
Notice for September 8
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the release of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Final Draft Specification (PDF 181 KB). Stakeholder comments in response to the Final Draft may be submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) no later than September 12, 2023. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
EPA received written and verbal feedback in response to Draft 2 which was released on May 31, 2023. A summary of comments and EPA responses can be found in the Version 1.0 Draft 2 comment response matrix (PDF 184 KB).
Overview of the Final Draft
Stakeholder comments were considered in the Final Draft specification. Revisions were made to the Version 1.0 Final Draft Specification and Version 1.0 Final Draft data package (xlsx 90 KB) relative to Draft 2 documents. A short list of revisions to the specification is provided below:
- Addition of two terms and definitions, minimum-above-threshold power setting and active cooling.
- Adjustment to the proposed IAEC criteria, such that ENERGY STAR residential electric cooking tops would use ≤ 195 kWh/yr.
- Specify that Time t90 will be reported in minutes with rounding to the nearest half minute.
- Inclusion of reporting requirements for presence/absence of active mode cooling and designations for cooktops as either portable, free-standing, or built-in/slide-in.
Comment Submittal
Stakeholders are welcome to submit any final comments on the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Final Draft Specification to by September 12, 2023. Version 1.0 of this specification is anticipated to be finalized by September 25, 2023. Upon finalization, manufacturers will be able to immediately begin certifying products.
All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
August 22 – Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Specification
Notice for August 22
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the ENERGY STAR Version 1.0 Residential Electric Cooking Products Draft 2 Specification. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
The ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Draft 1 specification was released on December 15, 2022. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hosted a webinar on January 11, 2023, to discuss the specification with stakeholders and gather initial feedback. EPA received comments from multiple stakeholders in response to the Draft 1 specification, with a summary provided in this Draft 1 Comment Response Matrix (PDF 166 KB). A webinar on the resulting Draft 2 Specification was hosted on June 21, 2023, with comments accepted until June 30, 2023.
Overview of Draft 2 Proposal
All stakeholder comments were considered and addressed in the Draft 2 specification, including explanations in section note boxes, the Draft 1 comment response matrix, and the Draft 2 data package. Key elements of the Draft 2 proposal include:
- Simplifying the wording for the additional reporting requirement of the annual combined low-power mode energy consumption (ETLP), excluding the following clause: “of the conventional electric cooking top component of a combined electric cooking product,” and replacing it with “of the cooking top.” The reporting requirement is written as follows: “annual combined low-power mode energy consumption of the cooking top (ETLP).” The annual combined low-power mode energy consumption for the combined cooking product (conventional range) and conventional electric oven component can be calculated from the annual combined low-power mode energy consumption of the conventional electric cooking top component.
- Providing savings analysis in the Draft 2 data package.
All comments and documents related to this draft specification are posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Product Development website.
August 22 – Commercial Electric Cooktops Version 1.0 Final Draft Specification
Notice for August 22
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktops Version 1.0 Final Draft Specification. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail energystar@nrcan-
All comments and documents relating to the development of this specification are posted to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Electric Cooktop Version 1.0 Product Development webpage unless the submitter requested otherwise.
Activities to Date: Overview of Draft 2 Proposed Changes
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considered and addressed all stakeholder comments in the Draft 1 comment matrix (xlsx 26 KB), the Draft 2 data package (xlsx 62 KB), and included explanations in the Note section boxes in the Draft 2 specification.
- Adding definitions for cooktop types including countertop cooktop units, commercial electric ranges, measured energy input, and simmer energy rate; and clarifying inside diameter (ID) as the approach to use to measure cookware dimensions.
- Basing energy efficiency criteria on individual hobs instead of a weighted average of all hobs.
- Incorporating efficiency measures for multiple operating voltages for a single unit.
- Including a reporting requirement to confirm commercial electric cooktops are certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 4 ahead of energy efficiency testing for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification.
- Adding in scope commercial electric ranges, which may be certified if the commercial cooktop portion of the unit meets the criteria set forth in this specification and the commercial electric oven portion is included in scope and is certified to the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens specification version currently in effect.
To ensure consistent and comparable test results among laboratories, certification and verification testing, the use of a stainless-steel cooking container for commercial induction and electric non-induction cooktops continued to be supported. EPA encouraged stakeholders to work through the processes to specify a single cooking material for commercial electric cooktops.
Data Assembly for Commercial Electric Cooktops
EPA received additional induction and non-induction data that were evaluated and included in the data package. The induction data, which closely track the ASTM F1521-22 standard test method, confirmed the ENERGY STAR proposed level of 80%. While it was believed that the current dataset was reasonably reflective of commercial electric cooktop energy performance, EPA remained interested in obtaining additional eligible data to incorporate in the performance requirement analysis. Stakeholders were encouraged to share any comments on the Draft 2 Proposed Changes. The stakeholder comments were considered in the Final Draft Proposal (see section below).
Overview of Final Draft Proposal
- Addition of two terms and definitions, cooking energy and simmer average water temperature, derived from the from the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F1521-22 Standard Test Methods for Range Tops.
- Inclusion of the safety requirement for third-party testing under UL 197 Standard for Safety Commercial Electric Cooking Appliances prior to ENERGY STAR certification for products included in scope.
- Removal of the reporting requirement confirming testing to NSF/ANSI Standard 4. Reporting requirements confirming testing to UL 197 Standard are also excluded to avoid confusion.
- Revision of the reporting requirement for individual hob size from diameter to area for greater inclusivity.
- Revision of the reporting requirement for simmer test results to include three endpoints: simmer average water temperature, energy rate, and energy efficiency.
Version 1.0 of the specification is anticipated to be finalized by September 1, 2023. Once finalized, manufacturers will be able to immediately begin certifying products.
August 11 – Release of Finalized ENERGY STAR Version 1.2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Specification
Notice for August 11
This notification is to inform stakeholders of the finalized ENERGY STAR Version 1.2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment specification. The Version 1.2 requirements became effective June 20, 2023. Criteria pertaining to DC Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) and currently certified DC and AC products are not affected by this update. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
Version 1.2 provides updates regarding added product functionality criteria for AC EVSE. Based on data that was shared, certain features warranted additional allowed energy across multiple modes, and some minor updates were made to the connected criteria. This amended specification proposes a new base allowance and new functionality adders for the AC-output EVSE energy efficiency criteria. Stakeholder comments, previous drafts of the specification, test method and related materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Version 1.2 EVSE Specification Development Page.
Updates resulting from the draft specification feedback:
- Although the metering in charging stations met utility requirements for accuracy, noise, environmental conditions etc., it did not typically meet ANSI C-12 requirements.
Therefore, the definition for Revenue Grade Meter was updated to harmonize with NIST Handbook 44 requirements, as products also meet this requirement. - The Credit Card Reader definition was updated to allow for EMV CHIP credit cards.
- The term ‘In-use’ in tables 2 through 4 has been updated for clarity.
- EVSE station lighting, including status lights (except for displays), may be turned off or disabled by means of hardware or software during the ENERGY STAR testing process, as lighting doesn’t pertain to EVSE functionality.
- Some EVSEs in the market require Wi-Fi, Cellular and Ethernet to be enabled simultaneously. This has been updated to allow testing of products with any or all network connections enabled. An allowance can be claimed for only one connection as per the order mentioned in the test method.
- To support the addition of ISO 15118 functionality in the optional connected criteria, clarification was added on how brand owners should demonstrate compliance for any model they wish to have recognized as having ENERGY STAR connected functionality.
July 27 – ENERGY STAR Residential Boilers Discussion Guide
Notice for July 27
We would like to inform you that the ENERGY STAR Residential Boilers Discussion Guide (PDF 99 KB) has been released and your feedback is welcomed as we evolve the ENERGY STAR program from its focus on traditional fossil fueled technologies to embrace emerging advances in efficiency.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program. If you have any questions or would like to receive a French translation of the technical specification, please e-mail
July 24 – ENERGY STAR Residential Ceiling Fans, Ventilating Fans and Lighting Subcomponents Reminders
Notice for July 24
This notification is to remind all stakeholders that on August 1, 2023, amended versions of the Residential Ceiling Fans and Ventilating Fans specifications will be issued with the lighting requirements removed, effective at that date.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be updating the data requirements for the XML-based web services for submitting data on models for these products on August 1st to align with the amended requirements.
In addition, EPA will no longer allow products to be certified referencing the Certified Subcomponent Database on August 1, 2023. As of this date, the web services for submitting data on certified subcomponents will all be closed, and the database will no longer be available for certification.
The finalized lighting sunset details are available on the ENERGY STAR Canada Participant Product Notices webpage.
Please contact EPA at with any specific questions regarding these specifications. Certification bodies should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified ceiling fans, ventilating fans, or lighting subcomponents to
July 21 – Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products List
Notice for July 21
Update to the ENERGY STAR Disqualified Products List
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List (PDF 5,799 KB) and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Certified Products Lists:
Ceiling Fans
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 54-INDO
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 58913
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 58919
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 58928
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 58929
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 92211
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 92216
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 92217
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 92318
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 92319
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 97918
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 97919
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 99918
- The Home Depot, Hampton Bay model 99919 Commercial Fryers
- Anetsberger, LLC, Anets model AV40
- Pitco Frialator, Pitco model SGC
- Pitco Frialator, Pitco model VF35
Geothermal Heat Pumps
- 9370846 Canada Inc. (Calorek Technologies), Calorek Technologies model HOC WTW036
- 9370846 Canada Inc. (Calorek Technologies), Calorek Technologies model HOC WTW060
- 9370846 Canada Inc. (Calorek Technologies), Calorek Technologies model WTW060-00004
Imaging Equipment
- Starfish Technologies LLC, Raven model Raven Scanner Pro White
- Starfish Technologies LLC, Raven model Raven Scanner Pro Black
LED Lamps
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74313
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74314
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74315
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74399
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74761
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74762
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74763
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 74764
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78035
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78036
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78037
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78038
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78039
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78040
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78044
- LEDVANCE, LLC, Sylvania model 78045
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model LBR30D27KCAVSV
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93121798
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93121802
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93122574
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93129498
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93129499
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 93129500
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVBR3065W27KDE4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVBR3065W27KDE8
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVBR3065W50KDE4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVBR3065W50KDE8
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVGU105030DE3
- Wyze Labs Inc, WYZE model WLPA19V2
- AFX Inc., AFX model T5L2-12R**(3000K)
- AFX Inc., AFX model T5L2-12R**(3500K)
- AFX Inc., AFX model T5L2-12R**(4000K)
- AFX Inc., AFX model T5L2-12R**(5000K)
- AFX Inc., AFX model T5L2-12RWH
Refrigerators and Freezers
- Nostalgia Products LLC, IGLOO model IRF16BK
- Nostalgia Products LLC, IGLOO model IRF16RD
- Nostalgia Products LLC, IGLOO model IRF16SS
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers.
July 21 – Release of the final Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Server Specification
Notice for July 21
This is to inform you of the release of the final Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Server Specification (PDF 583 KB). The version 4.0 requirements will take effect on January 12, 2024. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail ENERGY STAR Canada.
The Version 4.0 specification will recognize the top performing computer server products on the market. ENERGY STAR certified computer servers with power management enabled will use, on average, approximately 38% less energy than standard computer.
In response to the final draft specification, limited comments were received that focused on improving clarity within the specification, which have been addressed in the final document. Clarification of the definitions for Storage Heavy Servers, Auxiliary Processing Accelerator (APA) and High and Low End Performance Configurations have been incorporated. New definitions for Field Programmable Gate Array and Data Processing Units were included to support the changes to the APA definition. In addition, the footnote related to power supplies was amended to clarify that the power supply values used for servers should be at 230V/60Hz rather than 115V/60Hz. Finally, small changes were made to the scope, to exclude products that would never be sold without an APA.
Version 4.0 Transition Timeline and Next Steps
The following timeline aims to facilitate a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next, meet consumer expectations, and ensure that ENERGY STAR labeled products fully meet the new requirements upon their effective date.
- Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 4.0 requirements.
- CBs must upload required SERT files specified in Section 4.1.2.v of the specification to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in a location to be determined which will be shared with CBs upon the release of the final QPX form.
- After August 30, 2023, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 3.0. Note, however, that existing certifications to V3.0 will remain valid for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until January 12, 2024.
- Any computer server manufactured as of January 12, 2024, must meet the Version 4.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark.
All certifications of products to the Version 3.0 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR and CBs will only submit product models certified to Version 4.0 to EPA.
July 18 – Effective Date of the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers Version 7.0 Specification
Notice for July 18
Please find below an update to ENERGY STAR technical specifications. To receive a French translation of any specification, please request via e-mail at:
We would like to remind participants that the ENERGY STAR Residential Dishwashers Version 7.0 specification (PDF 469 KB) will take effect July 19, 2023. As of this date, only products certified to Version 7.0 submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) using the Version 7.0 web service will display on the certified product list.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 7.0 certified residential dishwasher products to
July 11 – Updated link for the Webinar on ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights Version 1.0 Specification Draft
Notice for July 11
A stakeholder webinar will be held on July 12, 2023 from 2 to 3:30 pm EST to provide an overview of the second draft of the ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights Version 1.0 specification (PDF 475 KB) and allow for a detailed discussion. The link sent in yesterday’s communique is no longer working. Please register here to attend. All documents related to draft 2 are posted to
July 10 – Release of the second draft of the ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights Version 1.0 specification
Notice for July 10
Please find below notification of the release of the second draft of the ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights Version 1.0 specification (PDF, 474 KB) (Version 1.0) intended to replace the Luminaires Version 2.2 specification (the existing specification) for recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
In response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lighting Sunset Proposal, two trade associations and the DesignLights Consortium™ made a case for continuing ENERGY STAR certification for recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits because of the potential for significant additional energy savings. In response, EPA performed research and confirmed a wide range of performance levels in this category and the opportunity for significant energy savings. EPA determined it would be valuable to continue ENERGY STAR certification for these products via a new specification with higher efficacy criteria than currently set in the Luminaires specification, while preserving relevant performance requirements.
EPA aims to complete this process promptly and release a final Recessed Downlight Version 1.0 specification in 2023. After its release date, until the end of 2023, partners will be able to certify new models to either Luminaires Version 2.2 or Recessed Downlights Version 1.0. Consistent with the Luminaires Version 2.2 sunset timeline, after December 31, 2023, new recessed downlight and recessed downlight retrofit kit models must be certified to Recessed Downlights Version 1.0. Additionally, upon finalisation of Recessed Downlights Version 1.0, the intent is that currently certified models that meet the new requirements may be certified to the new specification without additional testing.
Recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits certified to the Luminaires Version 2.2 specification will be considered ENERGY STAR certified until December 31, 2024. For recessed downlight products that will not be recertified to the new specification, brand owners are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on websites and materials as they are updated or reprinted to ensure compliance by December 31, 2024.
Proposed Changes from the Existing Specification for Draft 1
Specification Scope
EPA proposed the scope of this specification cover recessed downlights and retrofit kits with apertures less than or equal to ten inches (25.4 cm). All other luminaire types are excluded.
EPA proposed a single minimum efficacy requirement of 90 lumens per watt for recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits.
Power Factor
EPA proposed the power factor requirement be greater than or equal to 0.7 because there are currently no certified recessed downlights or recessed downlight retrofit kits with efficacy ≥ 90 lumens per watt that have power factor less than 0.7.
Test Methods
EPA proposed updating methods of measurement to the latest versions, use of the ANSI/IES TM-21 Calculator for new certifications, and to retire the ENERGY STAR TM-21 Calculator on December 31, 2023, when no new models may be certified to Luminaires Version 2.2.
EPA also proposed to include 2200K and 2500K nominal CCTs and for all tests and evaluations to be performed at the most consumptive white light setting (i.e., the white light setting that results in the highest measured input power) rather than the least efficient white light setting per Luminaires Version 2.2.
EPA has defined that dim-to-warm, full-colour-tunable, and white-tunable products are considered colour tunable for the purpose of ENERGY STAR certification. Since performance at the most consumptive setting was always required to be reported for these products, EPA does not anticipate additional testing for recertification.
EPA received formal comments on the first draft of the specification from three EPA-recognized Certification Bodies, two industry associations (jointly), and one EPA brand owner partner.
Proposed Changes for Draft 2
Product Families (Section 6.1)
Based on feedback from draft 1 related to efficacy and product variations, EPA is proposing that draft 2 include a new approach to certifying product families. Rather than requiring the testing of all variations or worst-case efficacy scenarios, this proposal focuses on the energy used and requires the representative test model for a product family to have the highest input power and highest efficacy. Variations in the product family that reduce light output, and therefore have lower luminous efficacy, are allowed if the applicable minimum initial light output requirement is met. The goal of this approach is for certification to represent the same energy savings for any product in the family. The result should be a greater number of models being certified, with less testing. This approach allows for flexibility in serving customer preference while delivering the same benefit to the environment.
Lumen Maintenance and Rated Life Requirements (Section 9)
In response to concerns about more conservative projections highlighted in the 2022 NEMA white paper (NEMA Comments on Updated IES TM-21-22 Calculator), EPA is proposing a single light source life requirement for all products, whether the light source is separable or inseparable, of 25,000 hours instead of maintaining the two thresholds of 25,000 and 50,000 hours respectively. With the official release of the ANSI/IES TM-21 Calculator confirmed, EPA is proposing that all products be re-evaluated using the new calculator so that all ENERGY STAR certified recessed downlights under the new specification can be represented consistently. EPA is also proposing to remove the “Option 2” lumen maintenance compliance path and all associated references to LM-84 testing and TM-28 lifetime projections due to the limited use of this certification pathway over the history of the luminaires program.
Packaging Requirements (Section 15.1)
EPA has updated the packaging requirements in response to stakeholder comments that the current packaging requirements were designed for instore retail sales, where consumers make purchasing decisions based on information displayed on a package and are costly and unnecessary for online sales. For models destined exclusively for online sale, EPA proposes that packaging requirements may be fulfilled by providing a supplemental performance summary document for certification and that all online resellers ensure that online marketing claims are consistent with the model’s certification. Additionally, EPA has removed requirements that were redundant with existing safety standards. Note that this does not impact existing luminaires partner/participant commitments regarding the use of ENERGY STAR marks which will carry over.
Additional Changes Proposed
- The scope has been expanded to allow for alternate mounting configurations (Section 1).
- The Downlight, Accent Light, and Downlight Retrofit definitions are further harmonized and a new Wallwash Distribution definition is introduced (Section 4).
- The expectation that colour tunable and multi-output products are to be evaluated at the most consumptive white light setting has been clarified (Section 5.1).
- EPA has clarified that ANSI/IES LM-80-21, IES LM-80-15, or LM-80-08 and its Addendum A are acceptable methods of measurement related to ENERGY STAR lumen and colour maintenance requirements. Additionally, ANSI/IES LM-79-19 and IES LM-79-08 are acceptable methods of measurement where applicable (section 7, 8, and 9) as are ANSI C82.77-10-2021 and C82.77-10-2014 for power factor.
- Light source serviceability and driver replaceability requirements are replaced with recommendations whenever possible based on product design (Section 11).
A stakeholder webinar will be held on July 12, 2023, from 2 to 3:30 pm EST to provide an overview of the version 1.0 draft 2 specification and allow for detailed discussion. Register here to attend. All documents related to draft 2 are posted to Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments to the EPA for consideration via e-mail to no later than July 28, 2023. Please indicate “ENERGY STAR Recessed Downlights V1 Draft 2 Comments” in the subject line. All comments received will be posted to the Recessed Downlights Version 1.0 Draft 2 website unless the submitter specifically requests that comments remain confidential.
July 6 – Clarifications to the ENERGYSTAR Version 4.0 Light Commercial HVAC Specification
Notice for July 6
Please find below, clarifications to the ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Light Commercial HVAC Specification.
The ENERGY STAR Version 4.0 Light Commercial HVAC Specification was released on March 28, 2022, and a clarification of the specification was released in April 2022. The specification went into effect on January 1, 2023. On March 21, 2023, a final rule was issued, pertaining to standards for air-cooled, three-phase, small commercial air conditioners and heat pumps and air-cooled, three-phase, variable refrigerant flow air conditioners and heat pumps. Compliance with the amended standards established in this final rule is required on and after January 1, 2025. These final rules do not require substantive change to the ENERGY STAR specification but allow the existing criteria to be clarified.
Summary of Changes
The purpose of this clarification is to account for test standards being final and for upcoming test method compliance dates.
Key elements of the clarification include:
- “Proposed Appendix B1” has been changed to “Appendix F1.”
- Table 6 in the Test Requirements section now clarifies when to transition using the updated test methods. The updated test methods to show compliance with new energy conservation standards are required to be followed starting on January 1, 2024, for some equipment and January 1, 2025, for other equipment.
The transition to new test methods is not expected to require products to be recertified, but their performance may need to be updated to reflect new results.
Thank you for your continued support of the ENERGY STAR Program.
July 5 – Sunset of the ENERGY STAR specification for lamps and luminaires
Notice for July 5
We wish to inform you that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing the sunset of the ENERGY STAR specifications for lamps and luminaires which will be effective December 31, 2024. Recessed downlights, discussed below, will be covered by a new specification moving forward. Lighting requirements will be removed from the ENERGY STAR ceiling fan and ventilation fan specifications effective August 1, 2023. Fans with lighting will remain eligible.
Stakeholders provided feedback last year with comments received from manufacturers, trade associations, energy efficiency organizations, facility managers and procurement organizations, certification bodies for ENERGY STAR lighting products, and sustainability consultants. All written comments received, as well as the Comment Response Document, can be found here.
Multiple commenters suggested that the marketplace still needs part or all the ENERGY STAR lighting program to avoid losing the significant efficiency gains associated with lamps and luminaires. However, historical efficiency gains for lamps and luminaires will be secured through enforcement of the manufacturing and sale of these products. While Canada implemented the restriction of manufacturing and sales of incandescent bulbs in 2014, the U.S. is implementing new energy efficiency regulations to phase-out incandescent bulbs with full enforcement in July 2023.
These efficiency gains will translate to luminaires to the extent they accept covered light sources. For the remaining luminaires, recessed downlights excepted, which multiple stakeholders noted still had room for significant energy savings differentiation, any remaining efficiency potential is quite small, especially for residential applications. Commenters also expressed concern regarding quality. While instituting performance quality metrics in the ENERGY STAR program was critical for ensuring widespread market adoption of energy efficient lighting technology, it is not the role of the Program to recognize products based on non-energy attributes alone. It is important to note that energy conservation is the congressionally mandated directive of the ENERGY STAR program.
In the absence of the ENERGY STAR mark, every lamp that, for the purpose of sale or lease, is shipped from one province to another or imported into Canada must be labelled in accordance with sections 426 to 429 of the Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 (Part 2, Division 7). In the U.S., the Federal Trade Commission’s Lighting Facts labels will continue to communicate lamp performance to consumers, including brightness, estimated yearly energy cost, life, light appearance as the expression of the correlated color temperature, and energy used. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has initiated a rulemaking process that would significantly raise the minimum efficiency of general service lamps and establish a new minimum power factor requirement of 0.7 to go along with the minimum Color Rendering Index (CRI) of 80 initially set by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. For inquiries on DOE’s Rulemaking please contact Bryan Berringer at
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) will be in alignment with the U.S. when Amendment 18 comes into effect (with exception to the labelling requirements). Until that time, the present energy performance standards remain in effect for the various lighting products and can be found on the Guide to Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations web page under Lighting products. Please visit Pre-consultations for Next Amendments ( for more information on the pre-consultation process and the technical bulletins for next amendments. For more regulatory or compliance information or questions, please contact
ENERGY STAR for Recessed Downlights
Two trade associations, and the DesignLights Consortium™ made a case for continuing ENERGY STAR certification for recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits because of the potential for significant additional energy savings. In response, EPA performed research and confirmed wide performance in this category and the opportunity for energy savings. Considering DOE’s stated intent not to cover recessed downlights and recessed downlight retrofit kits in federal standards, EPA has decided to continue ENERGY STAR certification for these products via a new specification with a higher efficacy requirement than currently required in the luminaires specification, while preserving existing relevant performance requirements. EPA is striving to complete this specification in time for a seamless transition from Luminaires.
Timeline Milestones
Milestone | Lamps and Luminaires* | Ceiling Fan Light Kits | Ceiling and Vent fans with Lighting |
Certified lighting models recognized on until (static lists will be archived) | December 31, 2024 | December 31, 2024 | N/A |
EPA to stop accepting new Partnership Applications / ENERGY STAR Canada to stop accepting new Participant Administration Arrangements | August 1, 2023 | August 1, 2023 | N/A |
Certification Bodies (CBs) to stop certifying new lighting models and subcomponents** | December 31, 2023 | August 1, 2023 | August 1, 2023 |
Brand owners to stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR mark | December 31, 2024 | December 31, 2024 | December 31, 2024 |
This timeline was set based on the 45 lumen per watt backstop and not future DOE rulemaking.
* EPA intends for there to be no interruption in the certification of recessed downlights and downlight retrofit kits.
** CBs to stop certifying models referencing the Certified Subcomponent Database on August 1, 2023.
EPA will continue market surveillance and enforcement of the proper use of the ENERGY STAR mark. Brand owners are encouraged to remove ENERGY STAR references on websites and materials as they are updated or reprinted to ensure compliance by December 31, 2024.
Ceiling Fan and Ventilation Fan Amendments
On August 1, 2023, EPA will issue amended versions of the Residential Ceiling Fans and Ventilating Fans specifications with the lighting requirements removed, effective at issuance. See Appendix A.
Please contact with any questions.
EPA and ENERGY STAR Canada appreciate the efforts of all lighting stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR program in both countries and applaud your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency. Thank you!
Appendix A
Following are details for the specification amendments EPA plans to finalize effective August 1, 2023. EPA will coordinate with its Certification Bodies the changes necessary to the Qualified Product Exchange forms to reflect the elimination of all lighting criteria. Ceiling and Vent fans packaged with lighting will still be eligible, but no longer be subject to lighting requirements.
Residential Ceiling Fans Version 4.1
For purposes of this amendment:
- Definitions of the following terms will be removed: ceiling fan light kit (CFLK) with integrated solid-state lighting circuitry, CFLK with separable light source, LED light engine, non-standard integrated LED lamps, Other SSL product, and solid-state lighting.
- Scope: as of August 1, 2023, Ceiling Fan Light Kit that are sold separately from a residential ceiling fan will be removed from the scope.
- Ceiling Fan Light Kit Requirements (Section 3.2) will be removed.
- Control and Standby Requirements (Section 4) related to CFLKs will be eliminated.
- Minimum Warranty requirements (Section 5) related to CFLKs will be eliminated.
- Product Certification requirements related to CFLK Product Families (Section 6.1), Solid-state Lumen Performance Data (Section 6.2), and CFLK rounding, and sampling requirements will be eliminated.
- Labeling and Packaging requirements (Section 7) related to CFLKs sold separately from a residential ceiling fan will be eliminated.
- Lighting Toxics Reduction Requirements (Section 8) will be eliminated.
Residential Ventilating Fans Version 4.2
For purposes of this amendment:
- Definition of Residential Ventilating Fan will be updated to recognize that some models contain a light source for general lighting and/or a night light.
- Definition of Combination Unit will be eliminated.
- Lighting Requirements (Section 3.B.) will be eliminated
June 21 – ENERGY STAR Proposed amendment to the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment specification
Notice for June 21
Please find below notification of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed amendment to the ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment specification. This amendment addresses updates to the criteria for AC Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) in terms of added product functionality. No criteria pertaining to DC EVSE will be revised, and currently certified DC and AC products will not be affected by this update.
In response to extensive feedback and data shared by stakeholders, this amendment to the specification proposes a new base allowance and new functionality adders for the AC-output EVSE energy efficiency criteria. Data shared demonstrated that some of the mandated features warrant additional allowed energy across multiple modes. This proposed amendment also includes minor updates to the connected criteria. Key specification updates are outlined below.
Definitions for a speaker, PLC board (ISO 15118), RFID card reader, Revenue Grade Meter and a credit card reader are included to clarify treatment of these features for the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification.
Base Allowance
EVSE is a rapidly evolving product category wherein many new features have been added to improve customer experience since the last revision. These additional features require more advanced processors leading to higher energy consumption. As such, the base allowance has been amended from 2.6 watts to 4 watts based on data and feedback received from stakeholders.
No Vehicle, Partial On, and Idle Mode Adders
Proposed additional allowances for EVSEs in the No Vehicle Mode, Partial On Mode, and Idle Mode for functionalities such as credit card readers, Revenue Grade Meters, RFID systems and PLC boards that will be enabled during testing. Additional allowances are proposed for in-use speakers for improved driver engagement with the vehicle and its functions. Occupancy sensing is an important feature from an energy savings standpoint. When EVSE systems are sophisticated and well designed, occupancy sensing can be used as a primary input to determine the time required to put various subcomponents to sleep, identifying utility rates, detecting vacant spots and equipment security. To encourage innovation in this space and reward systems that lead to significant savings though occupancy sensing, an adder is being proposed for this function.
Connected Functionality Criteria
To be recognized as having connected functionality, it is proposed that an additional requirement of the EVSE to have the necessary hardware (PLC board for ISO 15118) to facilitate high-level communication between the EV and the EVSE based on wired communication technology beyond basic signaling. At this time, EPA intends that compliance with this criterion be confirmed through review of documentation by a certification body, rather than with a test procedure. For instance, this might include annotated product materials, a record of product examination, etc. Products already certified as connected will continue to maintain their connected listing on the ENERGY STAR Product List.
More information on the specification revision process can be found at Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Version 1.2.
June 20 – ENERGY STAR Canada Annual Report 2021
Notice for June 20
We are pleased to present to you the ENERGY STAR Canada Annual Report 2021. With the publication of the ENERGY STAR Canada Annual Report 2021, we are celebrating 20 years of ENERGY STAR in Canada.
The ENERGY STAR Canada Annual Report 2021 covers the following:
- ENERGY STAR family in Canada:
- ENERGY STAR for products,
- ENERGY STAR for New Homes,
- ENERGY STAR for Industry and,
- ENERGY STAR for Buildings.
You will also find a summary of the key ENERGY STAR activities and successes for the year 2017 to 2020 (our last published annual report was in 2016), and the key activities and successes achieved during the year 2021.
You can access previous years ENERGY STAR Canada Annual Reports.
June 20 – HVAC ENERGY STAR Residential Furnaces and Central Air Conditioners Sunset Proposal
Notice for June 20
HVAC ENERGY STAR Residential Furnaces and Central Air Conditioners Sunset Proposal
Please find below notification of a proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR Version 4.1 Specification for Furnaces and removing CACs(PDF, 180 KB) from the ENERGY STAR V6.1 Specification for CAC and Heat Pump Equipment(PDF 486 KB). A similar sunset proposal will be considered for gas and oil appliances in the context of forthcoming revisions of the ENERGY STAR V3.0 Specification for Boilers, the Version 1.0 Specification for Dryers, and the ENERGY STAR V1.0 for Commercial Packaged Boilers(PDF, 522 KB).
Consistent with Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations, which set a minimum performance standard for energy efficiency, the ENERGY STAR program is proposing to sunset the certification pathway to the ENERGY STAR label for residential furnaces and central air conditioners (CACs). This will allow the ENERGY STAR portfolio of product specifications to evolve toward identifying the most efficient electric equipment now available to consumers, such as Air-source heat pumps. For more information you can visit Canada’s Guide to Energy Efficiency Regulations.
Proposed Timing
The investment EN ERGY STAR brand owner and utility stakeholders have made in certifying and promoting products in these categories is recognized and a reasonable transition period will be provided. It is being proposed to sunset the ENERGY STAR Version 4.1 Specification for Furnaces and remove CAC from the ENERGY STAR V6.1 Specification for CAC and Heat Pump Equipment effective December 30, 2024, with no new certifications accepted after December 30, 2023.
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide comments to the EPA for consideration via e-mail to by June 22, 2023.
June 12 – ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer specification
Notice for June 12
Please find below notification of the launch of the revision to the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer specification. To receive a French translation of this information or any technical specification, please e-mail
Since the 2016 launch of this specification, more than 650 lab grade refrigerators and freezers and ultra-low lab grade freezers are currently certified. These products are from 35 different brands and are purchased by hospitals, clinics, university and government research laboratories, and pharmaceutical manufacturing plants. With growing interest among health care facilities in reducing their environmental footprint, more such facilities are seeking the best in efficiency. With the development of the Version 2.0 ENERGY STAR criteria, the program intends to recognize the significant improvements in energy efficiency that have been achieved and will continue to highlight products that make use of lower GWP refrigerants on the ENERGY STAR Product Finder.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will leverage the robust dataset associated with products certified to the current Version 1.1 specification as a starting point when evaluating levels for the Version 2.0 specification. EPA will also use data that was submitted by manufacturers to inform the Draft 1 proposal of Version 2.0.
EPA also encourages manufacturers to contact them at with any items that the Agency should take under consideration as the development of Draft 1 of the Version 2.0 proposal begins, including additional product types that could impact energy use.
All EPA correspondence and specification documents will be posted throughout the specification development process to the ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer Specification Development webpage.
To review the current program requirements, please visit Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers for Partners.
June 5 – Reminder for Set-Top Boxes
Notice for June 5
We would like to remind set-top box participants that as of March 31, 2023, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new set-top boxes to the Version 5.1 specification. Certification bodies may continue submitting administrative modifications to existing set-top box certifications to the Version 5.1 specification until September 29, 2023. Brand owners must stop using the ENERGY STAR name and ENERGY STAR in association with all set-top box products on and after September 29, 2023. To receive a French translation of any of these specifications please send an e-mail request to
While brand owners may continue to promote models as ENERGY STAR until this date, they are encouraged to stop applying the ENERGY STAR logo to printed material, including packaging, as soon as possible to minimize the presence of the ENERGY STAR label on materials after September 29, 2023.
Please reference EPA's Set Top Box Sunset Decision Memo (PDF, 231 KB) for more details, and contact EPA at STBs@energystar.govwith any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of certified set-top box products to
June 5 – Update to the Disqualified Products List
Notice for June 5
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR certified product list:
LED Lamps
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FA19D6027EW
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FA19D6027KCAVS
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FA19D6030EW
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FA19D6040EW
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FA19D6050EW
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FB11D4027ECCQ
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model L11A19GUD2527KCQ
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model L11A19GUD2530KCQ
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model L11A19GUD2535KCQ
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model L11A19GUD2541KCQ
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 2CCW0007000
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVCQA6027DGU
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVCQFD4027D4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVCQFD4050D4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVCQFDC4027D4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVCQFDC4050D4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model HKCFA19D6027EC
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
June 1 – Effective date for the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Residential Water Heaters Specification
Notice for June 1
We wish to inform you that the effective date for the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Residential Water Heaters specification was April 18, 2023. As of that date, only products certified to Version 5.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 5.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
Please contact EPA at with any questions regarding the specification. CBs should direct questions concerning the submittal of Version 5.0 certified residential water heaters to
June 1 – 2023 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards Update
Notice for June 1
This year we were extremely impressed by the superior achievements that our ENERGY STAR participants demonstrated in promoting energy efficiency, as shown in their applications for our prestigious ENERGY STAR Canada Awards. Unfortunately, we wish to inform you that due to the work interruption experienced earlier this year, the winner announcements will be postponed until Fall 2023. We wish to apologize to our participants for the delay in the announcement.
Please know that we are working diligently to prepare for the big announcement later this year and are looking forward to being able to celebrate with you. For those participants that applied for the 2023 awards, you will be contacted in mid-to-late August to let you know if you have won an award and work on finalizing your organization’s profile for our announcements, website, and certificates. If you did not apply or were not successful, we look forward to collaborating with you to apply for next year’s awards which are just around the corner.
We would like to thank every one of our participants for being part of ENERGY STAR Canada and wish to remind you of the benefits of being distinguished as a top participant in our program.
For more information please review our awards website or drop us a line at
March 10 – Final ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner specifications
Notice for March 10
Please find below notification of the release of the Final ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner specification which has an effective date of October 30, 2023. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
The Final ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner specification will recognize the best in energy efficiency and will continue to provide features and materials that further energy savings including consumer overridable energy saver mode, installation materials and instructions, filter change reminders, as well as refrigerant information. Further, products seeking connected recognition will do so without required demand response testing under Version 5.0.
The Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner final specification is unchanged from the final draft. Stakeholder comments, the final draft, previous drafts of the specification, and all related supporting materials are available on the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5.0 Specification Development webpage.
Timeline and Next Steps
To accommodate a smooth transition from one ENERGY STAR specification to the next so that consumers can expect ENERGY STAR labeled products to fully meet the latest requirements upon their effective date, the following timeline has been established:
- Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify their eligible products to the Version 5.0 requirements.
- On June 12, 2023, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 4.2. However, existing certifications will remain valid until October 30, 2023.
- Any room air conditioners manufactured as of October 30, 2023, must meet Version 5.0 requirements to bear the ENERGY STAR mark. All certifications of products to the Version 4.2 specification will be invalid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification, and CBs will only submit product models certification to Version 5.0 to EPA.
More information can be found at the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5 development page.
March 10 – Disqualified Products from the ENERGY STAR Products List
Notice for March 10
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Products Lists:
Commercial Fryers
- Anetsberger, LLC, Anets model AGP60
- Anetsberger, LLC, Anets model SFAGP60
- Pitco Frialator, Pitco model SSH60
- Pitco Frialator, Pitco model SSHF60
- Pitco Frialator, Pitco model SSHF60
LED Lamps
- EiKO Global, LLC, EiKO model LED16.5WA19/OMN/930-DIM-B
- SATCO/NUVO, Satco model S28653
Refrigerators and Freezers
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model EFR840
- Curtis International Ltd., FRIGIDAIRE;RCA;THOMSON model EFR391
- Curtis International Ltd., RCA model RFR832
- CCurtis International Ltd., RCA model RFR834
- CCurtis International Ltd., RCA model RFR835
- CCurtis International Ltd., RCA model RFR836
- CCurtis International Ltd., Thomson model EFR391
- CCurtis International Ltd., Thomson model TFR834
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
February 14 – 2023 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards Applications due soon
Notice for February 14
The deadline to apply for the 2023 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards is fast approaching! Applications are due no later than March 6, 2023.
We encourage you to apply and we are here to support you through the application process. Don’t miss your chance, request an application form today!
Why Apply?
ENERGY STAR Canada award winners are celebrated for their superior achievements in promoting energy efficiency and will be granted use of the prestigious ENERGY STAR Awards’ winner promotional symbols. From ministerial recognition to special marketing materials, there are many reasons to apply. Learn more about the benefits of being distinguished as a top participant in our program!
Award categories!
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Appliances
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Commercial Products
- Manufacturer/ Product Brand Owner - Electronics
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Fenestration Products
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - HVAC Products
- Manufacturer/ Product Brand Owner - Lighting Products
- Retailer - National and Regional
- Utility/Program Administrator - Provincial and Regional
- Advocate
- Promotional Campaign of the Year
- Promoter - ENERGY STAR Most Efficient
- Recruit of the Year
- Sustained Excellence
- Special Recognition
New Homes:
- Small builder: A single entity building (1-49) homes built in 2022
- Mid-size builder: A single entity building (50-249) homes built in 2022
- Large builder: A single entity building (250 or more) homes built in 2022
Don’t delay! The deadline for submissions is March 6, 2023.
For more information, review our awards website or drop us a line at
February 10 – Update to the Disqualified Products List
Notice for February 10
We wish to inform you that there has been an update to the Disqualified Products List (PDF, 4.0 MB) and the following models have been removed from the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products Lists:
LED Lamps
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FA19D6027EW
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FA19D6027KCAVS
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FA19D6030EW
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FA19D6040EW
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FA19D6050EW
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model FB11D4027ECCQ
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model L11A19GUD2527KCQ
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model L11A19GUD2530KCQ
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model L11A19GUD2535KCQ
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP), TCP model L11A19GUD2541KCQ
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model 2CCW0007000
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVCQA6027DGU
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVCQFD4027D4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVCQFD4050D4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVCQFDC4027D4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model GVCQFDC4050D4
- Walmart Stores, Inc., Great Value model HKCFA19D6027EC
Stakeholders are invited to visit the Products Integrity Page for specific brands and model numbers, and email with any questions.
February 9 – Final Draft Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Server Specification
Notice for February 9
Please find below notification of the release of the Final Draft, Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Computer Server specification. The effective date for this specification will be January 12, 2024. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
Stakeholders broadly supported the active mode levels proposed in the Draft 1 specification and limited comments were received on the Draft 1 proposal. This final draft reflects the close work with stakeholders to finalize the criteria and incorporates minor edits suggested by stakeholders including clarifications to definitions, scope, internal power supply requirements, and testing guidance. The testing guidance is included in the draft test method, while clarifying edits can be found highlighted in note boxes throughout the specification and test method.
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide any further comments on this Final Draft Version 4.0 specification via e-mail to no later than February 14, 2023. All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Computer Servers Specification Version 4.0 product development webpage unless the submitter specifically requests that comments remain confidential.
More information can be found at the Computer Servers Specification Version 4.0 product development webpage.
February 3 – Final Draft ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Specification
Notice for February 3
Please find below notification for an update to the ENERGY STAR technical specification for room air conditioners. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
The Final Draft ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner specification has been released.
Support was received for the Draft 2 proposed levels and the inclusion of a second tier to be established through a subsequent specification development process. One stakeholder noted that the levels would limit selection while a second indicated that EPA should return to the more stringent Draft 1 levels as they are more appropriate for a leadership program. Draft 2 levels were retained in this final draft as they balance efficiency gains and selection. Some commenters supported the signaling of a second tier timed with the DOE standard while others called on EPA to hold both Version 5 and Version 6 until the DOE standard is finalized. In light of the high ENERGY STAR market share for room air conditioners and to create an incentive for meaningful efficiency gains for the 2024 cooling season and beyond, EPA is moving to finalize the Version 5 specification now and will return to the Version 6 subsequently.
Responses to each of these comments and others can be found in note boxes throughout the final draft specification as well as in the accompanying Comment Response Matrix (PDF, 135 KB).
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments to the EPA for consideration via e-mail to no later than February 9, 2023. All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5 development page unless the submitter specifically requests that comments remain confidential.
More information can be found at the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5 development page. Please send comments to
January 30 – ENERGY STAR Test method references for select ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Services
Notice for January 30
Please find below notification of an update to the ENERGY STAR test method references for select ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment in the following categories:
- Version 2.0 Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets (HFHC) specification, and
- Version 1.1 Commercial Coffee Brewers specification.
Amendments to the current ENERGY STAR specifications for these two product categories will align with the latest American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard test methods. There will not be an update to the specifications of either of these products as a result of the update to the test method references.
For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification of hot food holding cabinets and coffee brewers, testing should follow ASTM Standard F2140-11 (2019), Test Method for Performance of Hot Food Holding Cabinets and ASTM Standard F2990-12 (2018), Test Method for Commercial Coffee Brewers, respectively, moving forward. Please note that certifications based on previously accepted versions of these ASTM tests are not affected by this update. Updated specifications can be found using these links for Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets (PDF, 229 KB) and Commercial Coffee Brewers (PDF, 255 KB).
To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
More information can be found at the Appliances for commercial use webpage.
January 5 – 2023 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards
Notice for January 5
Calling all ENERGY STAR Participants!
The 2023 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards is now open for submissions!
ENERGY STAR Participants in Canada deserve recognition for their excellence in promoting the most energy-efficient products and new homes in Canada. We are excited to announce the opening of our 2023 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards process and we are inviting you to submit your applications.
Award categories
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Appliances
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Commercial Products
- Manufacturer/ Product Brand Owner - Electronics
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Fenestration Products
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - HVAC Products
- Manufacturer/ Product Brand Owner - Lighting Products
- Retailer - National and Regional
- Utility/Program Administrator - Provincial and Regional
- Advocate
- Promotional Campaign of the Year
- Promoter - ENERGY STAR Most Efficient
- Recruit of the Year
- Sustained Excellence
- Special Recognition
New Homes:
- Small builder: A single entity building (1-49) homes built in 2022
- Mid-size builder: A single entity building (50-249) homes built in 2022
- Large builder: A single entity building (250 or more) homes built in 2022
Don’t delay! The deadline for submissions is March 6, 2023.
More information about the process and award descriptions are available on our website or by contacting
January 3 – Residential Cooking Products Specification
Notice for January 3
Please find below notification of the launch of the ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Version 1.0 Residential Cooking Products Specification. To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
The efficiency level proposed in Draft 1 is 16% more efficient than the highest energy consuming electric cooking product evaluated by EPA.
The Draft 1 proposal includes:
- Definitions and testing will be in accordance with 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix I1 - Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Conventional Cooking Products.
- Scope includes electric cooking top component of conventional ranges and standalone conventional electric cooking tops.
- Certification criteria is based on the Integrated Annual Energy Consumption (IAEC) (kWh/year).
A stakeholder webinar will be held on January 11, 2023, from 1 to 3 pm EST to answer any questions on the ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Version 1.0 Residential Cooking Products Specification (PDF, 175 KB). Stakeholders interested in attending should register here.
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments to the EPA for consideration via e-mail to no later than January 27, 2023. All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Product Development website unless the submitter specifically requests that comments remain confidential.
More information can be found at the ENERGY STAR Residential Electric Cooking Products Version 1.0 Product Development website.
Notices for 2022
December 21 – New HVAC specifications coming in effect for January 2023
Notice for December 21
ENERGY STAR® Canada would like to remind its stakeholders of the following effective date of January 1, 2023, for new HVAC specifications.
On January 1, 2023, only products certified to the new version of their respective specification will appear on the ENERGY STAR searchable product lists:
- Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump (CAC-HP), Version 6.1
- Light Commercial HVAC specification (CAC_HP), Version 4.0
- Heat/Energy Recovery Ventilators, Version 2.3
Please contact the certification body for the product category and/or if you have any questions.
December 20 – 2023 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards
Notice for December 20
Calling all ENERGY STAR Participants!
The 2023 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards is now open for submissions!
ENERGY STAR Participants in Canada deserve recognition for their excellence in promoting the most energy-efficient products and new homes in Canada. We are excited to announce the opening of our 2023 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards process and we are inviting you to submit your applications.
Award categories
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Appliances
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Commercial Products
- Manufacturer/ Product Brand Owner - Electronics
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - Fenestration Products
- Manufacturer / Product Brand Owner - HVAC Products
- Manufacturer/ Product Brand Owner - Lighting Products
- Retailer - National and Regional
- Utility/Program Administrator - Provincial and Regional
- Advocate
- Promotional Campaign of the Year
- Promoter - ENERGY STAR Most Efficient
- Recruit of the Year
- Sustained Excellence
- Special Recognition
New Homes:
- Small builder: A single entity building (1-49) homes built in 2022
- Mid-size builder: A single entity building (50-249) homes built in 2022
- Large builder: A single entity building (250 or more) homes built in 2022
Don’t delay! The deadline for submissions is March 6, 2023.
More information about the process and award descriptions are available on our website or by contacting
December 20 – ENERGY STAR Computer specifications version 9.0
Notice for December 20
Please find below notification of the launch of the Version 9.0 ENERGY STAR Computer specification. The Discussion Guide highlights an initial list of priority areas for this specification revision, key questions for stakeholders, and next steps in the revision process. To receive a French translation of the Discussion Guide or any technical specification, please e-mail
Please note that the Discussion Guide focuses on:
- Updated and new definitions
- Mode weightings
- P-score categorization / boundaries
- Revisions to adders
- Internal power supply efficiency
- Workstation metrics
A stakeholder webinar will be held on January 12, 2023, from 1 to 3 pm EST to answer any questions on the Discussion Guide. Stakeholders interested in attending should register here.
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments to the EPA for consideration via e-mail to no later than January 27, 2023. All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Computers Specification Version 9.0 revision webpage unless the submitter specifically requests that comments remain confidential.
More information can be found at the Computers Specification Version 9.0 revision webpage.
December 16 – ENERGY STAR Test Method References for Selected Commercial Power Equipment
Notice for December 16
Please find below notification of an update to the ENERGY STAR test method references for select ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service (CFS) equipment in the following categories:
- Version 2.0 Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets (HFHC) specification, and
- Version 1.1 Commercial Coffee Brewers specification.
Amendments to the current ENERGY STAR specifications for these two product categories will align with the latest American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard test methods. There will not be an update to the specifications of either of these products as a result of the update to the test method references.
For the purposes of ENERGY STAR certification of hot food holding cabinets and coffee brewers, testing should follow ASTM Standard F2140-11 (2019), Test Method for Performance of Hot Food Holding Cabinets and ASTM Standard F2990-12 (2018), Test Method for Commercial Coffee Brewers, respectively, moving forward. Please note that certifications based on previously accepted versions of these ASTM tests are not affected by this update. Updated specifications can be found using these links for Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets (PDF 229 KB) and Commercial Coffee Brewers(PDF 255 KB).
To receive a French translation of this specification or any technical specification, please e-mail
More information can be found at the Appliances for commercial use webpage.
December 16 – ENERGY STAR Specifications for Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers - Version 5.0
Notice for December 16
Please find below news regarding the ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Specification. To receive a French translation of any specification, please request via e-mail at:
ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Specification - Version 5.0
This is to remind participants that as of December 22, 2022, the Version 5.0 ENERGY STAR Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers specification will be in effect. On this date, only products certified to Version 5.0 and submitted by EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) to EPA using the Version 5.0 web service will display on our list of certified models.
More information can be found at the Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers development page.
December 6 – ENERGY STAR Canada 2023 Awards
Notice for December 6
2023 ENERGY STAR® Canada Awards
Only one month to go!
Between January 5 and March 6, 2023, ENERGY STAR Canada Participants will be invited to apply for one or more awards.
Let us recognize your outstanding 2022 achievements in promoting ENERGY STAR certified products and new homes in Canada!
Please visit our Awards page for more information.
December 1 – YOUR COMMENTS to US EPA - End of Certified Lighting Products
Notice for December 1
On November 14, 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published a letter to their stakeholders to present a proposal to sunset the ENERGY STAR® specifications for lamps, luminaires, and ceiling fan light kits at the end of 2024. New certifications for these products would stop at the end of 2023.
EPA recognizes the significant contributions of ENERGY STAR lighting stakeholders over the past two decades and is committed to carefully considering all input, particularly with respect to timing. EPA requests feedback on their proposal by January 6, 2023, at
The ENERGY STAR label for lighting and the specifications associated with the products in this category have been an amazing success story.
Reasons to sunset instead of revising the specifications:
- Additional, cost-effective efficiency gains are not available or anticipated.
- A standard exists or is forthcoming at the current ENERGY STAR level that will serve as a backstop, so efficiency gains are maintained.
- The market has evolved such that the product type is being discontinued
- For residential lighting products, it is anticipated that, in addition to the backstop, upcoming new efficiency standards will capture the bulk of existing cost-effective efficiency gains.
- On May 9, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published final rules pertaining to definitions and standards for General Service Lamps, and their policy for the enforcement of the 45 lumen-per-watt backstop. Consistent with the definitions for covered products, the backstop and anticipated new standards cover many of the lamps on the U.S. market.
- The backstop and anticipated new standards cover many of the lamps on the U.S. market (an amendment scheduled for 2023 should cover the same products in Canada). Further, to the extent that a significant amount of luminaire and light kit certifications and shipments involve screw-based sockets, the lamp standards represent a new baseline and backstop for fixtures as well.
- Utility programs have been a powerful driver for the uptake of ENERGY STAR certified lighting for two decades, delivering much needed long term energy savings to their customers through cost-effective rebates. In recent years, utility programs have been declining in anticipation of forthcoming federal standards, and with the backstop triggered, the new baseline for lighting will make it difficult for utility programs to justify continuing their rebates.
In light of the market considerations driving this sunset proposal, EPA also plans to remove lighting requirements from the ENERGY STAR specifications for ceiling fans and ventilation fans. These changes would be effective, in alignment with DOE’s backstop enforcement timeline, at the end of July 2023.
EPA values stakeholder feedback on this proposal. Stakeholders who have any questions or want to discuss their plans to discontinue labeling may contact
In closing, EPA and ENERGY STAR Canada appreciate the efforts of all lighting stakeholders to advance a cleaner environment through the ENERGY STAR Program in both countries and applaud your success in moving the market towards greater energy efficiency. Thank you!
November 4 – Updated ENERGY STAR Canada technical specifications for windows, doors and skylights sold in Canada
Notice for November 4
Further to the announcement issued in April 2022, NRCan has decided to cancel the planned update to Version 5.1 of the ENERGY STAR Canada technical specification for windows, doors, and skylights, sold in Canada. Version 5.1 was to take effect in May 2023; however, the current technical specifications (Version 5.0) will remain in effect until further notice. This decision is in light of the recent updates to the US EPA’s ENERGY STAR specification update announced in October 2022, which NRCan will aim to align with, as it makes sense. Stakeholders will be made aware of any proposed changes in advance of them taking effect.
Furthermore, NRCan is planning for an update to the ENERGY STAR Canada technical specifications for windows, doors, and skylights in 2025. More information to come as we prepare for this update.
Any questions regarding this announcement should be directed to
November 4 – Draft 1 of the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Audio/Video specification Webinar Invitation
Notice for November 4
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to share Draft 1 of the Version 4.0 ENERGY STAR Audio/Video specification (PDF 557 KB).
EPA will host a webinar to discuss and answer questions regarding the Draft 1 on Tuesday, November 15 from 1 to 3 PM Eastern Time. Register here to attend. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback and any relevant data for use in determining the ENERGY STAR performance levels by December 9, 2022, via e-mail to
In addition to adopting the latest CTA/ANSI test method, EPA proposes the following changes in this Draft 1 specification:
- Definitions and Scope: Minor updates to the definitions throughout the specification to harmonize with the CTA 2084-A test procedure as well as testing of battery powered devices and as such EPA proposes to include them in the scope of the specification.
- Rounding: Editorial updates to the significant digits and rounding section to harmonize with other recently updated ENERGY STAR specifications.
- EPS requirements: EPS requirements to level VI consistent with the U.S. federal energy conservation standards.
- Idle mode requirements: Reducing the base allowance for Idle State power requirements based on data from the ENERGY STAR certified product list and welcomes stakeholder feedback, along with any data stakeholders can share to fine tune the requirements if needed.
- On mode requirements: Reduction in the On Mode power allowance for Blu-Ray DVD from 10.5 W to 5.4 W.
- Sleep mode requirements: Elimination of all the networking allowances in sleep mode.
- Absorbed Power density (APD) requirements: Idle State power requirements be met irrespective of the APD timing default settings.
- Products with Audio Amplification shipped without speakers: Prior to proposing efficiency requirements for products with audio amplification shipped without speakers in a forthcoming Draft 2 Specification, EPA seeks to enhance its dataset for these products such that it is more representative of the market and robust per the updated CTA-2084 test method. As such, EPA welcomes any new data generated per the CTA-2084 test method, as well as proposals on how to address energy use of these products most appropriately.
For more information, visit the Audio/video products specification development web page.
October 18 - Final recognition criteria for ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023
Notice for October 18
The ENERGY STAR® program distinguishes the highest performers in energy efficiency for recognized products with the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient designation.
These criteria will recognize the most efficient ENERGY STAR certified products in 2023 across 13 product categories. Products that meet 2023 criteria will deliver significant savings to Canadians over conventional products.
Final 2023 Recognition Criteria
The ENERGY STAR program in the U.S. and Canada recognizes criteria across the product categories listed below. To receive a French translation of these criteria please send a request to
- Ceiling Fans (PDF 226 KB)
- Central Air Conditioners, Air-Source Heat Pumps, and Geothermal Heat Pumps (PDF 194 KB)
- Clothes Dryers (PDF 181 KB)
- Clothes Washers (PDF 194 KB)
- Computer Monitors (PDF 255 KB)
- Consumer Refrigeration Products (Refrigerators-Freezers) (PDF 210 KB)
- Dehumidifiers (PDF 185 KB)
- Dishwashers (PDF 172 KB)
- Non-Ducted Split Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps (PDF 167 KB)
- Room Air Cleaners (PDF 180 KB)
- Room Air Conditioners (PDF 147 KB)
- Ventilating Fans (PDF 225 KB)
- Windows and sliding glass doors*
*Natural Resources Canada’s ENERGY STAR Most Efficient criteria for 2023 for windows and sliding glass doors will be available on our Most Efficient criteria for windows and sliding glass doors webpage in January 2023. The current criteria will be in effect until the technical specification update to Version 5.1,which is anticipated to come into effect on May 1, 2023. This update includes changes to the test and certification standards. ENERGY STAR Canada’s Searchable product list is updated regularly.
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 certified products available for sale in Canada can be found at as of January 1, 2023.
The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 designation is intended for use at point-of-sale on point-of-purchase materials, product literature, and websites. It may not be factory-applied to products or product packaging.
To obtain more details regarding the Most Efficient designation, visit the ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023 Criteria Development web page.
For more information on promoting ENERGY STAR Most Efficient products in Canada contact
October 5 – ENERGY STAR Day 2022
Notice for October 5
#ENERGYSTARDay is Wednesday, October 12, 2022, and will be the seventh time that we officially mark the day in Canada. This is a great time to remind Canadians about ENERGY STAR Canada and how ENERGY STAR certified products can help save money and energy.
What Can You Do to Celebrate?
- Amplify and interact with our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn posts – love/like, retweet/share them;
- Encourage your followers to follow the official ENERGY STAR Canada feeds for energy-saving tips and tricks the whole year through.
- Post your favourite ENERGY STAR Canada certified product, and mention a few of the best features;
- Use the hashtag #ENERGYSTARDay;
- “@” mention our official handles and tag us in your graphics;
- Facebook: @ENERGYSTARCanada
- Pinterest: @ENERGYSTARCanada
- LinkedIn: ENERGY STAR Canada
- Check out the Spotlight on energy efficiency blog, powered by our Brand Team, where we share helpful energy efficiency tips for everyone. Share our blog posts with your audience on social media.
August 12 – ENERGY STAR Final Version 9.0 TV specifications
Notice for August 12
This is to remind stakeholders that as of June 2, 2022, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new televisions to the version 8.0 specification and may only certify televisions to the Version 9.0 specification (PDF 405 KB).
The Version 9.0 will become effective on October 20, 2022.
For more information on this specification visit the televisions product development web page.
August 9 – ENERGY STAR Final Version 3.0 Commercial Ovens
Notice for August 9
Please find below news regarding the ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens specification. To receive a French translation of any specification, please request via e-mail at:
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
This is to remind stakeholders that as of August 29, 2022, EPA-recognized certification bodies (CBs) are required to cease certification of new commercial ovens to the Version 2.2 specification and may only certify commercial ovens to the Version 3.0 specification.
The Version 3.0 will become effective on January 12, 2023.
For more information on this specification visit the commercial ovens product development web page.
August 9 – ENERGY STAR Draft 1 Version 4.0 Computer Servers
Notice for August 9
Please find below news regarding the ENERGY STAR Computer Server specification. To receive a French translation of any specification, please request via e-mail at:
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the Draft 1 for the Computer Server - Version 4.0 specification (PDF 340 KB). The deadline to provide comments on this Draft 1 specification is September 9, 2022.
The Draft 1, Version 4.0 specification incorporates the following key elements: energy criteria and internal power supply criteria.
EPA welcomes stakeholder input on the Draft 1 - Version 4.0 specification. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit any comments to by September 9, 2022.
All comments will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Product Development website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
EPA will host a webinar to answer any questions on this Draft 1 on August 16, 2022, from 1-3pm Eastern Time. Please register here if you would like to attend.
August 5 – ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 specification
Notice for August 5
The ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Room Air Conditioner Draft 1 technical specification has been released.
Key elements of Version 5.0 Draft 1 include revising the efficiency criteria and optional ‘connected’ criteria as well as including refrigerant type and sound performance reporting.
A stakeholder webinar will be held on August 17, 2022, from 2 to 4 pm EST to discuss the draft.
Stakeholders interested in attending the webinar, should register here.
Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written comments to the EPA for consideration via email to no later than September 1, 2022. All comments received will be posted to the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5 development page unless the submitter specifically requests that comments remain confidential.
Additional details can be found at the ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Version 5 development page. Please send comments to
August 4 – ENERGY STAR Final Version 7.0 Residential Dishwashers specification
Notice for August 4
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a memo announcing the release of the ENERGY STAR Final Version 7.0 Residential Dishwashers specification on July 19, 2022. The effective date for this specification will be July 19, 2023.
Given that the current ENERGY STAR market share for dishwashers is near 100%, instituting these changes was important to preserve the consumer value associated with the ENERGY STAR mark. The final Version 7.0 is unchanged from the final draft Version 7.0 except for added clarification that the cleaning index requirement will not be subject to ENERGY STAR program’s annual verification testing.
Important dates for manufacturers and their certification body (CB):
- Effective immediately, CB can certify eligible products to the Version 7.0 requirements.
- On January 19, 2023, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 6.0. However, that existing certifications will remain valid for purposes of ENERGY STAR certification until July 19, 2023.
For more information on this specification visit the ENERGY STAR Residential dishwashers Version 7 specification development website.
July 28 – ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2023: Proposed product categories and recognition
Notice for July 28
The ENERGY STAR Most Efficient proposed recognition criteria for 2023 was recently released. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is extending the 2022 efficiency criteria into 2023 for ceiling fans, clothes washers, computer monitors, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, dryers, refrigeration products, room air conditioners, vent fans, and windows. EPA is proposing changes to the CAC/ASHP and geothermal heat pump criteria to ease the recognition processes. In response to sustained stakeholder interest and in service to consumers seeking ENERGY STAR Most Efficient products, EPA proposes to add recognition for room air cleaners in 2023. Televisions will not be recognized in 2023.
The Most Efficient criteria for windows and sliding glass doors in Canada is published by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). For 2023, the same criteria (available on NRCan’s website) for 2022 will be used for 2023. NRCan’s certified products database is updated with qualified models as they are submitted.
Stakeholders are invited to provide written comments on these proposed criteria no later than August 15, 2022, to