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Toronto Community Housing

Making affordable housing energy smart

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Toronto Community Housing (TCH) is Canada’s largest social housing provider and the biggest landlord in the Greater Toronto Area. The organization has more than 58,000 housing units.

With electricity costs forecast to increase by 45 percent from 2011 to 2015, the organization focuses on improving energy efficiency to help rein in expenses.

TCH’s Smart Buildings and Energy Management unit identifies, implements and manages energy-saving projects. These projects must be financially sound and must help reduce TCH’s greenhouse gas emissions. The unit has made it standard practice for TCH to buy ENERGY STAR® certified products.

TCH has reduced its energy consumption and costs substantially. In 2011, TCH replaced inefficient air-conditioning units and lights with ENERGY STAR certified products. By replacing 332 window air-conditioner units with ENERGY STAR certified products, the organization saved close to 140,000 kWh and almost $14,000 a year.

TCH also installed nearly 44,000 compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in 35 buildings. These new bulbs will help the organization save about $850,000 in annual utility costs.

For even more savings, TCH is sealing air leaks in buildings and replacing old faucets and toilets with water-efficient units.

Engaging tenants with ENERGY STAR

Throughout 2011, TCH delivered presentations to tenants on energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. More than 2,000 people learned about the ENERGY STAR symbol through these sessions.

TCH also implemented a marketing campaign with posters in a number of languages for the organization’s multilingual tenant population.

TCH is an ENERGY STAR Participant.

The ENERGY STAR name and symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.

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