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Energy benchmarking training documents

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Training documents

Improve Your Building's Performance: Energy Benchmarking Primer
An overview of energy benchmarking in the Canadian buildings sector [PDF - 2.43 MB]
ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® Quick Start Guide
An overview of how to get started with the tool, including adding a property, entering energy data and viewing results [PDF - 544 KB]
Property Types, Definitions and Use Details
A comprehensive guide featuring definitions of each property type to help you select the most appropriate type and the use details you'll need to enter to get an ENERGY STAR score (if applicable) [PDF - 960 KB]
How to Get Utility Data into ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
A guide outlining the three ways of getting data into the tool: manual entry, bulk upload via spreadsheet, and automatic upload by a third party (such as your utility provider) via web services [PDF - 734 KB]
How to Share Data with Other ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Users
A step-by-step guide to sharing data with other Portfolio Manager users [PDF - 556 KB]
How to Respond to Data Requests in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
A step-by-step guide to sharing data with others by responding to a data request (often required for energy use competitions or reporting requirements) [PDF - 537 KB]
How to Benchmark a Campus in Portfolio Manager
A step-by-step guide to benchmarking a campus, you can measure the performance of single-building properties, while tracking how these properties contribute to campus-wide performance [PDF - 445 KB]
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Standard Report Templates
An overview of the standard reports available in the tool and instructions on how to use them [PDF - 325 KB]
Guide to Custom Reporting in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
An overview of the custom reporting options available in the tool and instructions on how to use them [PDF - 875 KB]

Other training resources

See our Energy management training section for additional training resources.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency training resources

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also has a number of tools and training to help you start using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s training page for more information and resources.

The ENERGY STAR and ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager names and the ENERGY STAR symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.

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