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Energy Benchmarking Data Snapshots


In 2013, the arrival of ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® in Canada offered Canadians a valuable source of data on the commercial and institutional buildings sector. Natural Resources Canada will continue to make these data publically available through our new series of Energy Benchmarking Data Snapshots. These snapshots will be a valuable source of information for policy development, reference, research and planning, and more.

The Energy Benchmarking Data Snapshots provide Canada specific information for:

  • buildings registered in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager;
  • benchmarking by province and territory;
  • benchmarking by city;
  • energy use distribution;
  • distribution of buildings;
  • energy use profiles.
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Energy data snapshots for various Canadian buildings in 2020

Click on building types below to find out more.

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The ENERGY STAR and PORTFOLIO MANAGER names and the ENERGY STAR symbol are trademarks registered in Canada by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and are administered and promoted by Natural Resources Canada.

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