Recovery Ventilators

May 2024

Technical bulletin on amending the standards

Webinar – Thursday, June 6, 2024, 1:00-2:00 pm EDT

In April 2024, the Office of Energy Efficiency at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) updated its Forward Regulatory Plan which identifies its intention to amend Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations (the Regulations) to introduce energy efficiency standards for energy and heat recovery ventilators (E/HRVs).

This technical bulletin has been released to initiate the consultation process and to collect stakeholder views on the requirements being considered for E/HRVs.

Input received during this stage of the process will inform the development of the next amendments considered. In addition, NRCan will undertake a cost-benefit analysis using the best-available Canadian market data to assess the economic and environmental impacts of these updated standards and to ensure Canadian consumers and businesses benefit from their implementation.

The Government of Canada intends to pre-publish a regulatory proposal in the Canada Gazette, Part I, in 2025.


In Canada, E/HRVs manufactured as of January 1, 2020, are subject to the Regulations for reporting and verification requirements only; energy efficiency standards are not required.

While the U.S. department of energy (DOE) does not regulate E/HRVs, the ENERGY STAR Program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has energy efficiency requirements for E/HRVs for heating mode in Canada.

Energy efficiency standards for E/HRVs would reduce energy consumption and reduce energy costs for Canadians, while keeping homes comfortable and well- ventilated. Efficiency standards also reduce energy-related greenhouse gas emissions and help encourage manufacturers to adopt efficient product designs.

The Government of Canada is committed to improving energy efficiency standards for consumer, commercial and industrial products to reduce energy consumption and support the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. In this context, where feasible and appropriate, energy efficiency standards for some products could, for climatic and market reasons, exceed the stringency of those in the United States.

NRCan is considering amending the Regulations to introduce energy efficiency standards for E/HRVs.

Product description

Energy-recovery ventilator means a factory-built packaged unit that has fans or blowers, has a maximum rated airflow of not more than 142 L/s (300 ft3/min) at 0°C and transfers heat and moisture between two isolated airstreams.

Heat-recovery ventilator means a factory-built packaged unit that has fans or blowers, has a maximum rated airflow of not more than 142 L/s (300 ft3/min) at 0°C and transfers heat between two isolated airstreams.

Testing standard

To demonstrate compliance with the energy efficiency standards, NRCan is considering referencing the following testing standard (version 2018), already referenced in the Regulations, as amended from time to time:

  • CSA-C439-18Laboratory methods of test for rating the performance of heat/energy-recovery ventilators

The Canadian Standards Association is in the process of revising CSA-C439-18. This new edition of the testing standard will be considered as the preferred testing standard if it is published in 2024.

All net supply airflows in tests used to meet Sensible heat-recovery efficiency (SRE) and fan efficacy requirements must be within 10% of each other.

CSA testing standards can be ordered from the CSA website. Many CSA energy efficiency standards are also available at no cost on their website. To access the standards you will first need to create an account to join the CSA Communities of Interest.

Energy efficiency standard

The energy efficiency standards under consideration for E/HRVs are summarized in the table below.

Energy efficiency standard being considered for E/HRVs
Energy efficiency standard being considered for E/HRVs
Operation mode Minimum SREa at 32°F (0°C) Minimum SREa at -13°F (-25°C)b Minimum Fan Efficacy at 32°F (0°C)
Heating 65% 60% 0.57 L/s/W (1.2 cfm/W)
a SRE means sensible heat-recovery efficiency.
b Only if the unit is not marked “for use only where the outdoor design temperature is greater than or equal to -10°C”.
  • Text version

    1. Table Overview:

    • The table provides information about energy efficiency standards being considered for energy and heat recovery ventilators.
    • It contains four columns.
    • SRE means sensible heat-recovery efficiency.

    2. Column Descriptions:

    • Operation Mode: The first column specifies the mode in which the energy and heat recovery ventilator operates.
    • Minimum SRE at 0°C (32°F): The second column indicates the required minimum sensible heat-recovery efficiency when the temperature is 32°F (0°C).
    • Minimum SRE at -25°C (13°F): The third column indicates the required minimum energy and heat recovery ventilator when the outside temperature is 13°F (-25°C). This is required only if the unit is not marked “for use only where the outdoor design temperature is greater than or equal to -10°C”.
    • Minimum Fan Efficacy at 0°C (32°F): This column lists the required minimum fan efficacy when the temperature is 32°F (0°C).

    3. Row Details:

    • First row: energy and heat recovery ventilators, operating in heating mode, much achieve a SRE of 65% when the temperature is 32°F (0°C), a SRE of 60% when the outside temperature is 13°F (-25°C) only if the unit is not marked “for use only where the outdoor design temperature is greater than or equal to -10°C” and a fan efficacy of 0.57 Liter per second per Watt (1.2 cubic feet per minute per Watt).

Important dates

These modifications to the Regulations would come into force six months after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, Part II.

NRCan is considering applying the new standards to E/HRVs manufactured on or after January 1, 2026.

Regulatory pathway

NRCan is considering amending the Regulations through Governor in Council amendment.

The considered changes would be pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, followed by a public comment period. The exact date for final publication in the Canada Gazette, Part II will depend on the number and nature of comments received during the public comment period. Final publications are typically within a year of their initial public comment period. These changes and the timing of publication are subject to decision-making authorities under the Energy Efficiency Act.

Labelling requirements

NRCan is not considering any changes for the labelling requirements for this product.

Verification requirements

NRCan is not considering any changes for the verification requirements for E/HRVs.

These products will continue to carry a third-party verification mark indicating that the product meets the energy efficiency standard and that the information to be reported has been verified.

The verification mark is the mark of a Standards Council of Canada accredited certification body that operates an energy efficiency certification program for the product.

Reporting requirements

Energy efficiency report

The energy efficiency report required for E/HRVs would include the following product specific information:

  • The maximum rated airflow at 0°C
  • The sensible heat recovery efficiency (SRE) at 0°C, the associated net supply airflow, expressed in L/s, and the associated fan efficacy, expressed in L/s/W
  • Unless the unit is marked for use only where the outdoor design temperature is greater than or equal to -10°C, the sensible heat recovery efficiency at -25°C and the associated net supply airflow, expressed in L/s

The Regulations apply to products imported or shipped inter-provincially for sale or lease in Canada. This report must be submitted, by the dealer, to NRCan before the product is imported into Canada or traded inter-provincially for the first time.

Import report

There is no change to import reporting.

Comments invited

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide stakeholders with the technical detail required to comment on the requirements under consideration for E/HRVs.

It is important to NRCan that we engage the public and stakeholders on amendments to the Regulations. If you are aware of any dealer, manufacturer, importer, retailer, utility provider, small business, consumer group, organization, or representative of a specific group(s) of the population (including, but not limited to, women, 2SLGBTQQIA+ people, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, socio-economic status, residency, housing status, etc.), Indigenous peoples/communities, and/or other person or group that may be interested in participating in the amendment discussion and/or may be negatively impacted by this proposal, please forward them or their representative this bulletin. Please click here to register to our mailing list which is used to notify stakeholders of upcoming amendments, technical bulletins, webinar registrations, official publication in the Canada Gazette, etc.

Additional information on Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations including a current list of Standards Council of Canada accredited certification bodies can be found on the Department’s website.

We welcome your comments by September 13, 2024. All correspondence should be forwarded to:

Natural Resources Canada
Office of Energy Efficiency
580 Booth Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0E4


Email subject heading to be: Bulletin – Recovery ventilators – Ventilateurs-récupérateurs – May 2024 mai