Energy Efficiency Regulations

Some of the product categories that are regulated in Canada include appliances, cooling equipment, lighting and heating equipment

Up-to-date information about energy efficiency standards for products and equipment that are regulated in Canada.

What’s new?



Amendments to the Regulations, their stage of development and public consultation opportunities, and information on the Energy Efficiency Act.

Planning and reporting

An overview of future amendments through the Forward Regulatory Plan and reporting requirements.

Regulatory process

Information on the regulatory process, including Ministerial Regulations and Technical Standards Documents.

Guide to the Regulations

How the Regulations work, who is affected by them and what are the responsibilities to comply with them.

Searchable product list

Find and compare the energy efficiency of all product models regulated in Canada.

Importer’s Corner

Information and instructions for dealers who are importing regulated products into Canada.

Online reporting system

The new Compliance Regulatory Energy Efficiency Database (CREED) is the online system dealers will use to submit compliance and energy efficiency information.

Compliance and Enforcement

Information for dealers of regulated products on compliance to the Energy Efficiency Regulations.

Regulatory co-operation

Canada-U.S. and federal-provincial-territorial efforts to better align energy efficiency standards.

Market transformation

Governments’ plans to accelerate the adoption of high efficiency technologies in support of the transition to a low-carbon building sector.