Packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pumps

Energy Efficiency Regulations

Regulatory definition

Packaged terminal air conditioner, a factory built packaged terminal air conditioner that:

  • consists of a wall sleeve and a separate unencased cooling component and is intended to cool a single room or zone, or
  • consists of a wall sleeve and a separate unencased combination of heating and cooling components and is intended to heat and cool a single room or zone

Packaged terminal heat pump, a factory-built packaged heat pump that:

  • consists of a separate unencased refrigeration system and uses reverse cycle refrigeration as its primary heat source

Compliance date

Manufactured on or after January 1, 2017.

For models manufactured prior, refer to the Regulations

Compliant product models

Packaged terminal air conditioners as listed on NRCan’s searchable database

Packaged terminal heat pumps as listed on NRCan’s searchable database

Testing standard

CAN/CSA C744-17

Energy efficiency regulations by province

Some provinces also have their own energy efficiency regulations for many of the federally regulated products – find out which ones!

Energy efficiency standard

Energy performance standard for packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pumps
Product type Category Cooling capacity W [Btu/h] Minimum efficiency requirements*
PTAC (packaged terminal  air conditioner) Standard size † < 2030 [7000] EER = 11.9
2030–4390 [7000–15 000] EER = 14.0 – (0.300 × Cap/293.1 §)
[14.0 – (0.300 × Cap/1000 §)]
> 4390 [15 000] EER = 9.5
Non-standard size ‡ < 2030 [7000] EER = 9.4
2030–4390 [7000–15 000] EER = 10.9 – (0.213 × Cap/293.1 §)
[10.9 – (0.213 × Cap/1000 §)]
> 4390 [15 000] EER = 7.7
PTHP (packaged terminal heat pump) Standard size † < 2030 [7000] EER = 11.9
COP = 3.3
2030–4390 [7000–15 000] EER = 14.0 – (0.300 × Cap/293.1 §)
[14.0 – (0.300 × Cap/1000 §)]
COP = 3.7 – (0.052 × Cap/293.1 §)
[3.7 – (0.052 × Cap/1000 §)]
> 4390 [15 000] EER = 9.5
COP = 2.9
Non-standard size ‡ < 2030 [7000] EER = 9.3
COP = 2.7
2030 – 4390 [7000–15 000] EER = 10.8 – (0.213 × Cap/293.1 §)
[10.8 – (0.213 × Cap/1000 §)]
COP = 2.9 – (0.026 × Cap/293.1 §)
[2.9 – (0.026 × Cap/1000 §)]
> 4390 [15 000] EER=7.6
COP = 2.5

* All energy efficiency ratio (EER) values must be rated at 35 °C (95 °F) outdoor dry-bulb temperature for air-cooled equipment and evaporatively cooled equipment and at 29.4 °C (85 °F) entering water temperature for water-cooled equipment. All coefficient of performance (COP) values must be rated at 8.3 °C (47 °F) outdoor dry-bulb temperature for air-cooled equipment. † Standard size refers to PTAC or PTHP equipment with wall sleeve dimensions having an external wall opening greater than or equal to 0.41 m (16 in) high or greater than or equal to 1.07 m (42 in) wide, and a cross-sectional area greater than or equal to 0.43 m2 (670 in2). ‡ Non-standard size refers to PTAC or PTHP equipment with existing wall sleeve dimensions having an external wall opening of less than 0.41 m (16 in) high or less than 1.07 m (42 in) wide, and a cross-sectional area less than 0.43 m2 (670 in2). § “Cap” means cooling capacity in W [Btu/h] at 35 °C (95°F) outdoor dry-bulb temperature.
W = watts
Btu/h = British thermal units per hour

Energy efficiency report requirements

  • name of product
  • brand name
  • model number
  • manufacturer
  • name of the certification body or province whose verification mark will be on the product or its package
  • whether a mathematical model as defined in the Regulations was used to generate any of the information provided below
  • cooling capacity, expressed in kilowatts (British thermal units per hour)
  • energy efficiency ratio
  • heating capacity, expressed in kilowatts (British thermal units per hour); (if a heat pump)
  • heating coefficient of performance (if a heat pump)
  • if applicable, identification of the product as a replacement unit

Download the energy efficiency reporting template.

This document does not constitute part of the Energy Efficiency Act (Act) or its associated regulations. This document is an administrative document that is intended to facilitate compliance by the regulated party with the Act and its associated regulations. This document is not intended to provide legal advice regarding the interpretation of the Act or its associated regulations. If a regulated party has questions about their legal obligations or responsibilities under the Act or its associated regulations, they should seek the advice of legal counsel.