Energy Efficiency Regulations
Regulatory definition
Commercial oil-fired water heater, a water heater that uses oil for fuel, has an input rate of greater than 30.5 kW (105,000 Btu/h) and that has a Vr of at least 76 L (20 US gallons).
Compliance date
Manufactured on or after January 1, 2020
Testing standard
10 C.F.R. Appendix A or CSA P.3-15 - in accordance with testing procedures established that are applicable to a oil-fired water heater as defined in section 378
Energy efficiency standard
Description | UEF | Thermal efficiency % | 1Standby loss W |
RDC (Residential duty commercial) Commercial oil-fired storage water heaters that have an input rate of > 30.5 kW (105,000 Btu/h) but ≤ 40.99 kW (140,000 Btu/h), have a Vr of ≤ 454 L (120 US gallons), use single-phase power, limit water temperatures to < 82°C (180°F) |
≥ 0.6740 - 0.00035 Vs | N/A | N/A |
Commercial oil-fired storage water heaters with a Vr of > 530 L (140 US gallons) that are manufactured on or after January 1, 2020 | N/A | ≥ 80% | N/A |
Commercial oil-fired storage water heaters, other than those described in items 1 and 2, that are manufactured on or after January 1, 2020 | ≥ 80% | ≤ 1.25 Q + 16.57√Vs |
1Standby loss is not required for commercial oil-fired water heaters of volumes more than 530 L (140 US gallons).
L = Litres
Vr = the rated nominal volume, typically used in marketing material
Vs = the measured storage volume as defined in the testing standard
Q = the nameplate input rate in kW
W = the loss of heat from the tank measured in watts
Energy efficiency report requirements
- name of product
- brand name
- model number
- manufacturer
- name of the certification body or province whose verification mark will be on the product or its package
- whether a mathematical model as defined in the Regulations was used to generate any of the information provided below
- input rate, in kW (Btu/h)
- uniform energy factor
- thermal efficiency
- Vr, in litres
- Vs, in litres
- Standby loss, in W
Download the energy efficiency reporting template.
This document does not constitute part of the Energy Efficiency Act (Act) or its associated regulations. This document is an administrative document that is intended to facilitate compliance by the regulated party with the Act and its associated regulations. This document is not intended to provide legal advice regarding the interpretation of the Act or its associated regulations. If a regulated party has questions about their legal obligations or responsibilities under the Act or its associated regulations, they should seek the advice of legal counsel.