Importer's corner

When importing into Canada or shipping a regulated product between provinces there are reporting requirements you need to be aware of:

  • Energy Efficiency Reporting
  • Import Reporting.

File an energy efficiency report

Before importing, or shipping an energy-using product between provinces, a dealer must

  1. file an energy efficiency report to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) using the most recent version of the energy efficiency report template.
  2. complete and send an energy efficiency report to NRCan at:

Reporting regulated energy-using products

A dealer who imports a regulated energy-using product into Canada must, at the time of release, include

  1. specific information regarding the product.
  2. purpose of its importation on the customs release document (Examples: customs or commercial invoice, bill of sale, price list).

For more information on Canada's Energy Efficiency Regulations visit Regulations and Standards or contact us at:

Information required to include on the customs release document

A dealer who is importing a regulated energy-using product into Canada must include the following information on the customs release document:

  • name of product (refer to the Importer’s reminder card)
  • model number Footnote *
  • brand name if any
  • address of the dealer who is importing the product
  • the purpose for which the product is being imported
    • for sale or lease in Canada without modification
    • for sale or lease in Canada after modification to comply with the prescribed energy efficiency standard or
    • for use as a component in a product exported from Canada

Incomplete documents

If the customs release document is not complete or if the product does not meet energy efficiency standards, the customs officer may refuse to allow the product to clear customs.

The customs release document must be submitted electronically to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Dealers must always include the required information on the customs release document, regardless of when the product was manufactured.

Additional information