Heat-recovery ventilators and energy-recovery ventilators

May 2017

Technical bulletin on developing the standards

Please note: This bulletin is out-of-date. Stakeholders should visit the Amendment 15 page for the most recent developments.

Webinar – May 2017

On April 3, 2017, the Office of Energy Efficiency at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) issued its Forward Regulatory Plan 2017-19 which identifies its intention to amend Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations (the Regulations) to introduce reporting and verification requirements for heat-recovery ventilators and energy-recovery ventilators (H/ERV). This technical bulletin has been released to initiate the consultation process and to collect stakeholder views on the reporting requirements being considered for H/ERV.

Input received during this stage of the process will inform the development of the Amendment 15 proposal.

The Government of Canada intends to pre-publish a regulatory proposal in the Canada Gazette, Part I, within approximately two years of this bulletin.


Through the Pan Canadian Framework and Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference the federal, provincial and territorial governments have committed to working together to achieve climate change goals. Through this collaboration, governments agreed that standards for some heating products could, for climatic and market reasons, exceed the stringency of those in the United States. They also agreed to assess the feasibility and benefits of energy efficiency standards at the ENERGY STAR® level for certain products, including H/ERV.

H/ERV are not currently defined as energy-using products in the Regulations.  NRCan is considering requiring the reporting and verification of: the sensible heat-recovery efficiency (SRE) at 0°C and -25°C; and, the fan efficacy with 0°C supply temperature in accordance with ENERGY STAR® H/ERV, Version 2.0 requirements.

Product description

A heat-recovery ventilator (HRV) is a mechanical device that transfers heat between stale indoor air and fresh outdoor air by passing them through a countercurrent heat-exchange core. A HRV supplies fresh air from outside to the house and includes fans or blowers and an air-to-air heat exchanger that transfers heat between two isolated airstreams.

An energy-recovery ventilator (ERV) is a HRV designed to transfer heat and moisture.

Energy performance testing standard

NRCan is considering referencing the following energy performance testing standard:

  • CSA C439-09Standard laboratory methods of test for rating the performance of heat/energy-recovery ventilators, which is under revision and is expected to be available prior to pre-publication of Amendment 15

The CSA testing standard can be ordered from:
CSA Group
Toll free phone: 1-800-463-6727
In Toronto, call 416-747-4044
Email: sales@csagroup.org
Website: http://www.shop.csa.ca

Some CSA energy efficiency testing standards are also available at no cost on their website. To access free standards you will first need to create an account to join the CSA Communities of Interest.

Energy performance standard

No minimum energy efficiency standards are being considered at this time.

Important dates

These regulations would come into force six months after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, Part II.

NRCan is considering applying reporting and verification requirements to H/ERV manufactured on or after October 1, 2019.

Labelling requirements

NRCan is not considering a mandatory EnerGuide labelling requirement for H/ERV at this time.

Verification requirements

NRCan would require that these products carry a third party verification mark indicating that information to be reported has been verified.

The verification mark is the mark of a Standards Council of Canada accredited certification body that operates an energy efficiency certification program for the product.

Reporting requirements

Energy efficiency report

The energy efficiency report for H/ERV would include the following information:

  • name of product (i.e. H/ERV)
  • brand name
  • model number
  • name of the manufacturer
  • name of the certification body whose verification mark would be affixed to the product
  • sensible heat-recovery efficiency (SRE) at 0°C
  • sensible heat-recovery efficiency (SRE) at -25°C
  • fan efficacy with 0°C supply temperature
  • net supply airflow

The Regulations apply to products imported or shipped inter-provincially for sale or lease in Canada. This report must be submitted, by the dealer, to NRCan before the product is imported into Canada or traded inter-provincially for the first time.

Import report

A dealer who imports these products into Canada would include the following information on the customs release document:

  • name of product
  • model number
  • brand name
  • address of the dealer importing the product
  • purpose for which the product is being imported (i.e. for sale or lease in Canada without modification; for sale or lease in Canada after modification to comply with energy efficiency standards; or for use as a component in a product being exported from Canada)

Comments invited

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide stakeholders with the technical detail required to comment on the requirements under consideration for H/ERV. 

Additional information on Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations including a current list of Standards Council of Canada accredited certification bodies can be found on the Department’s website.

We welcome your comments by May 30, 2017. All correspondence should be forwarded to:

Natural Resources Canada
Office of Energy Efficiency
580 Booth Street
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0E4
E-mail: nrcan.equipment.rncan@canada.ca