Gas furnaces

Energy Efficiency Regulations

Regulatory definition

Gas furnace, an automatic operating gas-fired central forced air furnace that uses propane or natural gas and has an input rate of not more than 117.23 kW (400,000 Btu/h). It does not include a furnace for a park model trailer or a recreational vehicle.

Through-the-wall gas furnace, a gas furnace that is designed and marketed to be installed in an opening in an exterior wall that is fitted with a weatherized sleeve.

Gas furnace for relocatable buildings, a gas furnace that is intended for use in a temporary modular building that can be relocated from one site to another and is marked for use in relocatable buildings.

Manufactured home, a factory-built, single- or multiple-section, one-storey dwelling that:

  • is designed and constructed for year-round occupancy;
  • is designed to be transported to its installation site; and
  • is ready for occupancy when it is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.

Replacement non-condensing gas furnace, a non-condensing gas furnace that is marked for use as a replacement for a non-condensing gas furnace in a manufactured home.

Compliance date

Manufactured on or after July 3, 2019

Note: FER requirements for through-the-wall furnaces with an integrated cooling component apply to products manufactured on or after January 1, 2024

For models manufactured prior, refer to the Regulations

Compliant product models

Gas furnaces as listed on NRCan’s searchable database

Testing standard

CCSA P.2, for annual fuel utilization efficiency

10 C.F.R. Appendix AA, for FER - Appendix AA to Subpart B of Part 430 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, entitled Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Furnace Fans..

Energy efficiency regulations by province

Some provinces also have their own energy efficiency regulations for many of the federally regulated products – find out which ones!

Energy efficiency standard

Energy performance standard for gas furnaces
Input rate/description Product type Minimum AFUE FER
Gas furnaces, other than gas furnaces for relocatable buildings or replacement non-condensing gas furnaces, that have an input rate of ≤ 65.92 kW (225,000 Btu/h), use single-phase electric current Gas furnaces without an integrated cooling component 95% ≤  0.044 × QMax + 195
Outdoor furnaces with an integrated cooling component 78% ≤  0.044 × QMax + 199
Through-the-wall furnaces with an integrated cooling component 90% ≤  0.044 × QMax + 195

* applicable to products manufactured on or after January 1, 2024
Gas furnaces for relocatable buildings 80% ≤ 0.071 × QMax + 222
Replacement non-condensing gas furnaces 80% ≤ 0.071 × QMax + 222

FER = fan energy rating
kW = kilowatts
Btu/h = British thermal units per hour
QMax = airflow in cfm

Energy efficiency report requirements

  • name of product
  • brand name
  • model number
  • manufacturer
  • the name of the certification body or province whose verification mark will be on the product or its package
  • whether a mathematical model as defined in the Regulations was used to generate any of the information provided below
  • maximum heat input and output nominal capacities, expressed in kW
  • annual fuel utilization efficiency
  • information that indicates whether product is gas furnace for relocatable buildings or is replacement non-condensing gas furnace
  • information that indicates whether product has an integrated cooling component
  • if product has an integrated cooling component, information that indicates whether the product is outdoor or through-the-wall
  • fuel type
  • FER, expressed in W/472 L/s (W/1,000 ft³/min)
  • maximum airflow (Qmax), expressed in L/s (ft³/min)

Download the energy efficiency reporting template.

This document does not constitute part of the Energy Efficiency Act (Act) or its associated regulations. This document is an administrative document that is intended to facilitate compliance by the regulated party with the Act and its associated regulations. This document is not intended to provide legal advice regarding the interpretation of the Act or its associated regulations. If a regulated party has questions about their legal obligations or responsibilities under the Act or its associated regulations, they should seek the advice of legal counsel.