Battery chargers

Energy Efficiency Regulations

Regulatory definition

Battery charger, a device that charges the battery of a wheelchair, golf cart, low-speed vehicle or any other end-use product. It does not include any of the following:

  • a device that charges the battery of a vehicle other than a wheelchair, golf cart or low-speed vehicle
  • a device that charges the battery of a medical device
  • a wireless battery charger, other than a wireless battery charger that is inductive and designed for wet environments or
  • a backup battery charger, a device that:
    • is incorporated into an end-use product, including a device that is incorporated into an uninterruptible power supply or that uses an external power supply, that is designed to operate continuously using mains power and
    • recharges a battery that is used to maintain the continuity of electrical power to the end-use product such that the product can continue its full or partial operation in the event of a failure of mains power

Compliance date

Manufactured on or after June 13, 2019

Compliant product models

Battery chargers as listed on NRCan’s searchable database

Testing standard

CSA C381.2-17 or Appendix Y to Subpart B, Part 430 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, entitled Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Battery Chargers

Energy efficiency regulations by province

Some provinces also have their own energy efficiency regulations for many of the federally regulated products – find out which ones!

Energy efficiency standard

Energy performance standard for battery chargers
Product class
and description
Rated battery energy
Special characteristic or battery voltage Maximum UEC (kWh/yr)
(as a function of Ebatt †)
1 - Low-energy ≤5 Wh Inductive connection* 3.04
2 - Low-energy, low-voltage <100 Wh <4 V 0.1440 * Ebatt + 2.95
3 - Low-energy, medium-voltage <100 Wh 4-10 V For Ebatt <10 Wh, 1.42 kWh/yr
Ebatt ≥10 Wh, 0.0255 * Ebatt + 1.16
4 - Low-energy, high-voltage <100 Wh >10 V 0.11 * Ebatt + 3.18
5 - Medium-energy, low-voltage 100-3000 Wh <20 V 0.0257 * Ebatt + 0.815
6 - Medium-energy, high-voltage 100-3000 Wh ≥20 V 0.0778 * Ebatt + 2.4
7 - High-energy >3000 Wh   0.0502 * Ebatt + 4.53

Ebatt= rated battery energy
UEC = unit energy consumption
kWh/yr = kilowatt-hours per year
Wh = watt-hours
V = volts

† Ebatt used in this Table is the sample mean of the measured battery discharge energy.
* Inductive connection and designed for use in a wet environment (e.g. electric toothbrushes).

Energy efficiency report requirements

  • name of product
  • brand name
  • model number
  • manufacturer
  • name of the certification body or province whose verification mark will be on the product or its package
  • whether a mathematical model as defined in the Regulations was used to generate any of the information provided below
  • product class
  • rated battery energy (Ebatt), expressed in watt-hours
  • unit energy consumption, expressed in kilowatt-hours per year
  • power, expressed in watts, when it is in active mode, maintenance mode and standby mode, respectively
  • if an external power supply was used to test the battery charger, the power supply’s model number and the name of its manufacturer

Download the energy efficiency reporting template.

This document does not constitute part of the Energy Efficiency Act (Act) or its associated regulations. This document is an administrative document that is intended to facilitate compliance by the regulated party with the Act and its associated regulations. This document is not intended to provide legal advice regarding the interpretation of the Act or its associated regulations. If a regulated party has questions about their legal obligations or responsibilities under the Act or its associated regulations, they should seek the advice of legal counsel.